Who else />tfw no MENA gf/ here?

Who else />tfw no MENA gf/ here?

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>Who else />tfw no MENA gf/ here?
I know this terrible feel, desu!

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>he actually prefers stinky brown pussy

2 slutty 2bh

t. MENA too

>t. MENA too
half and half
but desu i've seen moroccan pussy and russian pussy, i can tell you with confidence that compared to one another white>mena

>He doesn't like stinky brown pussy.

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Please, ship her to my address. I pay well.

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the worst feel there is.

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The dumb Turk makes the #5123489 "tfw no mena gf" thread. If you ever actually came to /MENA/, you'd realize that you were living in a delusion.

People underestimate how ugly we are in MENA. 95%+ of our women are just hairy ugly ogres. Not to mention that they are usually fat, age quickly and will suck you out of your money. The average attractiveness score for our women would be 3/10. Women from the rest of the world are much more attractive.

>inb4 someone posts a Latina trying to make her out to be a MENA woman

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I fucked an Italian girl once, if that counts?

Can you elaborate please? Because my oneitis actually is Moroccan. Please explain your post in depth.

she could techniclly be a italian national of mena descent.

but mena is Middle Eastern-North African, not exactly med, but close. more ethnic

Middle East you are right

But maghrebis girls god's gift to us...

Post more Hanz


I am acknowledged to that feel

Brown pussy smells goooooood

Pakistanis aren’t mena.
Also she’s cute, but that Adam’s apple is throwing me off.

>tfw you can't form an opinion on your own country's women bc you never get to see them


I can see them here. And I suggest you say الحمدلله that you don't see them.

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honestly based on my memory i think they looked pretty good

She's sitting right here on my lap as I type this.

>posts the same image over and over and tries to generalise
Rly makes u think

What are Pakistani's?

Hurry up with the tourist visa and I'll come take a look for myself الحمدلله

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Brown pussy is the best pussy.

Which MENA region have the highest number of a sorcerers? wanna go there

fuck sorcerers

Oman and Morocco

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Very pretty
Definetely morocco

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When are you going to start posting all the Tunis Uni qts you've met?

>tfw no Atheist MENA bf

I'm not izem the woman-hating insecure nigger

>tfw didn't get my sorcerer's apprenticeship yet

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I know there's one Tunisian guy going to Tunis Uni and the other Tunisian I know is a qt girl, so hey bby girl how u doing?

you only have that flag because you inbred mutts larp as being stinky browns

Well you have been fooled cause there is no tunisian girl here, only a larper that may be izem (the guy that goes to tunis uni)
If you see a reasonable chill tunisian then it's me

Don't ruin things for me.
Anyways, she posted her hijab, I want to believe.

With timestamp? Coz said tunisian is a mentally ill notorious shitposter

>tfw no beurette gf
inch'allah j'irai a Marseille cette été

Va a Paris c'est mieux

Mmh, I'm not sure, maybe not, I wasn't in the thread, I only saw it in the archives.

Wouldn't call said Tunisian mentally ill per se but maybe mood swings?

mais j'ai deja ete la bas plus le climat de paris c'est de la merde

Post link of archive

Senpai this was ages ago, you think I keep up with every qt that posts?

smelly kike

Jews are so gay they cut a piece of their dick off.