What’s the stupidest thing about your country? Pic related.
What’s the stupidest thing about your country? Pic related
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thumbnails of houses are stupid?
Sprawl and the people who think it’s a good idea are the stupid things in America
drumpftards, also kys for trying to fit in with the europeans
very american thread
So how do you avoid urban sprawl? build commieblocks?
Interesting. You'd think someone who hates drumptards would also be pro-European
>the stupidest thing
>Sprawl and the people who think it’s a good idea are the stupid things in America
We have lots of land, if you don't like it go live in some little cube somewhere
As long as there are plenty of trees and plants, which I do not see in that image, I don't see anything wrong with it.
There isn't, he starts threads like this every day
they don't have to be commieblocks
go for Parisian style Haussmann buildings, both aesthetic and high-ish density without being an eyesore
>Haussmann buildings
objectively better than commieblocks
Japan still have been growing Fukushima rice
I unironically liked the psuedo-commiecbocks I saw in Berlin. They weren't anything special, but they seemed very decent
just don't think about the danger bro
>the stupidest thing about your country
The immigration policy.
>one really cold and safe to drink
>one really hot and might not be safe to drink
why separate the taps? you're not drinking out of the bathroom sink
based and redpilled
Yeah if you have to wear protective suits to grow and harvest the shit, it probably shouldn't be eaten. Can you at least identify where your rice is coming from when you buy it, so you can avoid this stuff?
Yeah this is objectively stupid. I occasionally run into a sink like this in a public restroom and there's literally no up side.
We haven't declared Jihad un USA, unbelieveable.
Betas & White Knights
And the economy too, but that can be fixed
the cold water comes direct from the municipal mains water supply and is safe to drink, yada yada...
the hot water traditionally comes from a conventional boiler, which draws water from a storage tank kept in the loft. this water isn't always safe to drink, can have bugs in, dead rats and insects, grit, etc.
if you don't fit the mixer tap properly or use the wrong valves and such you could get cross contamination and one could flow into the other because of the pressure difference.
now we have combi boilers which draw water straight from the mains so it's all the same pressure mixer taps are becoming the norm now.
Prussia is dead and gone get over it fritz
Who lives in sprawls anyway? Driving 40 minutes through endless suburbs just to reach your nearest Walmart sounds fucking awful.
that sounds kind of redundant
that most foul of earth's creatures. the american wh*Te
Are you talking about the so-called american "middle class"?
Suburbs are generally full of shopping and restaurants and services of all kinds, so it isn't as inconvenient as you're thinking.
>don't use the parking sign (letter P) to mark parking areas
>use "no parking allowed" sign and add extra conditions to it
This is very slowly being corrected but may take more time than cars even exist.
Hard choice between hypercapitalism and all the poopskins
Canada doesn't have sprawl?
>who lives in sprawls
Literally half of the country
These fucking parasites.
>muh Hausmann
Most of Paris looks like this
This little beauty? sold for $7.55 million
Jesus Christ.
This nice little fixer upper? Sold for $1.516 million.
Meanwhile Boomer cunts are crying to the government about their properties not increasing in value as much as they demand. Absolute fucking scum which dominates our politics and needs to be turned into Soylent Green.
why are the prices so inflated? Is this surrounded by skyscrapers?
I keep saying gen-X and millennials should be the only people allowed in the US Congress. Maybe Australia's too.
>why are the prices so inflated?
Cancerous legislation and greedy investors.
that's not boomers though, that's chinks
So capitalism
No, it's boomers.
nothing wrong with making millions off of Chinks. Younger people will just have to live elsewhere
t. Xhang Ling Wong Ping Ding Dong
people wanting to 'reunite' the country even though it has never been united in the past
Everything. Just everything.
btfoing the sassanach scum sounds like enough reason to "reunite"
but if anything, having the burden of Northern Ireland is a greater revenge than losing it
>extra muros paris is paris
the identifying is possible, but I do not eat rice
because, the place camouflage is easy
It exists
>What's the stupidest thing about your country?
Our neighbours
Boomers sell to Chinks and Chinks buy from Boomers.
They clearly are both at fault.
this + our media
Didn't know Merkel was a womanlet.
Not all the high rises look like concrete blocks
Are there cities other than Sydney and Melbourne that are affected?
yeah, the Quebecois are a handful
Dumbass, I wasn't talking about Québec, which is part of Canada. I was obviously talking about St. Pierre et Miquelon.
No, sprawls are good.
I lived in commie blocks, it sucks.
>Not all the high rises look like concrete blocks
It is still a mix of steel and concrete.
Living in ant-hill sucks.
Suburb houses aren't that better either tho. It's mostly wood+plastic pile and is far from being some brick/stone-built houses in Europe
>It's mostly wood+plastic
And? It is good for like 30-50 years.
We have similar here, they even withstand earthquakes. And a new thing is steel framing, much lighter, much better, much more resistant to movements.
>brick/stone-built houses in Europe
Yeah, they last for 200 years.
But... Brick houses can't withstand earthquakes, unless they are build like concrete with reinforcement bars. Also, routing wires in concrete/brick building is a pain, and it is a good idea to be able to change wires every 30-40 years or so.
Build unique houses using different architectural styles and respecting the surrounding environment/wildlife instead of bulldozing everything and putting copypasted cardboard shacks every 10 feet?
There are more than two kinds of buildings.
Mid-rise is the best and there’s hardly any mid-rise buildings in america. Everyone either builds glass skyscrapers or wooden houses. It’s stupid.
Most houses in the country are affected but the Royal commission has finally forced the banks to raise interest rates and tighten lending standards, so the bubble is starting to pop.
Sydney prices are down ten percent and a huge portion of investors suddenly can't afford to sell or refinance thier loans.
They also can't afford to pay off the loans they have.
Because they don’t have anywhere else to live.
My city is really sprawled but been redeveloping the downtown and it’s based.
People who defend sprawl are just reactionary and don’t understand development.
>We have similar here
Does LatAm middle/upper class live in suburb as well? Didn't know that.
Hmm interesting. I heard Brisbane isn't that bad, true?
Why don’t you just build more housing?
Medium density housing (~5 stories) is still quiet but provides all the conveniences of city living.
Tightly packed residential neighborhoods with single-family units, yards, etc. are not "sprawl."
Sprawl is (mostly) unplanned suburban tract development done by greedy/incompetent shitbags enabled by apathetic and dumbass locals. It can come in the form of central planning (gross and awful commieblocks) or just plain ol' dumbassery (most of the US west of the Appalachians)
It's when there is no public transportation or amenities (grocery store at a minimum) within walking distance that you've got "sprawl"
Suburbs are better than this. Not optimal however, but far better. For a male, living in a tiny apartment with no space, with no "individual lebensraum" for him to express creatively thought art and technique is simply, emasculating.