Why does everybody talk about the Sengoku Period and Vietnam war but not Trinh-Nguyen wars

Why does everybody talk about the Sengoku Period and Vietnam war but not Trinh-Nguyen wars
>Based Nguyen lords had a cannon positioned for every few meters of land
>Based Trinhs had one of the largest palaces in SEA
>Based Tay Son just rise up outta nowhere and kill everybody
>Mac just sits there like the fucking retards they are
>Virgin Chams are everyone's punching bag

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>Why does everybody talk about the Sengoku Period

no one talk about that


pls come back, Vietnam

Trần Hưng Đạo sounds like "dick noodle" in Japanese

We are doing fine on our own but thanks for the offer

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but I miss you...
I thought what we had was special...!

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Special , as in slave-master relationship ? No thanks
>pic related are Vietnamese freedom fighters during French rule

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people outside just don't know about it
Vietnam has a based political military history

It was a brotherly banter!

France is like an abusive husband

>Vietnam is the wife
Incredibly lewd, even for a degenerate frog like me

Reminder that the French paratroopers were betrayed by their own leaders.


Messing with french people is a very popular french pastime

Don't take this the wrong way but Vietnam is a culturally irrelevant country outside of Asia I'd say, people talk about the Vietnam war a lot because it involves the US.
If you're wondering why people don't discuss historical events in Vietnam ask yourself how many times do you think about historical events in Chile or in Congo.

I think about the Congo Wars a lot

No often but when I do I think about that time Chad Chileans stole the coastline from Bolivians

The triiads own u

word to your slanty eyed momma

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triads are irrelevant now and communists are brutal to organized crime (and that's a good thing)

reminder over 100k French people died in just a few years fighting here after WWII

Guess I'm proven wrong, sorry it's just I don't really think I've ever heard Vietnam discussed outside of the Vietnam War, I'm sure it will become much more common now that you're becoming much more economically relevant, I can see Vietnam becoming a very common travel destination in the future and cultural relevance and appreciation seems to come with that.

>Based Hồ Chí Minh and Diệm
>Removes Triads and Chinamen from country
>Becomes only SEA cunt that is not economically dominated by Han

y-yea but muh k/d ration

Yeah I'd guess that's true . It's not like there were this many weebs when Japan was still a poor and primitive country .

he was a fat gay idiot
only based one was Trần Lệ Xuân

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How did they get away with it?

>Let's send an entire army deep behind enemy lines without reinforcements or any supply line. Sure them being encircled in a ridge will make Viets surrender.

Yup . Based Southern Vietnamese women belong to Hanoian men

I frankly don't know. We make a lot of stupid decisions tb h

>be Czech
>take slavic brothers as your own
>build them up
>welcome them back after they backstab you, forgive evewrything
>build them up more
>let them go when they ask without firing a single shot

>be French
>invade faraway country you have nothing in common with
>treat natives worse than dogs
>commit genocide rathert than let them go despite the colony is clearly unsustainable

How come the savage slavs such as us are the Christs among european nations, while supposedly noble westerners are bloodthirsty devils dressed in human skins? You know, the expulsion of Germans after WWII would probably not have happened if not for Soviet and Brittish preassure.

Do you know who else they belong to?

French did this a lot
try to lure Việt Minh out into remote areas they had fortified and destroy them their
idk why the French generals thought this was a smart plan when Việt Minh controlled the entire countryside while the French had a hard time getting supplies so far from cities


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French males of Vietnamese descent ?

based mutts


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bây giờ chúng ta đang ở đây

Why Hanoi is shithole while Saigon is reaching Bangkok and Manila levels soon

Saigon has ALWAYS been superior

>plunge into the rabbit hole of American Vietnam War memoirs
>unironically start hating gooks and get happy when the author tells stories of slants getting brutalized and killed

America no. 1

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you should read memoirs from the Vietnamese side then you'll hate Americans too and eventually all humans

>Implying that it isn't a mega slum city with a few twindlewink of modern buildings sprawled around

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Any suggestions? I've read a VC memoir describing the literal retard volunteers they'd get.

Read the Sympathizer . It's not a memoir , but it is an award-winning novel that'll show you the war from a Vietnamese perspective .

Wasn't even some transport hub. Just a fucking valley. They didn't even bother to size the heights around it. It's funny that they get bad rep for the Maginot, but it was a solid plan and nobody in the right mind thought that that panzers can cross the Ardennes.

>Sympathizing with Americans about the Vietnam War

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It’s funny because Ho Chi Minh would’ve been a staunch western ally if you had just given them independence.



if America had supported independence
France is gay and useless ally
American allied Vietnam would be Japan tier by now and China would be isolated and severely handicapped.

>Everybody has the right of self-determination except for the Germans, Hungarians and the colonies of France and the UK

Hồ was an Ameriboo and totally based . We could have been allies :(

>not made up of German ex-east front psychos

>France is gay and useless ally
yea, fuck you too

>muh légion

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Had France left Vietnam alone , Viets today would had been able to tour Angkor Wat no visa required .

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stop say bump

Does anyone else feel bad for the French? They basically dominated European culture and politics since the middle ages and then get cucked a few times in the 20th century and now it's all they're remembered for. Like every time you see someone online say they're French some American boomer comes and calls them a coward and a surrender monkey.


you can win 100 time but lose once and you lose everything

Ah , sorry , I'm still new to Jow Forums

you don't need to pump thread on like page 1 or 2

Not particularly
If they're dead set on making fools of themselves then more power to them

No , frogs are evil

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What's it like to live in a homogeneous country?

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>Pretty good
Everyone looks the same .
Surprisingly enough ethnic minorities (15%) are an even rarer sight than Westerners . They live in their little huts on the mountains and hibernate during frost season .

Pic related is Mông guy contemplating whether to use the girl or the boy as winter snack

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i believe angkor isn't in the red part of cambodia on that map...

also a story, so, few days ago i was to saigon, me and several other tourists, and there was a russian speaking vietnamese guide with us, one of the tourists asked him, like you say how vietnam was attacked by everybody - france, china, usa, but whether vietnam attacked others itself first. the guy began to tell something about conquering champa, here i inclined and mentioned vietnam attacking cambodia in the end of 1970ss. well desu cambodia did everything to deserve that with its destroying vietnamese border villages etc, but the guide rather said they did it to prevent china getting control over cambodia that lost most of its population... also told some war anecdotes, apparently his brothers participated in it

which of those is the boy

this is true
Vietnam saved Cambodia from brutal genocide, supported by Chinese who's goal was to populate Cambodia with Han people

Right arm

Yea , Vietnam was/is a bitch to everyone . Even to China . Google Lý-Song war .

The only allies Vietnam has are its army and its airforce .

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where is this??
I've never seen real snow
even I visit Russia but in the summer lol

Because Tây Sơn-Nguyễn is more kino

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leaving your husband is bad abusive or not

Probably somewhere up in the Northern mountains of Vietnam , likely Sapa . We do indeed get snow once or twice every half a decade .

desu if you have the accent then I find Hanoi more comfy

not in the south ever

bad pollution though

>triads are irrelevant now
AHAHAHA shows how much u know

Too many are busy operating in americas to focus on vietbong

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Ahh , I see you are a man of culture as well

not all Chinese mafia are triad
those are mainland mafia since the PRC government is a criminal enterprise

And American men are too busy breeding Chinese women to focus on Triad

is danang that good? i wasn't there but looked at it this morning through the coach windows on the way to hue and it was shabby af

all form of governments are criminal enterprises

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Danang has been hailed several Vietnamese newspapers as the most live able city in Vietnam . >Mostly because it's not as polluted as HN , SG .
>Good food
>Close proximity to ancient sites such as Hue and Hoi An
>Beautiful beaches
>There's always new stuff being built in DN
>etc ...

Especially Polish ones

>beautiful beaches
People used to say our beaches are not as good as Nha Trang. The streams and mountains (except current Ba Na) are nicer anyways

And Danang isn't filled with R*ssians

ESPECIALLY polish one, correct

we got jews in our government, the most gifted scum of scum on earth. we should only be so lucky. :^)

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I hear that Poland is getting more authoritarian due to PiS influences . Can you give us some more insights user ?

>Nha Trang
Nha Trang is very very dirty (the water). And as the Viet said it is filled with low class ugly Russians coming in charter planes.

just jews trying to take advantage of the EU before this shithole gets kicked out. lmfao

it's too bad ukraine didnt become EU,their jew comrades here would have gotten some serious reinforcements :^)

Based Wilson or Roosevelt weren’t in power at the end of WW2, instead we got tr*Man and e*Senhauer

>mfw we could have co-opted democratic socialist movements around the world, further preventing the spread of s*Viet influence and m*Rxism-l*Ninism
>instead we autistically overthrew any government that was even slightly left-leaning and doomed our reputation for generations to come

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>low class ugly Russians
grr, i am not that ugly ><
btw i have seen a plenty of western tourists and let me say they are mostly not especially pretty at all. some are funny af, seen a piss ugly semi-bald semi-fat but tall american guy in his 60ss today with a curvy black girl in her thirties or even twenties, a random chinese or korean gal grabbed the black girl and made her to pose for pics with her, lol

I unironically support Poland exiting the EU.
The last thing Poles need is to be vassals to a quasi-Germ*n Union .
>pic related is the number of German men marrying foreign girls .

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