What's your opinion on home of sexuals?

Attached: Gays2.jpg (968x1998, 178K)

In a perfect world, they wouldn't exist.

This. Homosexuality is either a mental illness or a choice.

I don't really care about them.
I cringe when I see some anti-gay comments but I cringe even harder when I see those fags doing the same kind of shit as in OP's picture

I used to think that it's pretty harmless and that it's nobody else's business what consenting people do in private but then I went on the internet and actually interacted with some homos so now I think they should all be found through MRI screening and executed.

Sounds like a shit home. Should be deconstructed.

muzzie hands typed these posts

Same and now I'm so redpilled on just how bad those degenerates are. Jow Forums really opened my eyes

>Jow Forums redpilled me

in a perfect world everybody would be one

When will you ealise that w*men are the true enemy of the white man?

>Jow Forums really opened my eyes
what is it like to be 14

They’re so so

it's a genetical error, it makes you unable to procreate which should be an organism's main purpose

Don't really have an opinion on fags IRL one way or the other, they're just another group in the sea of normalfags.
Faggots attentions on Jow Forums, however, I'd like everyone single one of those fuckers to get hit by a Japanese truck.

1.homosexuals are still able to procreate. being gay doesn't turn you infertile.
2.procreation is not an organism's main purpose because organisms don't have objective purposes.

attention whores*

Wasn't going to reply to that post but teleological evolutionary prescriptivism is really annoying, so I'm glad someone responded.

Getting aroused is the signal which is supposed to guide an organism into procreating. If that signal fails to identify which member of your species is of the opposite sex then there's an error.

i don't like them

You have a fundamental ignorance of natural selection.

el cuatroANO

I have some homosexual and lesbian friends, they have proven me that they can be normal people who have a normal life and identity outside of their sexual preferences.
I hate faggots like in your image however. Always believing themselves to be victims, sneaking their sexuality in every discussion or letting it decide everything they do in life. And then demanding that other people change their ways of life to adapt to them, forcing them to use retarded pronouns or forcing their views on children who should be worrying about other things in life than what holes they want to fuck or be fucked in. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they simply kept it to themselves.

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>we will never go to mars because gays can marry

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How so?

Bifag here and i don't mind the discrete and normal ones that just want to be left alone. About the flamboyant faggots that go to pride, hang out with lefties and screechs about muh sexuality? They deserve to visit an arab building

Regular people.

>World hunger, poverty and corruption just have to wait. There aren't enough enough transexuals in this movie!

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>people are starving because faggots exist

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>all homosexuals are the same
What a shitty strawman image.

Is this your first time here?

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This pretty much

I don't like them but sometimes I like sucking dick.

pshh.. don't you redditors know that pol isn't one person?