Tfw finally I got the dual italian citizenship

>tfw finally I got the dual italian citizenship

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Is it true you can't renounce Argentinian citizenship once you have it?


are you moving to the uk?

Stay in latam you mutt

tfw the only dual citizenship I can get is from a third world country

Maybe to study if I get a scholarship. Otherwise no

Rim my ass

ok if you say so :3

Which one?

who are you gong to vote for in the EU elections next spring?

IMO diasporas shouldn't vote unless they have X years of residence as they don't know jack shit about what goes on there

Therefore I'd probably won't vote


what country are you planning to move to?

>gets italian dual citizenship
>what country are you planning to move to?
where do you think, poao?

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it’s the eu so he can move wherever he wants

they move usualy to spain

he keeps making threads about moving to italy for neetbux

Right now? No idea

I'd go to study there, but not to live. It's too saturated

Why bother with Spain?
Isn't Italy richer and more stable than Spain?


they dont speak italian
> Isn't Italy richer and more stable than Spain?


user, he has to prove to have a physical/mental condition to have neetbux...

The current socialist government in Spain doesn't seem rational

he can just say that he posts on Jow Forums

because argies speak spanish

>tfw born with NZ citizenship
Best country on earth don't @ me

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why is NZ not part of Australia?

Serious question

my hot cousin married a kiwi and now lives there, good catch

They're very far away from each other and were therefore founded as separate colonies

Grazie :^)


>going to italy for neetbux


Do you really only work 6 hours in France?

Even if you steal out of Argentina, there is to be Argentina if they increase.
Like past Italy.

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Hello italian brother.
im packing my bags to ireland