Do you know that Italy tried to create its own bloc with eastern European countries to defy pressure from Germany yet...

Do you know that Italy tried to create its own bloc with eastern European countries to defy pressure from Germany yet it's so irrelevant that most of you didn't hear about it?

Italians are so funny.

Attached: 593px-CEI_members.svg.png (593x606, 135K)

bit sad

taihans do budy

so kinda like how poland tried to (re)create plc/miedzschtszszshziemorye/visegrad group?

famous polish proverb: "if you fail at something, just put more zsczschzsz in it!"

can you even read faggot? it's still going.

Have you forgotten the part when we tried to create same thing in 1920s that failed to exist for same reason (and because every our neighbour being a bolshevik cocksucker)?

>defy pressure from Germany
kinda hard when most of those countries, Italy included, rely on German gibs

>The origin of the Central European Initiative lies in the creation of the Quadragonale in Budapest on 11 November 1989 whose founding fathers were Italy, Austria, Hungary and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).

nice headcanon bro

it failed cause you were dirty imperialists who invaded Lithuania and later Czechoslovakia unprovoked instead of endeavouring for the moral highground befitting to an international power

Italy is a net contributor, what the heck are you talking about.