Is C*mbodia the Poland of Asia ?
>Poor as shit
>Too weak . Gets divided by more powerful neighbors regularly
>Main exports are prosititutes and slave workers
>No history and culture
Is C*mbodia the Poland of Asia ?
John Baker
Jaxson Martin
why so bully viet kun.
Brody Miller
>Implying Korea isn't Japan's punching bag
Chase Morris
Cambodia is fun to visit at least, and Khmer people are nice enough.
Landon Sanchez
Sounds like Southwest Vietnam and Nghệ An
James Green
>Poor as shit
>Too weak . Gets divided by more powerful neighbors regularly
>Main exports are prosititutes and slave workers
>No history and culture
Sounds like the Ukraine
Carter Taylor
>be cambodian
I don't think anyone will ever out-meme Pol Pot, an actual supervillain.
Jason Perry
>Be glasses-wearing intellectual
Gabriel Mitchell
Pol Pot is literally my idol and I'm not even a communist. Cities should be abolished.
Josiah Morris