What's the meaning of life?

What's the meaning of life?

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to take as many wh*toids out with you as possible when you die

eat and sleep

brown/ black women

dubs of truth

Decrease suffering. Which ironically can only be achieved by gradually experiencing growing doses of suffering.

Nice dubs


In your own life or all lives?


Love, not even memeing.

to suffer

Life means explored possibility

To kill as much people as possible south from Texas


What is love?

don't hurt me

All lives.
The final purpose of any human being is decreasing suffering the most it can.
Suffering is the same as change. See, if you don't change you are comfortable.
Because change is unavoidable, suffering is unavoidable as well. Change is unavoidable because reality as a whole is changing and thus your reality eventually changes as well.
You can however avoid suffering in explosive short doses and instead suffer gradually more and more as you get used to it.
Another way to view is a more darwinistic one. A species survives if it can adapt to any environment and thus is resistant to change. The suffering of humans is them adapting to a new situation, becoming more adaptable in a cognitive-behavior sense, thus close to survival.

There is no meaning at all we are an empty book that needs to be writen i mean you aren't born with an porpuse you need to write that empty book an porpuse

based, but I feel like I don't do enough for others and it makes me sad thus making myself suffer


Not even memeing, 100% serious as a heart attack

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Is that why you kill each others on the street on a daily basis?


will to power



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to help advance human technology to the point of indefinite lifespan

Impregnating southeast asians.

>not east asians

Cocks, gay sex and anime.

Nah, not interested in pale skinned ones.

get money fuck bitches


killing as many anglos as possible before you die

Literally just to fuck women and have as many kids as you can before dying.

Its no different to the animal kingdom

The meaning of life consists of passing on your genetics (have kids) and appearing to be genetically superior to those around you.

Money baby, sweet sweet money.

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To spread the word of the Celts

Nothing. All animals live for no reason.

the 4Fs

Feed,Fight and Fuck.and Frocreate.

I am guru of life ask me anything.

How many times have you frocreated so far?

To live. We are sentient byproducts of unnumerable atoms crashing and these atoms will keep crashung long after us. Whether we come and go doesn't really matter. The final answer to that quuestion is to shrug and move on with your life

Satisfy biological needs


>inb4 le spic philosopher/leftist xDDDd
Life itself has no intrinsic meaning, besides, it's overrated as fuck. There's no god or entity out there. We are alone, as far as we know, in the universe. Just do whatever the hell you want, nihilism is the only true, also, you can take the path of the optimistic nihilism too.

Killing jews

What about Vishnu?

Based & Redpilled

i knew it!

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To simulate lobsters

getting a qt gf, wifing her, and making babies

Nice doubles and quads


Most based post on Jow Forums.

The meaning of life is to suffer. To suffer every day until you're dead.


Survive and reproduce.
Animals spend hours every day just to find food. That's what their life basically is - wake up, find something to eat, rest, find something to eat, sleep. Then they have children and they die of old age by the time their offspring come of age

However, we have advanced so much that these tasks are not a challenge anymore and cannot take up all your time. But this modern society also provides other jobs that can make your life meaningful.