Asian male here

We work our asses off in higher education, then we work hard at our jobs, save and invest our money. Let's compare that to white men:

White men:
>Ignore college and higher education
>Get shitty trade job because they're risk-averse, and don't care about investing in their future
>Get the minimum necessary income to afford a modest lifestyle
>Instead of furthering education or investing, the white men gets a couple of pointless hobbies, like video games or woodworking, because he's so fucking stupid he thinks the world is actually going to collapse overnight, and that his meager woodworking schools will save his race.
>Never invests in real investments.
>Instead, invests in bullshit like Classic Cars, boats, and Harley Davidson motorcycles.
>Get in a shitload of debt with Rabbi Shekelberg's Payday Loans, (((VISA))), and (((American Express)))
>Marries some borderline retard of a white women with a lower IQ than Koko the Gorilla, all because she has nice tits.
>Wife is a whore who fucks niggers, and is a terrible mother.
>Together they raise a couple of stupid, useless white children, and then hamper them even further with the bullshit Christian religion and it's dogma.
>Then the cycle repeats and the next generation of whites is even dumber and more pathetic than the last.

I give it 80 years tops and the white race will be virtually extinct. I can't wait.

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What's with all the fantasy books?
>norse mythology
Fuck, I want to read it.

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Why do western people/whites call you asians insects ?

They think east asians are like eusocial insects like bees or ants, governed by a hive mind. The truth is that east asian culture tend to be collectivist because of the influence of Confucianism and Taoism, compared to the west that puts emphasis on individualism

I thought it was Asians who were stereotyped to be risk-averse.

> Asian male
Literally who?

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Shut the fuck up you gooklet insectoid. Whites civilized you.

The bait is strong in this one.

Whites work to live
Asians live to work

If Asians are so superior why do they all want to breed with whites?

Is not your country the most hard-working?

Asians are indeed the true origin of el creatura

Attached: true origin.jpg (1737x499, 327K)

He’s got the Malazaan books on his shelf, so he can’t be that bad.

Hey, polack. Don't muck off on the job. That toilet is still not fixed. Get to it.

why don't you fuck off to your own country?

Why are asians so insecure? Kek its not our fault that more than half of your women date whites when they born in america.
Yes you gave us the reason

>countless white men died so that asian men didn't have to live under communism and so they could shitpost about how awful whites are

>countless white men died so that asian men didn't have to live under communism and so they could shitpost about how awful whites are

Have you ever even so much as glanced at a history book

>xdxd its my country xddddd i born hereeee
Why americans don't apply the ius sanguinis already just like all the developed countries? You won't surprass china in economy they have like 900 millions of slaves so why bother to take more?

>Korean war
>Vietnam war

Yeah you guys are real good workers, I'll give you that. It's a shame how asian girls won't date you


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Americans live to slave for corporations

t.Alberto Barbosa

I hate this picture so much I want to fight that faggot. I wouldn't even care if I lost as long as I made him bleed

OP here, I’m not even Asian I just ctrl+v’d this thread

You wouldn’t make him bleed. He’d break you into so many pieces even you vaunted, legendary free healthcare couldn’t put you back together again.

kys and go back to redit with your asian """masculinity""

honestly I wish that had been the case starting decades and decades ago
people would immediately catch on to your goal if you did this nowadays and at this point you'd be completely crucified and even the more anti-immigration Republicans wouldn't support it

Says you. he looks like all he does is bench press and read books for 12 year olds

Why are white men so insecure? Kek its not our fault half your women date blacks and browbs when they born in America.

You're right on all counts, the modern west in the general sense is not made up of the men and women that built it in the 1930s, but why are you posting with an American flag though?

They are still fugly

depends what you mean by that, we're one of the most productive according to hours worked but we don't work the most hours

so "yes" i guess

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Nice larp shekelberg.

White is hedonistic psycho by nature, they only think how to enslave others and live at expense of others. Therefore there are two types of them, successful criminal rich or loser.

>be asian male (or a female, i dont even know, too hard to tell when both asian male and female look identical)
>cant lift your own weight
>never invented a single fucking thing
>was an african nigger tier developed throughout all the centuries except the current one
>even in current one can only copy white mans tech, ABSOLUTELY NEVER INVENT ANYTHING tho
>live in a factory
>die of pollution

asian "investments" are all currency deflation schemes, frauds and ip law violation BECAUSE THEY CANT INVENT A SINGLE FUCKING THING and can only make 99th class knockoffs that cant compare to the original

africa tier pollution
africa tier inventions (if any)
copy paste niggers

>never invented a single fucking thing

bre, chinese alone invented way more relavant shit than any european country alone, let alone shitty serbia

>chinese alone invented way more relavant shit than any european country alone
Sure they did, Chang.

name one (1) relevant contribution to modern science, technology or medicine from the copypaste drones
one (1) thing
just one (1)
one (1)

and make it relevant, not a copy categorically inferior to the white original
sure thing, ill wait a minute or ten, no problem

fuckin soulless bugs

Other than gun powder what did they invent?

Africans had empires and cities like songhai and Abyssinia cities like Timbuktu Mogadishu kumasi benin kano and addis Aba

Attached: 800px-Berber_Trade_with_Timbuktu_1300s.jpg (800x564, 142K)

based asians

Asian male here :3

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How many gay Korean posters are there? Or are you the same one?

Pls never stop posting

I don't understand how pathetic of an individual you have to be to caption pornography.

>africa had empires that got #btfo by a single boat of euros
i totally didnt yawn just now btw

I've got to say OP, you're based for hating white people, however you are also unbased for being antisemitic and racist, please cool it down with that.

korean twinks are S tier

China ''invented'' papercrafting, or commercialised it, Egyptians and Babylonians both had paper but never spread it around.
Then, maybe fireworks and gunpowder? That's pretty much it as far as ''world revolutionising'' inventions from China

give me korean bf

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idk mane but

