Countries you can't take seriously

I know this thread will devolve into people trying to clown/bant on one another but, what's a country who's people you can never fathom to take seriously? An example for me is the United Kingdom.

It's perpetuated by media pieces I've seen, posts on this site, people I've met, and the way they speak and behave. Their voices give me the impression that they're just slow, or daft. I always feel like they're incredibly inept, and getting into incredibly awkward and slightly depressing situations day by day. Here's a video example

Like this is just an absurd little snippet of British life. I couldn't even name an instance in the U.S.A. where I've heard people do this, although obviously there's been a few. I only see things like this from the United Kingdom.

I know this isn't the legitimate case, they live normal lives like the rest of us all etc. etc. What are some countries that have people you just can't take seriously? I know a lot of people will say the U.S.A. because of the usual memes of bad quality posts, or obesity, or whatever. I just would like to know what anons are having their perceptions of places made by personal experiences.

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netherlands and germany. I can't really explain it but they're all the same. you know how if you read a thread on reddit, everyone's personalities are indistinguishable and it's like the same person replying to themselves over and over again? that's dutch and germans to me

they're also so heavily influenced by the english speaking world (mostly america) it's just sad.

whenever one talks to me online, I imagine a dude sitting in his room drinking an energy drink, listening to dutch rap, watching videos of dirt bikes doing flips and saying "ooOOooh sick bro!" out loud. he's wearing a fitted hat slightly sideways and sneakers with the laces done up.

they have the sense of style of middle schoolers from the mid 2000s and everything they say is like a reddit comment

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I cant take Aussies seriously. Mostly because of the memes and shitposting, but also because their dialect makes me giggle.

Australians. I cannot take anyone with an Australian accent seriously. They're like 10 yr olds.


>that flag

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>Like this is just an absurd little snippet of British life. I couldn't even name an instance in the U.S.A. where I've heard people do this, although obviously there's been a few. I only see things like this from the United Kingdom.

For that exact reason
I don’t think you are trying to be malicious but you seem very sheltered/ignorant
And then you go on to pass off any criticism of America as “memes”
It’s just baffling how blind you guys are to the problems of your country to the point that it self perpetuates the “Jews run America” theory

You can start to add belgium to this type. As much as some of them hate this country, they basically dress and act like Americans.

Shut up

I don’t even take myself seriously.

>netherlands and germany. I can't really explain it but they're all the same. you know how if you read a thread on reddit, everyone's personalities are indistinguishable and it's like the same person replying to themselves over and over again? that's dutch and germans to me
Completely this
The other bits are applicable to there normies but the same can be said of sweaden so it’s a bit meaningless

I can't take Brazil seriously

If a Brazilian tried to sell me the real elixir of youth, I'd run away from it thinking it was a scam of a very big and important company

Canada. Their entire culture is about trying (and failing) to distinguish themselves from the US, but it's still just America with Kilometres.

britain again

gross governmental overreach and a seemingly cuck population that is bent on justifying it. Isn't theresa may making it so that you'd need a fucing ID to get an energy drink? just fuck the united cuckdom

I cannot take seriously Italy and Italians

I dunno why, maybe because they switch sides at every fucking major war that ever mattered.

Same. Everybody seems to be determined to make life as miserable as possible. It is an unfixable shithole.

I can't take USA posters seriously if it's someone talking about how great Mexico is

India, i try my hardest to actually respect that country but i just can't, they poop in literally everywhere.

eu sou bem sério papai.


Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, the Baltiks, Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic, most of the Balkan states. Basically anything that contains rightful german clay and still thinks it's an sovereign state.
The UK too, but just because they are so easily triggered over at Jow Forums.
Nah, mate. I don't know this reddit feeling. How about going back there, Kiwicunt?

For me it's China. It's just fucking absurd. I mean, is that country even real? I feel like it's just poor people wasting away in concrete apartment blocks while their government cooks up more ill conceived projects that will probably either collapse or starve and/ or poison someone somehow
Japan is similar too, with an economy propped up by unnecessary civil engineering projects and a bureaucracy too convoluted and dense to stop them from paving over everything
Do I even dare mention India? Literally everyone on the entire subcontinent is tragically ugly yet this doesn't even seem to register register with them. It's unreal.

Attached: charlie_tumbles_down.gif (500x375, 362K)

We don't try to be Americans. We just be ourselves. Imagine being so egotistical you can't see past your own shit and have no idea how other cultures live. We can't help if you need us to survive that your Herr Drumpf getting so buttblasted and wants to steal more from us as a result. Enjoy being BLACKED up there you Ameritard Jewcocksucker.

Very Canadian post