You gotta be a serious brainlet to not see this coming

92% of people in crypto have bought in 2017, most of those in Q4 (what else lol)

we gonna range hard with 0 liquidity until nobody even talks about bitcoin anymore

its not gonna pump until all the losers take their money out and talk about something else

1st cycle was ranging ~250$ whole year, after this bear market reaches its bottom at 2-3k$ we are gonna range there or at least another year, thats how long it will take for all the braindead retards to be ejected

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> does a better job of being gold than gold
> doesn't somehow deserve to be 1/40th the market cap of gold

you're the real brainlet.

nice fud
now check electricity costs for mining 1btc

>nice fud


you'd have to be a complete brainlet to be OP and post this thread

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implying normies effect market cap as much as whales. You’re very cute user. 70 year old Jews is who we want, not 40 year old wage cucks

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Crypto is dead. Sell all your coins and don't look back. Most coins will go to zero and Bitcoin will go to $1000 and stay there.

There won't be another bullrun, ever. People have long memories and know now that crypto is a scam.

chances are very high u belong to those 92% plebs.. you are probably down 80-90% right now hahahahaha omfg

but yeah like i said its gonna take at least 1-1.5 more years till the likes of you admit defeat and take your remaining 1% of initial investment to see btc pump HARD in your face immediately after

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look at the bubble of 2013. its not going to happen that fast, i think we'll reach 1k usd in about 4/5 years, still lots of gains to be had if you know how to trade altcoins

t. Bought high and sad about it

kys faggots


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>enjoying the suffering of strangers this much
What a sad life you must lead.


buy high sell low amirite?

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newfaqs shouldn't be allowed to post.

Bought in Dececmber. Never got to as far as to checking out on how do you supposedly cash out. My funds are safe.

There are so many bitcoins lost permanently, and there are being added every day that your theory doesn't make sense.

greedy niggers and manipulating institutes are the reason crypto is going down like a motherfucker. you always talk like "this is the future" and when someone new buys in you drop your shitbags on him and move on to the next while making fun of the situation. real brainlets like you are part of the problem.

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Your right... but I can guarantee with almost 100% certainty that 9/10 people who bought bitcoin cant even tell you what a blockchain is, WHY it is better than gold and what decentralisation actually even means in the context of bitcoin (transaction verification).

Stop trying to meme capitulation

very accurate my friend, impressive

Lineal scale. Fuck you dumb

that's exactly why crypto is bad, it's literally no economic incentive other than privacy. Only pedos pay for privacy, no one actually cares even though we should (facebook, etc.). The price may go up forever long term but you bet your ass this will never be widely adopted and it can go down arbitrarily at any point in time. Worst case scenario, $20k was the ATH.

look at the vitriol and cognitive dissonance these legit sub saharan IQ buffoons display, its such a big sign im right lol.. time will prove me right and you will just slowly bleed out over the next 12-24 months

then when those salty losers who thought they could make a quick buck in the last couple % after it already pumped 20000% got booted out, we can go again

srsly did you think youre gonna make it? that you have the million dollar idea together with 100000 other idiots on Jow Forums? L M F A O

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reminder: those same dullards im talking about also voted for trump

you see their whole life is just making bad decisions in every area

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>Worst case scenario, $20k was the ATH.

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nice TA, just sold 100k
t. Kobayashi

>saging a post

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>No economic incentive other than privacy
Stopped reading there, permanent bear brainlet detected.

holy fuck I can't fucking wait

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Bahdahh tha bitcorns r goin down then?


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Prepare your self for more JUST
You have fallen for the crypto illusion
Only early adopters make it
Late adopters make shit gains by trading
Late adopters lose everything by hodl

You will never exit into fiat at the right time. Only when it is crashing
When btc is pumping you will always stay in the market until it is too late

This is the trap, the illusion, the Jewish mind tricks


There are millions of normies waiting for BTC to pump so they will buy again, we still have many bubbles to come, until adoption and s reduction of volatility similar to stocks.

No, faggot. None of the other bubbles did that. Based on inductive reasoning it would be normal to expect the price to stabilise soon and not go far below the 5k-6k mark.

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I'm liking the look of those first two bubbles

Capo is storing 7% of the whole Bitcoin supply in their bunkers for the richest of the dich. Official Statement. You really think they would risk loosing money in the longterm? Pathetic...


What you are saying is what it is expected. It is the most logical thing. But consider that crypto doesn't follow logic and is really unpredictable. Consider also all the big fishes preparing for trading crypto, for regulations to happen and take over, all the efforts many institutions are taking... all to see the market just go down and die? There is going to be a green dildo out of nowhere this year bigger than anything we have ever seen, and we will be able to understand the reasons only months later.

Don't be greedy, take profits when you can.

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>Cashed out my initial investment
>still have plenty in
>slowly buying more

You do not know the future.
Nothing you say means anything
You are a faggot.

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Holy shit this is retarded. This store of value meme seriously needs to die, only bitcoin maximalists retards and newfags (so the same people basically) believe this.


You know what actually does a better job of being gold than gold? tokenized gold. But you're not interested in that because you want to profit by convincing people that an asset which loses 80% of its value in half a year is objectively superior to gold.

hey, if i was down 90% and all i had was a last thread of hope, i would delude myself into thinking this bullshit too lol

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TAfags crack me up. You won't look at actual behavioral evidence of a cryptobubble but you'll draw meme lines and jerk off on Jow Forums with your fellow < $300 portfolio "owning" 14 year olds


or youre just a braindead retard thats always on the wrong side of a trade, how about that?

remember, 99% of people lose in markets while only 1% actually make money

"actual behavioral evidence" oh my fkn god hahahahahaha

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>shrek meme

Didn't even read the rest of your post.

Post your license with your age. I doubt you are over the age of 20, or even have a license.

this applies to every single market across all asset classes.
for example during the last recession
people who dumped their properties got btfo'd by people who just kept it and how have their property values return

people who panic sold their stocks at the bottom got bfto while the rich kept their stocks and bought some more along the bottom
the rich get richer because of patience

OP I know. Cant wait to profit off this short and buy bottom again.

what a comeback, youre comments dont at all make it clear how right i am and how salty and braindead u are

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Tokenized cold is not trustless or censorship resistant

>lmao nolicense

I'll wait for your smartcontracts to be used in something other than erc20 or ICOs. Better stock up on that link xD

> knows what will happen
>happened before so will happen again
>TA maestro
>Somehow still poor
ETH is too expensive at $20
TA tells me it will crash.
Look at my meme lines.
Why can't you FAGGOTS just die

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>a-a-at least im going to have the last word!!

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thanks for confirming my OP again

remember folks, the more seething and unhinged these mouthbreathers react, the more it verifies my standpoint

triggeredness = hit a weak spot / spoken the truth

nothing gets hated more than the truth!

talk to you again in a couple of weeks u mong hahahaha btw im in crypto since 2014 dont worry about me

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you are a fucking nut my dude.