World's happiest nations, 2018

World's happiest nations, 2018.

1. Finland
2. Norway
3. Denmark

7. Canada
10. Australia
15. Germany
18. US
19. UK
23. France
28. Brazil
33. Saudi
47. Italy
54. Japan
59. Russia
74. Turkey
75. Pakistan
86. China
91. Nigeria
96. Indonesia
122. Egypt
133. India
150. Syria


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i am happy

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Most Loved Countries, 2018.

I am flattered.

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how do you even measure this?

so many meme rankings of this kind
what should we believe?

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>tfw no finland bf to live happily with

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Meme list that equates economic success with happiness. Look at the numbers of antidepressant consumption in the top """happiest""" countries of that ranking.

>manged 18th
oooo I feel special

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1. spain
2. do you LOVE sPAIN????????????

surprised that brazil is so high on this list

bs list btw

means niggers want to come here for gibs

How is Finland simultaneously be a really happy country and have a very high suicide rate, while also full of monsters

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B-b-b-b-ut Jow Forums told me Canada sucks f-f-fucking leaf

US has the highest consumption and is ranked 18th. Portugal has the 7th highest consumption and ranks 77th. South Korea, Estonia and Hungary are among the countries with the lowest consumption of antidepressants, yet all have some of the highest suicide rates in the world.

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Finland isn't even that high desu

Are you posting this to compensate for your low HDI score?

Good reputation doesn’t mean being loved. Don’t delude yourself.

>subjective measurements
wonder what measuring instrument they used
could it be a clock? or maybe a meter? scales? a fucking thermometer? or perhaps a spectronometer? hell, could even be an infra red camera, who the fuck knows amirite??

Yes for example ameributts have a bad reputation and are disliked worldwide.

Although we’re the 2nd most visited country in the world, so somebody likes us.