So what's up with whites having sex with mexicans? Why isn't this discussed more? BLACKED pales in comparison

So what's up with whites having sex with mexicans? Why isn't this discussed more? BLACKED pales in comparison.

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CHI BVLLS are coming for your women, white man

White women belong to the Hispanic Bvlls

Mejorando la raza

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Tfw no white bf

OP is a Mexican incel who's been spamming this for months like the pathetic brown man he is

All memes aside a lot of Hispanics can pass as whites, or at least don't look as alien as Asians/blacks do. Plus they tend to integrate extremely well and have a similar cultural background to a lot of people (namely in the Catholicism).

Brown people are intrinsically pathetic

the average hispanic is 64% european genetically

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>tfw new rush of hope that I can find a white gf

Asians integrate much better than Hispanics (or blacks, for that matter), they go to the same schools whites do and go to college at even higher rates. Yet whites prefer to fuck mexicans from the ghetto than their asian peers.

Natives have the highest intermarriage rate

A higher percentage of Asian out marry than Hispanics, putito

"natives" in the US are genetically indistinguishible from hispanics, most are over 50% european

The average Hispanic in America is like 60-70% white

They're making 80-90% white babies

t. angry Asian incel

t. butthurt 5'2 asian incel

AMWF poster BTFO

That's an overestimate because 23andMe users are automatically whiter due to curiosity, but I think that you're right at the same time.

The average Hispanic from what I've seen in real life is half white (there are some that are 20% white and the rest indio, but those are rare)

But the ones that will marry a white girl are more likely to be 60% or greater European in ancestry

>tfw hispanic-white intermarriage is actually securing the existence of our people and a future for white children

Just because Asians are smarter, more cohesive, and more evolved doesn't mean they're not an alien race.

Life is that harsh.

Only Asian women; Asian men interracial marriage rates are lower than hispanics or black men.

Sorry mate but all Hispanics are brown, they’ll never be white you stupid mutt

You mean they are making el goblinos and la creaturas

In the west they still have a lot of Native dna

t. errone

>They will never be white

You just don't like them because they're Iberian and not English. I mean, yes, they do look different from purebreds, but one more generation of race-mixing and you'll get something indistinguishable from a European.

This guy is only 85% white

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i watched that video and i was astonished at the dude's imbecility

is this what passes for philosophy or right wing intellectualism nowadays among you guys? Pathetic

I couldn't watch it.
I turned it off because I just couldn't care.

If I'm coping, where are the blacks in America that are 8% white?

They exist


In the south

They're in the south, and they've access to 23andMe, but they're not represented on the chart because they're not buying the shit.

Mexicans are already used to race mixing so it doesn't bother them. Memes aside, most White Americans aren't racist (or at least openly racist) towards Hispanic people, at least in my experience living in California, Oregon and Washington. I've only had about 4 incidents in my life where anyone has ever pulled any racist shit on me and one was from a black ghetto nig and the other from some Ted Wassonasong acting Thai dickhead.

6 out of the 13 people i've dated were white, as is my current girlfriend.

There'd probably be more Hispanic-White mixing if so many first gen CHI fags weren't poor and chubby manlets, both of which are major turn offs for all women.

Kinda feel like a lot of the white women that date Mexicans and Black men are generally ghetto or white trash, though it seems way less prevalent with HMWF couples than BMWF. Of the white women whom have approached me a lot of them initially seem mostly into Hispanic guys as they see being with us as edgy or counter culture in a way, though not so edgy as with Black guys. Meaning it's still mildly dangerous and theatening and they can feel enlightened for race mixing but they don't feel in serious danger or like they're stuck with a loser like with a black dude.

t. CHI in Oregon/California

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