Is C*mbodia the Poland of Asia ?

Is C*mbodia the Poland of Asia ?
>Poor as shit
>Too weak . Gets divided by more powerful neighbors regularly
>Main exports are prosititutes and slave workers
>No history and culture

Attached: image.png (235x150, 6K)

why so bully viet kun.

>Implying Korea isn't Japan's punching bag

Cambodia is fun to visit at least, and Khmer people are nice enough.

Sounds like Southwest Vietnam and Nghệ An

>Poor as shit
>Too weak . Gets divided by more powerful neighbors regularly
>Main exports are prosititutes and slave workers
>No history and culture

Sounds like the Ukraine

>be cambodian
I don't think anyone will ever out-meme Pol Pot, an actual supervillain.

>Be glasses-wearing intellectual

Pol Pot is literally my idol and I'm not even a communist. Cities should be abolished.
