1) What languages are you learning?
2) Why?
3) Silly linguistic memes appreciated
1. Romanian
2. To ease into the Slavic languages
3. Pic related
1) What languages are you learning?
2) Why?
3) Silly linguistic memes appreciated
1. Romanian
2. To ease into the Slavic languages
3. Pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
Because my girlfriend (male) is Filipino
See flag
No memes, sorry.
Are you an immigrant?
What's the best way to go about learning some Levantine Arabic?
are you really learning it for that reason?
I jumped right into russian with no language learning experience and it's not so hard. if I see another slavic language I can usually identify the case endings and prepositions and a decent amount of vocabulary, so I think picking up another one would be quite easy now.
Xateirţ gwái’tata kšašq. Skan-n irdh? Estaţertekka rašp xhô - öň uxhaléřč. Šqatič’ - âšqatuktirň… Xatič’ - xatuktirdhêldh. Žalal içtʰü - zbaluda’x. Zboileč xhô, svalîž ti. Ükšasökké üekʰa, iňň hêč’atořč xhi. Ššatekkašš tu, zba’amp xhëi. Xhalakka elai’átonta’kšš uçtʰoe öt’ êč’atâššup. Tawakka - zbasiuptakka iku elasöňuřň.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a normal human being. Might have autism - might have a cluster a personality disorder... Just keep this in mind when reading this shit.
Daily reminder to NOT join the /lang/ discord server. It has been such a long fucking time since this shit happened, and I used to be upset by it, but not I don't really care. Alas, I promised that I was going to make this post since Däkk got banned - oh yeah - you guys were also apparently shit-talking me behind my back which is always a non-cuntish thing to do lmao. Anyways my experiences with the server:
It should be obvious from the posts I have made on Jow Forums on /lang/ and such, that my aims with posting are solely for shilling purposes of Ithkuil. I made a discord for the language (which was originally meant for people on Jow Forums and redditors) 3 years ago, and that was also when I started my Ithkuil shitposts. Anyways, I was bored, and I figured I could spark interest in the language by joining a real-time environment for it. Note though that the larger reason was that I was bored - otherwise I'd just go to a larger language learning server and shill there. This is very important, because otherwise some of my more autistic behaviour may seem utterly illogical for my goals.
When I first joined the server, I didn't think *too* much of it, other than the fact that a lot of the people there struck me as being oddly normal. This feeling intensified when I was called a nigger by some rando in the server. This in itself wouldn't mean much - just something on a discord based on a mongolian knitting forum.
Anyways, what really struck me as rather unnerving about the whole incident was that a mod at the time asked me if I should remove the guy lmao. Like, wtf, who cares if some alt-right dude calls me a nigger on the fucking internet?
That was fucking weird, and it only got weirder. Anyways, the plot continues. Another incident happened that only made things worse (this is *after* some other incident that I started, but it made me give a very strong sense that something was gunna go downhill in the server). Basically some dude that was learning german was running some form of scam on people that honestly shouldn't use the internet. He'd buy original images from accomplices, and scam gullible men into giving them a donation. People got triggered over it. For some reason. Again, it is a server related to some japanese ornament sculpting forum. Who fucking cares? The mods cared enough to make a rule related to it, and then ban the dude from the server without any warning lmao. Felt a bit silly because it wasn't as though that guy only talked about that shit, but fuck it, right? That somehow rubbed me off the wrong way even more than the previous.
Another redflag was when discord posted the utterly retarded global terms of use made by the discord admins lmao. Dunno, just leaked of tryhard. Oh yeah, there was also that time I recall posting mildly lewd pictures of clownpiece and getting my posts deleted - though that one was more of an annoyance. It did reek of power lust though - that was a thing
OK, so the main course I guess. I am not gunna be solely hypercritical of the server because as I mentioned earlier, I did make my own blunders. One thing I enjoy doing is taking really extreme sides of an issue just so I can probe for people's justifications of them. I suppose it was the autism, but I was never cautious of what issues to talk about or why. I've discussed race realism with even my fucking dad since I was 15; I've looked into psychological manipulation; first had existential angst when I was 11 at which point I had already become an atheist even though my mother was heavily religious (I dod believe in god now though that is a completely different subject). My first regretful fight was about Child Pornography. Again, hindsight is 20/20, I should've known that people would not be comfortable with it. It isn't a comfortable question, though it is an interesting ethical question. While I was arguing, I got a bit confused about the logic about why it should be banned (note that I lean heavily to anarchism, and on a conservative test I got libertarian)... Their argument was as follows:
1) The production of CP is fundamentally wrong (no matter the circumstance)
2) Consuming CP is effectively supporting a oppressive industry
3) Thus, it shouldn't be allowed, and serious penalties should be made for people who consume it.
It had multiple issues with the the argumentation. For one, the syllogism isn't a complete argument. There is an implicit assumption that inadvertently supporting an oppressive industry should make you face very real legal consequences. I don't agree with the premises either, because I'd argue that it is possible to produce CP ethically though in very special cases (such as with animated stuff, sex dolls) - I also had doubts that Child Sexual Abuse had universal consequences from culture to culture. Lastly, I argued that just because you are consuming something, doesn't mean that you are actually supporting the industry...
Im a beginner in russian anyone keen to help?
... after all consuming is NOT actually paying for the content. Why else would they make the material? Just because they know people would watch? They'd probably then do the act on their own without any financial or social incentive without the influence of outside observers. Anyways, it was a rather interesting argument, but I found it rather unsatisfying. My mind is really autistic, so I tend to fixate on problems. Due to this, I ended up writing two essays exploring the social issues around conversation of the problem, as well as the problem itself. This may seem as though I am way too invested to be not a pedophile. On the contrary, I AM LEARNING FUCKING ITHKUIL YOU SUBHUMAN GARBAGE. Do you think I don't have a colossal amount of time in my hands? I've written plenty of essays on my free time on a variety of topics including how to shill an idea effectively. I once created a 19 page slide doing a psychoanalysis of a particular user on discord. I am not normal, and quite frankly, I was VERY upset of the accusations that I was some sort of pedophile. It was very annoying, especially when they'd try to ask me round-about questions in an attempt to get me to admit to being something I am not. I found it incredibly insulting, and demeaning - far worse than being called a nigger. Not to mention how a day after, the fucking mods made a rule against talking about the subject. Due to the rule, I made sure to stop talking about, though it didn't help that some faggot brought up LOLITA randomly. I trashtalked lolita, and another discord user, who I will refer to as W, called me a pedo. So whatever, I made fun of her for being fat or whatever, and then the mods gave ME a warning for a conversation I didn't even start. That W person is probably the largest reason I got banned in the first place - she'd just keep bringing the topic off whenever I'd trigger her; it was rather sad.
Duolingo my man
cпacибo my man
Oh yeah forgot to mention that I eventually changed my mind on the issue after much more pondering on the subject. I realized that:
1) Trauma can still be psycho-socially manifested, and shouldn't be ignored... For this reason it is silly to judge countries with low age of consent, but it is nonsense to suggest abolishing consent (looking at you Amos)
2) Although you may not be necessarily paying for the material, a lot of this is done anonymously on the deep web anyways. There is no way to affirm or deny whether or not you dished 10k into some sweet child porn or not.
3) Sure, the bulk of the responsibility wouldn't be on the consumer, but it doesn't hurt to discourage people from the chance of supporting these people
4) Consent is very important in the case that the child is an adult and may face social humiliation for being featured in a porn when they couldn't consent to it. It plays into the right to be forgotten. This is actually a very serious issue that has effected people before, like some woman in russia who got bullied for not voicing how much she hated the sex back then.
My ethical stance holds, though I'd now support laws that punish it. It was rather rather enlightening when I finally grasped the problem.
Ok so about this W for context.
-she is very insecure about her weight - got upset when I'd repeatedly say "*creeaaaaaak*" in reference to it, and shit like that
-extremely asshurt about pedophiles - may have been molested by one. I earnestly wouldn't be surprised. She unironically supported the banning of child-shaped sex dolls because it "promotes pedophilia" as though someone sees a naked kid and becomes a pedophile all of a sudden
-she doesn't like abbos - would always talk about how ugly they are and shit - yeah no fucking clue
-she also wouldn't shut up about some random bitch she knows irl and no one would engage with her when she'd talk about the person because no one fucking cared.
you sound really annoying I don't know what you're talking about but I didn't enjoy reading all of that
Do you know how to read cyrillic yet? I just learned from a 2 hour video off of YouTube. It is strongly recommended that you not just use one resource for learning either. Even just using Rosetta Stone is not the best.
Anyways, now that I've introduced this W person, I am going to continue the story. I left the server, had plenty of experiences with random people, and came back. It somehow got worse than where I left it. Couldn't put much of a finger on it, but whatever. Anyways, I am just chilling, shitposting, whatever. Then I saw W post, so obviously I had to ridicule her. I talked about how I found the girl of my dreams (or something like that), and that she should be my girlfriend too. That in itself sounds rather lame, but context is key.
Months before, I'd constantly talk about how I don't care about having a relationship - found true love to be overrated. I'd on multiple occasions make shitposts about how vaginas are just open wounds, and how the penis is superior. I'd also always joke about how a man does everything better than a woman. I mentioned that the only context in which I imagined I'd be in a relationship with someone is if they also knew Ithkuil (a parameter I chose because I knew that no one would fit such a high bill). Despite all of this, people somehow took my shitposting literally. Later on I said something along the lines of "I'd let you get raped by abbos if you were my gf" - in reference to her autistic disgust for abbos, and also times when I'd joke that I was too beta to be a cuck. W later got pissy that I made a "rape joke" even the joke had very little to do with rape, and everything to do with personality dynamics - not the mention that my use of "rape" was obviously not the non-consensual variety, but the type you'd see in manga translations - i.e. synonymous with roughly fucked. Last joke I made was a few hours after when I mentioned W, and told them "I am showering". Once again, this was done in public chat because it was obviously farcical. Oh yeah, I also remember DM'ing her random shitposts that I didn't expect an intelligent response to.
Any place that bans you sounds like a good place to me.
Why did you read lmao? Anyways, if you don't know what I am talking bout, don't worry. Just don't join any discords posted here. The mods are faggots and have shit rules.
What really got my blood boiling was the fact that the server owner (WHO NOW REFUSES TO ADD ME) gave me a warning to stop with the rapey COMMENTS. RAPEY, not RAPE. COMMENTS not JOKE. That shit was fucked up. I had no idea what he was talking about, but fuck it, right? I just decided to go with the flow and concede. At first I thought I was removed from the server because of my controversial opinions (though they had changed by the time I joined back and I became more cautious), but NOOOOO, apparently these retards thing I want to RAPE W!? How does that make any sense? This bitch is in fucking australia. She's repeatedly called me a clown-fucker pedophile, and isn't afraid to antagonize me. Why on earth would I give a shit about this person? Also hold up, COMMENTS? Even W, when calling me out acknowledged them as JOKES. This was far more insulting than anything else that had happened at this point, and it really made me feel like shit.
Ok, but that wasn't all - I didn't only comply (stopped talking to or about W), but I also LEFT THE SERVER later on. Despite this, when I came back, I got fucking banned? I got banned after getting a warning and LEAVING the server. You are fucking kidding me right? Pic related. It took me months for my anger to fade away on this one. It certainly took my misanthropy to a new level. Fuck people, man.
What's a good alternative to Duolingo? They dont have the language I want to learn.
Paris dans 5 jours, les gars. J'ai vachement hâte. J'arrive pas à dormir.
german so i can post stuff in german and follow /bundes/
Based and redpilled. Good job on the coverup ;) - let's forget all the times I'd post resources and actually contribute to the server. Who cares though - right?
>I once created a 19 page slide doing a psychoanalysis of a particular user on discord
I worded this poorly, but this other user is not W.
Anyways, in conclusion, these mods are fucking terrible. From what I heard, the rules only became more retarded, and they'd only become more power-hungry. From my experience, I am surprised that these people even post on Jow Forums. They reek of normalfaggotry, and it genuinely pissed me off. Anyways, fuck, I didn't really want to do this, but I thought that I might as well. Däkk can carry from here if they want. I have free time to waste so I can respond to some (You)s. I don't really care though. I felt a bit of anger rise in the middle, but my experience writing this has been surprisingly calm for a subject that had pissed me off for months. I'd constantly question that maybe it was just my fault that I wasn't more cautious - it was. I also questioned whether it is unreasonable to be upset over some random retards on an internet chat group - it is.
I am not going to sit here acting like I am infallible. All I am here to do is come clean, and dispel bullshit about me wanting to rape people that live on the other side of the globe as me - or that I am a fucking pedo? Thank you.
well I come to this general to talk about langs and you are ruining it with your spam
you sound like a rude person and a bully, maybe you didn't break any specific rules, you probably just weren't well liked and you did what you're doing here (derailing the discussion and making it about yourself). you don't seem like a fun person to be around or to talk to.
Nobody cares about your shitty IRC drama. I didnt even bother to read any of your posts. Take your Olanzapine, fucking schizo.
I’m learning French to pick up smelly French girls when I go to Bordeaux next month.
why is there a discord server for a /lang/ general? You need a chatroom for a forum thread?
Do other generals have discords too?
Bordeaux really is a great city. Bordeaux is young, wealthy and absolutely stunning but if you get ever tired of exploring its streets I recommend visiting the pretty village of St. Emilion nearby.
The only people who are responding to it are from the server anyway it just makes sense .
learned a bit outa Youtube. Know how it sound.
I apologize for shitting up the thread. Part of the reason that I hesitated in writing this up. Only did it because they upset someone that is a friend of mine, and since the server owner refuses to talk to me, I can only rant here.
>you sound like a rude person and a bully
I am only rude here, because I've endured a lot of insults from these people. Not the talk of the fact that they've circlejerked about how much of a "creep" I am behind my back. I hope you understand why I am a bit vulgar.
>derailing the discussion and making it about yourself
I never started any conversations about myself actually. You can also look at the Jow Forums archives and see the previous times I've posted here. They've all been extremely focused and to do with learning languages.
>you don't seem like a fun person to be around or to talk to
Yeah I apologize. People generally get like this when they deal with people that'd always call them pedophiles. it sorta hurts.
I have no clue. I only made an Ithkuil discord because no one talks about Ithkuil enough for there to be a consistent general (though I've tried before)
I guess
I have a small discord server where I collect, organise, and create Chinese learning and listening resources for people. It's easier to manage than a pastebin.
bet viņam ir...taisnība, varbūt ne 100% bet vēl pareizi, ja godīgi
Easier to share resources and practice your language with other people.
What in the fuck is up with you? Don't answer that btw, it's rhetorical.
Good riddance. Holy shit.
are you china-chan from the lang discord
Great meme! I said before that I have some weird combination of autism and Cluster A personality disorder. I generally go to Jow Forums discords if I want to meet people that are autistic. I like meeting social outcast, schizos - weird people like that. Anyways, thanks for the full image, now I can repost it and stuff ^_^
Oh yeah, apparently someone there wanted to contact me after knowing about me. I am happy to accept friend requests, and especially happy if you are interested in learning about Ithkuil!
>I only made an Ithkuil discord because no one talks about Ithkuil enough for there to be a consistent general
No one talks about because it's nonsense. Ithkuil is not a language because it fundamentally misunderstands how languages actually work.
Language is not fixed structure imposed upon the world to it is a fluid structure that is intimately bound up with our everyday practices and forms of life. Meaningful statements are not a matter of mapping the logical form of the world. They is a matter of using conventionally-defined terms within ‘language games’ that we play out in the course of everyday life. ‘In most cases, the meaning of a word is its use. It ain’t what you say, it’s the way that you say it, and the context in which you say it. Words are how you use them.
Communication, on this model, involves using conventional terms in a way that is recognised by a linguistic community. It involves playing a conventionally accepted language game.
>Language is not fixed structure imposed upon the world to it is a fluid structure that is intimately bound up with our everyday practices and forms of life. Meaningful statements are not a matter of mapping the logical form of the world. They is a matter of using conventionally-defined terms within ‘language games’ that we play out in the course of everyday life.
Completely agree though you don't understand Ithkuil. For one, even the creator acknowledge that it may not be suited for real life use, but it is definitely a fun thing to look into if you particularly enjoy linguistics. Oh yeah, another thing it that Ithkuil does have informal uses that I personally use all the time. In the small speech I gave, I dropped the first person "pronoun" multiple times. I've done much more extreme things too. A cool example of further application of this is in answering questions. Sometimes you can just answer with a derivational suffix that is standing by itself. Classic example:
"ki glawulač?" - how are you? - lit. are you sufficiently well?
"ač" - fine - lit. sufficient
Can you add me really quick?
Good riddance to you too random dude. I hope you aren't in the server. It is a bad server. The mods steal your soul.
I knew this was going to be a bad thread when I saw the OP but holy shit
>if you particularly enjoy linguistics
I think that anyone who is remotely into linguistics prefers language features appearing in real and documented languages over the kind of this circle-jerking nonsense. It's like the difference between being into natural sciences that describe the real world like Chemistry and being into some esoteric and occultist alchemy shit.
Can everyone just shut the fuck up and get back to /lang/ business. Im waiting for a person to help me with Russian
there was a good lang thread and we all left for this one because the OP of the last thread fucked up the subject line
Blame the discord admins for banning the guy I mentioned in the first post. I would never have fucked shit up this bad.
>I think that anyone who is remotely into linguistics prefers language features appearing in real and documented languages
Ithkuil takes grammatical features from several languages though! These include the Caucasian languages and such. You can see this even in its phoneme inventory and complex slot-based grammar...
>circle-jerking nonsense
It isn't a circle jerk at all. People have tons of disagreements on the design philosophy of the language and how easy it is to learn. You can always hop by on the subreddit to get a feel for how different people hold opinions about the language.
>It's like the difference between being into natural sciences that describe the real world like Chemistry and being into some esoteric and occultist alchemy shit.
Not true at all. There are plenty of linguists that like going into constructed languages. The creator of the language himself was one. It is more akin to whether or not someone interested in the natural sciences would be interested in engineering. Some might, some might not.
I am not holding much against you because I am assuming you are biased against the language because I derailed the thread. I am probably going to slip out for another year or so anyways.
Use Anki to make a deck with the letters and their IPA/Closest English approximates. From there maybe look for some self teaching guides or start with Duolingo. The more resources you use the easier it'll be so don't limit yourself to one place.
>Are you an immigrant?
Not yet. At this point only a student.
What I do is instead of using some boring app I try to learn whole sentences that are useful then type them out in cyrillic then what they mean in English in MS paint and set those as my desktop background so I am reading and remembering these sentences every day.
Yeah, I saw that shit. It was pretty fucking stupid lmao. I was just stalking until a new thread was created to fuck it up. Sorry about that.
I've learned a bit of russian because of russia's Ithkuil community, but I am not extremely experienced with it. One thing that's obviously important is learning cyrillic characters which aren't that hard. They share a lot of commonalities with latin characters, and the ones that are new are rather distinct. You can just hop on a Memrise course or something. Learning the Cyrillic keyboard was something that discouraged me quite a bit. You can just do duolingo on the phone though where you can better see where all the keys are. You can also go to key.br where you can practice just that layout.
Have a nice one, ecna, keep that autism up.
Although I'd suggest focusing that autism intently on Ithkuil and make it great.
Like maybe write a book or something akin to that in Ithkuil.
Keep the distractions away.
>I cant control myself so blame some randoms dudes for banning another random guy. It's not my fault I went on some autistic rant its theirs!
Seriously mate you probably got kicked out of the place for being some kind of autistic sperg more than anything else. Just shut up about it and take your diary someplace else.
Oh yeah, adding to this, one thing that helps a bit with pronunciation is understanding the IPA charts. Helped a bit with me - also trying to reproduce the foreign sounds over and over until the come natural. This was obviously necessarily given what I was learning.
How many sentences do you have on your desktop background?
>Ithkuil takes grammatical features from several languages though! These include the Caucasian languages and such. You can see this even in its phoneme inventory and complex slot-based grammar...
Which makes it completely redundant to study.
>It isn't a circle jerk at all. People have tons of disagreements on the design philosophy of the language and how easy it is to learn. You can always hop by on the subreddit to get a feel for how different people hold opinions about the language.
It's not a language.
>Not true at all. There are plenty of linguists that like going into constructed languages
Again, it's not a language.
>It is more akin to whether or not someone interested in the natural sciences would be interested in engineering
It's neither science or engineering. It's more like these concept art books of fantasy machines and space ships. You are the equivalent of someone who argues about the fantasy thrusters of those fantasy space ships. Pretty to look at but ultimately useless because it doesn't reflect reality and definitely not something you should seriously invest your time in or even argue about or even bother people with.
This guy is feeding a lolcow.
dude you shit up the thread real bad
here you can shill ithuli, i personally find it interesting, and I always wonder what kind of a person would learn such a thing.. but you can fuck off with everything else.
this thread needs to be deleted and remade because of you.
I can control myself. I was banned 7 months ago or something. It's been a looong time, and I've met tons of people on the way. Also there were a few autistic spergs, though they never got kicked. Again, I am really sorry, but I had to. Ok I didn't, but it was satisfying.
>here you can shill ithuli
No. It's off topic and doesn't belong to /lang/. People on /sci/ don't argue about whether the x-wing would beat the v-wing.
>I can control myself
>I had to post this shit!
You literally did not you fucking sperg, get the fuck out of the thread if you're going to be posting shit like that here. You've ruined this thread and I seriously hope you don't continue to ruin other threads. You think the discord people are normies for kicking you out but no one in this thread wants your shit either so maybe move on.
the ш and the щ are pretty hard to pick up tho
i think its fine personally. yes it is a conlang and thus not a "true" language but it still follows linguistic rules
Yeah it is a one time thing lmao.
>Which makes it completely redundant to study.
Not at all. There are plenty of interesting optimization problems that come with making a grammar so dense. The language becomes way more impressive the more you learn about it.
>It's not a language.
išq, elašqumžipt
>Again, it's not a language.
No, but seriously - how is it not a language? I've actually talked to people online about it.
>It's more like these concept art books of fantasy machines and space ships. You are the equivalent of someone who argues about the fantasy thrusters of those fantasy space ships. Pretty to look at but ultimately useless because it doesn't reflect reality and definitely not something you should seriously invest your time in or even argue about or even bother people with.
Ok, maybe, though I fail to see how sci-fi wouldn't interest a physicist as entertainment - indeed there are plenty of people that dream about that stuff. Just look at various people that'd push physics and such - they have a lot of grand ideas about possible space travel and stuff.
Not to mention that it doesn't need to be 'useful' - it is still rather fun.
Not a lolcow if I am just going to shit up one thread, not post for another 7 months and go back to casual Ithkuil posting.
fold your tongue backwards so the tip touches the roof of your mouth for ш, for щ place the tip of your tongue on the back of your lower teeth
я бoльшoй пипee
>I'd argue that it is possible to produce CP ethically though in very special cases
if you want to study Ithkuil, then study Ithkuil. Stop advocating for CP, you're going to get the FBI on our case
Shut the fuck up чeлoвeк c низким интeллeктoм
Yeah, which is why you practice, though desu I don't think for those sounds you get punished TOO much for listening to them slightly wrong. Pronunciation is probably more important if you want to sound like a native.
>I can control myself
>I had to post this shit!
Yeah I also said
>Ok I didn't, but it was satisfying.
>maybe move on.
I've moved on a long time ago. I only remembered this shit when that guy DM'd me lol.
Idk what you meant by that, but ok. I haven't been studying Ithkuil as much as I used to and now I am going into math. Meh.
No I mean leave the fucking thread because no one relates to your autism here.
I can teach anyone French if they want too.
>And yes im a Quebecois
Yes most people don't get called a pedo for no reason and get banned. Just don't join any server links posted. Their rules are fucking terrible.
How do you teach?
>not writing a comprehensive math course in Ithkuil
If you can't write wonderful works in your language, it'll be hard proliferate it.
> most people don't get called a pedo for no reason
you write multiple essays about why CP should be ethical
>Their rules are fucking terrible.
Well, right now you are doing your best to convince everyone to disagree with you.
1. Mandarin, taking a break out of it because I don't have more money to pay for classes thanks to uni
2. To get a job easily
3. I don't have one, sorry.
I'm interested desu.
Yeah, and I said before that I've written essays about tons of shi- wait are you from the server? I mean first of all this thread was already poorly made because it doesn't even link back to the previous thread or post any of the resources. Not only that, but you are now calling me a pedo even though I've explicitly stressed that I am definitely not one. You make a shit excuse about me derailing the thread while you are derailing it yourself, and I'm already trying to contribute back to the thread. Hmm.
I've tried writing stories, but ehh. I don't have the dedication, autism or IQ to do that shit. For one I need time to study math. I am also not that familiar with the mathematical sublanguage because I rarely use math in the language. If I want to say something numerical, the restricted basic number system is good enough.
I am doing that by derailing the thread? Do you think I ranted like this WHILE I was in the server? That would be obviously retarded. I don't think I even typed like this when I was there. I'd say you are acting way too emotional over a thread, but I guess I would be a hypocrite.
Its really easy if you give it the necessary attention desu,also i wont put the accents cus i have U.S keyboard
C'est tres facile quand tu fais l'effort necessaire desu,aussi, je ne vais pas mettre les accents car j'ai le clavier des hamburgers.
I don't even use discord. You've been posting rants in Jow Forums /lang/ about why CP is good and everyone else is a nigger because they don't like CP
and you've said so yourself that you've been privately harassing and threatening to rape a grill on the /lang/ discord
>You've been posting rants in Jow Forums /lang/ about why CP is good and everyone else is a nigger because they don't like CP
Really? Cause you are trying really hard to antagonize me. I only mentioned CP in 2 posts in my NINE post rant, and that is all you got? Not to mention the fact that I very explicitly said that I came to take their position after having thought about it carefully.
>and you've said so yourself that you've been privately harassing and threatening to rape a grill on the /lang/ discord
But I didn't threaten to rape them, and I didn't harass them. Fuck, none of those shitposts I made in their DMs even mentioned them at all. Not to talk of the fact that I only did so on 2 separate incidents.
I like that you are trying to link to my posts to try to use against me when I very much know what I said, and I know that you are putting shit in my mouth.
tres bien mon ami des internetes
I actually understood most of that just reading it (I didn't forget everything in french class yay). Also, how do you only have a US keyboard?
Oh yeah, how important are the accents anyways? Would I just risk getting bullied?
Thank you fren - now tell me more about how to speak français
>discord blogging
>literal walls of text of people posting their melodramatic feelings of anger because of being banned from a fucking discord server
Not really. If you go to Montreal, you can see that half of the people here are English and dont speak French.
Pas vraiment. Si tu vs a Montreal, tu peut voire que la moitie des personnes sont des anglais de souche. J'ai deja alle a la France meme, ca derange personne que tu n'aille pas d'accent Francais
Well everything is said more faggotly.
Are you Chilean? As far as I know, Chileans can't say 'sh', they say 'ch'...
Damn. I keep always wanting 'ř' whenever I type the french r. It is a funny consonant. I sometimes joke about it being like the sound of choking on cock
Is it true that they use tons of anglicisms in Montreal?
I'm not that mad anymore, though I do agree it was pretty fucking stupid lmao. Sorta embarrassing desu.
>la moitie
>des anglais de souche
If FOB changs studying at McGill count as "anglais de souche", then maybe. Otherwise, it's not even close to being half. In fact, people whose mother tongue is English (regardless of ethnicity) was around 22% last I checked.
What are you talking about?
What platform do you use?
Also, I've heard from my Germ friend that French is quite hard to understand at first, how hard do you think it would be for a brainlet like me?
say r like if you are some motocycle. roll your r's
I got an exercise desu say Raphael but roll your r's
The anglicism is a definite yes, maybe even a little too much.
The anglos and muri'cans are invading our culture
Chileans say 'suchi' instad of 'sushi', and it is strange that he says how to say 'sh' and 'shi', and more importantly, he's right.
It sure well feels like half. Montreal is quite literally cut in half. One side Les Francais The other les petits liberaux anglos
Wtf? I don't remember french speakers rolling their rs as though it is spanish... Isn't it the voiced uvular trill/approximant?
>The anglos and muri'cans are invading our culture
Damn. How do you guys survive?
Yes, i'm chilean
and we can say sh, we usually replace ch at the beginning of words with sh coloquially
In terms of geography yes, but you have to remember that the population density in the francophone areas (especially places like the Plateau, Villeray, etc.) is much higher than that of anglophone areas, which are almost entirely suburban-like (i.e. low population density).
I think it is sorta how English speakers say 'ou' instead of a pure 'o'. Tbh going towards that form that isn't an affricate/diphthong shouldn't be that hard though I guess it requires some practice. It comes down to phonemic awareness and getting a good sense of what part of the motion you should cut out... Though yeah - I suppose it is strange if it was a random chilean knowing how to do it.