Is this a European country?

is this a European country?

Attached: 959px-Map_of_USA_with_state_names.png (959x593, 169K)

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More like the Horn of Africa

why are you so obsessed with being European?

Geographically no, linguistically/culturally/genetically/etc. yes

even our "nonwhite" Hispanics are like 2/3ish European (genetically) and speak a European language

More subsaharian african desu
But the muttness is too strong to distinguish nowadays

blacks make up less than 15% of the population, there's probably more blacks in France

No it's an American country you fucking cuck



Attached: Why+do+the+french+tanks+have+a+rearview+mirror+_6c902cb4a95fb0f454fcaff4773674b3.jpg (800x800, 130K)

>linguistically/culturally/genetically/etc. yes

america has more people you fucking idiot

Only this part.

Attached: 1085845829489.png (2000x1239, 1.06M)

No, it's an American country.

*more blacks in proportion to whites in France
It's illegal to conduct a ethnic census in France, so it could be anything

isn't spanish, like english, more of an american language now than a european one?

my descendant :)

It's slowly becoming more and more English like

No Pedro you aren't white

I just wanna post this here. I'd like you a lot more if you could switch to metric already.
The English speaking internet is 80% American and frankly, I'm pretty damn tired of converting everything to metric.
Please :(

Parts like the midwest is, meanwhile california is muttland

just learn the conversions, I understand what Celsius is like in correlation to Farenheit

we all learn Celsius and Kelvin in HS Chemistry
plenty of people know km/m/mm at least roughly and so forth

There's a bit more to the US than the midwest and California

Attached: United States Map Template.gif (910x718, 79K)

How do you feel about us and our current situation? Have you visited the region?

have literally never seen a map as arbitrary as this

your welcum

change it to white and nonwhite, then it makes sense

ah yes the banks of the mississippi, the whole state of mississippi, western virginia, maryland, delaware, chicago's, NYC's, st. louis', philadelphia's metropolitan areas are all known as very white places aren't they?

Honestly I live 3000 miles away from all of those places so I have no idea

Attached: sony dab.jpg (480x360, 13K)

I meant eastern* virginia along the coast especially in the southern part
