
the modern caesar edition

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first for asian gfs

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>claisse opulencia

Hello incel

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only green day song I like

Makes you wonder doesn’t it

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well a lot of 6/10 girls view themselves as 8/10
women have completely skewed standards

failed /gf2016/ as well brother

does he post on /cric/

kinda sad desu

>all these casuals asking "is this the tram to the Etihad?"

who the FUCK is this nobody that the aussie twat keeps spamming?


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Don't care what anyone says, there are some qts in this country.

We were all nobodies once

women are mental
not an incel or MGTOW twat but they're right on some things

completed it mate (she's viet)

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still down for sucking me off after the game?

Women are hypergamous

sicilian bro is based. Why does /brit/ hate him?

>completed it mate (she's viet)

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quite grim that there are brits who aren't intimately familiar with /cric/ and the sport in general
can't even say you're a paki because they're doing a better job than you are

was in Denmark last week
They good but they were no better than what you'd get back home unless you have some blonde fetish

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It's actually considered BRAVE for a woman to wear no make up, isn't that weird?

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tfw no asian gf

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how do I join a paki cricket team
there's several cricket courts near me

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He's a weirdo that spams the same stupid shit over and over


missing the part where she's the biggest gossip around
my sister fits this to a tee

>cricket courts

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Cricket’s a noncey upper class sport. Football is, always has been and always will be the number one uncontested sport in England

Lift your 400 pound arse up

don't care

Why are incels so enamoured with Asians?

northern monkey
reckon if you ever showed up at lord's they'd refuse you entry

yeah obviously
im not white knighting in fact I think the majority of women I meet are dull as fuck but its not as hard to pull as people make out

rugby union is the rich pricks sport of choice here tbqh

location: down the pub

did barry stanton get banned from twitter?

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rest of the straffo gallery is bigfooty stuff so I won't be posting it
there you go lads

how are they so perfect lads

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getting second hand cringe from these. painful to read

turtle is liked here desu


did not get the point of him
is he some aussie meme like drachenlord?

not a bad outfit 2bh

thanks lad a real eye opener

We don't poo anymore
We don't poo anymore
We don't poo anymore
We don't poo anymore

The old guy they were using pics of apparently found out

repeatedly posts the same pics
and anyone who constantly posts their face is an attention seeking fag

incels only want 10/10 white girls actually

we're not going to take it (no)
we ain't going to take it
we're not going to take it, anymore

thats a basic bodily function how did you just stop shitting

got me foreskin in me teeth lads ahaha

very AUSTRALIAN post

>There are brits ITT who have never been to /cric/ during the Ashes


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pretty fucking gay
shows that they were actively looking for reasons to ban him despite the fact that the account was clearly a joke, they jumped at the first opportunity

White people are sick

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I’m from Sussex you turbomong, southern as can be and I can tell you for certain cricket is gay as fuck, the only people I know who play it are pakis and Indians

Football on the other hand is the White Man’s sport

dont care


>cricket is gay as fuck

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soccer is wogball, simple as
it's not been the white man's sport since 1966 you troglodyte

did the man hit the ball with his stick?


god i wish that were me

horrid accent

swimming, lacrosse, table tennis and badminton are the white man's sports

I from the year 9985 CE.we have wireless town catheters now

what accent is it? essex?

for me it's polo

Booked my tickets to beachy head

NO sport is a white mans sport

Blacks are physically superior, the last "white" sports died when you let black people play sports, dumb wh*Toid

the last 2 are asian sports

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KFC Gravy is
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how the hell is badminton white?
It is dominated by asians

Soccer is for poor people (intellectually)

Who's the most unmoggable man in existence?

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cricket is the most english sport

I sometimes forget that there are actual people in foreign countries

"There are a lot of umbrellas: which is John's?"
"There are a lot of umbrellas: which one is John's?"
Are these sentences correct?

I'm 6'6 and haven't been height mogged in 7 years

nice one


"which one belongs to John?" sounds better though

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nobody, no matter how tall, how swole, how rich you are, there's someone swoler ,taller and richer out there to mog you

klinefelter spastic

it's a secret
might be
might not be

"which oneth does john claim ownership I simply must know"
sounds the best

It’s really weird, especially because I keep telling my gf she looks way cuter without makeup. When she wears her eyeliner and blush and shit she kind of looks like a whore

there's one 7'0 guy at uni who just looks like a stretched out 13 year old