Am I handsome Jow Forums?

Am I handsome Jow Forums?

Attached: IMG_20180915_145652.jpg (3264x2448, 1.99M)

Telewila secondary actor detected

Based and bogpilled

Attached: CountryBog.png (533x543, 271K)


you look good enough but try to take a photo where you don't look like you're wrestling with constipation

you look like me with a better chin, and no acne lol

By looking standards you’re like a 4-5/10

Do I look good enough to pick white girls?

I think so but it's better to ask soc

What do you mean by looking standards?

sure, you could do that even if you were ugly, but considering where we are, well, ive seen pics of guys who are literal 11/10 here and still virgins due to autism

Sorry, meant to say lookism

you look cute, but take a lil more care of your skin. it looks a bit oily.

average at best

I look like this pic related r8

my post

Attached: 121234123.jpg (720x405, 44K)

you are a philtrumcel, no

Wtf is that?

You look like the infamous Hungarian leather master, Lucio Maverick

Attached: lucio mm.jpg (659x486, 84K)

space between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip

Is he 15 cm long?

20.32 cm actually, se llama Lucio Maverick

a typical hispanic BVLL specimen

good eye area and brow but the rest is meh

By lookism standards a solid 75% of the population is incel-tier irredeemably ugly

if you're not getting stares from women as soon as you step outside your front door, you're not attractive.

Contrary to popular belief, women are NOT modest and reserved. When a woman sees a guy she really likes, she WILL show it. If women are not staring & smiling at you, it's not because they are too shy or modest-- it's because they don't find you attractive!

What women don't do is just as revealing as what they do. If you're not constantly getting hit on by women, it means that you don't make the cut in the looks department. But most guys refuse to acknowledge this. They find this truth too painful to accept. They prefer to wallow in denial, thinking it's their "game" or "confidence" that needs to be stepped up. It makes them feel better to believe that what's preventing them from getting laid is something they can control. In reality, they're just not physically attractive enough for women to notice them.

in that case lookism standards are lower than women standards

pic related: 80% of men are below 5/10 in looks

Attached: 2MstAzl.gif (983x622, 49K)

This is an ultimately meaningless meme because the vast majority of men have sex at some point

Not really.
You're okay though.
You are probably a smash hit with Mestizo women

>IQ of 126, digit ratio of .954
>Supposed to have a digit ratio of .980 and look somewhat like you, but I'm handsome instead
>Only know I'm handsome because I know my finger length, wouldn't even really know if I didn't measure because I can't care about anything in life

I can't even ride a bike up the street without wanting to stop. I can't work 14 days straight without wanting to plunge a razor into my throat. My entire life is miserable.

What's your digit ratio?
You really don't want to be handsome and smart in this world. It's a miserable way to exist.

Attached: MyFace12.jpg (953x1809, 361K)

Eh, not handsome, but you still look pretty good in my book.

No, kys fgt

Enough to get laid, but no.

I need female responses, not some jealous niggers.

Not really

>not some jealous niggers

>guy who is asking strangers on the internet if he's good looking thinks people are jealous of his looks

Attached: 1529956894510.jpg (320x472, 57K)

You look inbreed desu

Attached: americano.jpg (602x602, 61K)

I am 100% female (woman) (XX)

You are not ugly at all, but this angle is not flattering makes your face/neck look fat IMHO. You also look a tiny bit young like early 20s but I can't imagine your looks will get in way of you finding a gf of your age.

Post some (XXX) pics to prove it

Keep in mind too, that women have harsher scales of judging so when I say "you are not ugly" you should take it to mean you are in above average for men in general.

Attached: Okcupid+girls+standards+lightbrownbig22+high+4+me+big2lightbrown_9b9d53_5839488.jpg (503x644, 35K)

>I can't work 14 days straight without wanting to plunge a razor into my throat
you lazy cunt!

yes, please let me suck your dick

Acceptalo de una vez eres un mestizo como todos los demas

Uh this is a blue board. I will post XX pics to prove it, rather. DNA test from has proven I have 2 (two) X chromosome.

Attached: XX.png (1920x1080, 167K)

I am 21

Un mestizo guapo

please be my gf lol

Yeah like I said early 20s. So its natural you look young when you ARE young. You are handsome but this particular angle makes your jawline sink away. A big part of a man's charm is in his jawline. But in real life it will pop more. You have strong eyebrows too which hare handsome and good eyes and healthy hair and clear skin. My 2c. No need to be insecure especially if you have decent height.


You could have just posted the fushigi yuugi tab. I would have believed you 100%. Nice euromuttness like me btw.