Why dont asians eat cheese?

Why dont asians eat cheese?

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Tofu is our cheese.

they are intolerant against lactose

My mom says that it makes your body smell bad. They just aren't used to the taste really.

t. Asian American

beta lactose, no culture of milk. Only mongolians are alpha asian

tell your mom to shove a ricotta up her pussy

What a load of shit. Asians smell Just as bad as caucasians. Stop falling for those retarded myths.

I eat cheese

Lactose Intolerant. You retards need to stop associating that with niggers.

For real. Asians have fucking shitty, pathetic Vegan-tier diets 90% of Time. This is why most of Then are 160cm scrawny manlets. You cant even develop propet body without meat and potatos.

Probably on account of their high lactose intolerance levels and lacking a cultural history of it. Though funnily enough I drink milk and eat cheese fine and never had any problems with it.

Lactose intolerance is not allergy to milk. Most people with lactose intolerance can drink two or three glasses of milk with no effect. Cheese has reduced lactose content.


It will make you have disgusting farts and shits though.

After more than 2 or 3 glasses.

Your brain is a potato.

Most cheese doesn't contain much lactose. The production process converts it into other stuff.

ive eaten nothing but potato for six months and ive lost 50 pounds


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That just means you aren't eating enough calories, aka not enough potatoes

but im full

It gives them braps.

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m8, here they've been putting disgustingly retarded amount of cheese (mostly processed) on literally EVERYTHING for years.
stop this retarded meme

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To produce milk you need grazing livestock. East Asians turned their arable land into rice paddies, and then doubled down on pigs, which don't need as much room as cows, goats, or sheep, as their primary animal food source.

Central and Northern Asians DO eat plenty of milk, butter, and yogurt, and they also eat wheat because rice can't grow in their climates.

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Not mutually exclusive

I hope you're eating other things too, bro, man cannot live on potato alone

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We call it keju and we put it on everything. We're turning into Americans.

The very first time I had cheese it was bitter and disgusting. I bet the only reason whites like this shit is because of the opioid content

Wew lad, you've never eaten pizza or pasta with cheese? Just some Kiwi cheddar once and then never again?

True. I hate cheese. Besides, russians do not know how to make hard cheeses

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Because there are many delicious things to eat, we're busy.

Have you actually ever eaten cheese? i don't understand how someone cannot like that.

There's a reason people get fat from eating too much fast food like pizza, and it's because it's so good you can't have enough of it.

How does a Greek choose whether to have cheese or yogurt for a meal?

What's your BMI

It's feta all the way for me. Though yogurt isn't too bad either with honey and sliced fruit.

I'm Jow Forums actually.

Is that all you can do with it? I bought yogurt once and kept forgetting about it. Can I put it on pasta or something?

>Can I put it on pasta or something?

maybe that's a thing somewhere but i don't know anybody that does that

Put it in your smoothies to make them more silky.

You can make tzatziki sauce.

we eat cheese
but this is a mostly "new" thing due to the French

There's no cheese culture here

The spics brought jamon and not milkies

>white people eat fungus encrusted with worms

I eat only melting cheese. I love pizzas.

>The first time Saki ate the fermented soybean dish called natto, she was 7 months old. She promptly vomited. Her mother, Asaka, thinks that perhaps this was because of the smell, which is vaguely suggestive of canned cat food. But in time, the gooey beans became Saki’s favorite food and a constant part of her traditional Japanese breakfasts.

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I eat burger, and burger has cheese

Based yellow man

yellow people eating yellow things.

they dont want to be anymore yellow than they already are?

theres white cheeses too

I only eat white cheese dripping from an excited white cock~!

it's a different type of smell, we're more used to it, so it seems normal, but for them it's different. it's why different cultures smell different, because what you eat affects how you smell. try eating nothing but onions and garlic for a couple of days, no matter how much you wash yourself, you'll still smell

They miss a lot, poor them

I can't speak for everyone but I do eat cheese, especially Camembert and Brie.

LOL go ask urself xDD

I doubt that they have much access to cheap cheese or have much to choose from. Also lactose intolerance.

It doesn't go well with local food so its only eaten with western food like burgers. Try eating cheese with soy sauce or fish sauce.

They never learned how to make it.

we don't herd cows and the cheese agent is not naturally occurring here so..

1) you're asian, pekka and you eat it
2) having different traditions and diet is good.

Why do you have to eat local food whole the time? And you can eat cheese just as is

cheese are imported
imported things here === highly taxed
so you just eat local food. and they're a lot of local food variety.

it's expensive to make when you don't have a strong dairy industry to subsidise the cost

Watashi wa yerrow-kun desu, kek.