Do non Americans have this in their bathroom?
Do non Americans have this in their bathroom?
Yes, we do.
I have a question. I heard that in America a daddy can't take a bath together with his little daughter because people say it's what pedos do. Is that true?
I'd love to sit there naked between your legs, daddy
That's cute
>Smooth thighs
>Hairy shins
Low effort cross dresser spotted.
Isn't that true everywhere? I mean, before they speak is okay but after that they might tell somebody if you're not careful.
In Japan, if a little girl says she has never taken a bath with her daddy, everyone must feel it's weird.
How little are we talking about?
People here have more chances of accepting tentacle porn as normal than a guy bathing with his 5yo daughter.
Why do Argies inherently view 5 year olds or bathing as sexual?
Western culture is very sexual in nature. You could get thrown in prision for calling a kid cute