When did they cease to be relevant?

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (900x600, 825)

We're relevant in the brain of the cultured ones, the average american and their 250 yo country that was allowed to exist by us should show some respect

Suez Crisis of 1956. Like the UK.

The second Germany was unified.

Attached: ReichsgrBCndung1871-AW-620x450.jpg (620x450, 282K)

When UK and Germany outperformed them in demographics

Attached: Population2Centuries.jpg (604x357, 45K)

Since then France was to afraid of German invasion to concentrate on competing with anglos

>best companies in EU
>best trained army and special forces
>Shitton of french speaking countries around the globe
>Actual culture and history, not just muh north vs south we kill le niggur xD
>Annual military parade
>Dassault's Rafale

try again shartfag


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After giving up Vietnam.

If we occupy Vietnam, once again...

>infested with non-whites

That’s a lot of delusion in one post

point out the delusion

Why are you quoting yourself?

look who's talking

where do you think you are?

You already tried to reoccupy Vietnam though

>best trained army
The last real war you fought you lost since then it’s been against Africans and the performance judged by international observers along with the French government state that it managed logistics externally poorly
>best companies
Yeah not even gunna bother
>Africa and Quebec
Both shit holes
>military parade
Like every other country fucking hell you fucked it up so bad that it became a meme
A good jet
Based in Netherlands marketed as “European” I.e. German not French
Never head of it
Eveyone has them
>special forces
The Paris shooting proved that they are utterly shit

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>Last war we fought was against africans
Factually wrong.
>best companies
Literally the best companies of europe. Can you read an index tho you dumb fuck? Go see the euro stoxx
>both shitholes
still counts as countries. Also you're missing all the other dom-toms
>never heard of it
Lobby of Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermès and other prestigious luxury.
>Nukes, everyone has them
Ok now you're just being silly. You should fire up google.com from time to time you know.
>The paris shooting proved they're utterly shit.
Arrived in 20mins. Killed the 2 terrorists without hostage casualities (note I said hostage, not civilians, don't go full retard please).


right after ww1


Probably when they left NATO command structure to avoid being cucked by the Amerisharts.

When my nigga wellington YEETed on them too hard at Waterloo

Attached: wellington.jpg (220x240, 11K)

*when your nigga wellington got rescued too hard by Blücher at waterloo

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