Hello, Im planning on moving to the Netherlands in a few months. Already have a secured job as a construction worker

Hello, Im planning on moving to the Netherlands in a few months. Already have a secured job as a construction worker.

Are Dutch people racist against whites and catholics?

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also what should I expect when I go there

>as a construction worker
Mexican tier job.

I'm a college dropout from a very prestigious family.. and I dont want to start studying for another degree all over again, so I'm running away from Croatia.
My family is also offering me semi-nice jobs through our connections, but I'm just too ashamed to stay here with all of my family being doctors, lawyers etc.

>from a very prestigious family
Ah okay, then build yourself a harem and have magical adventures.

Thanks. I'll try that.
America was actually my second choice

well I respect you for doing your own thing but unless you have experience working your ass off in manual labor and living in cheap ghettos, I suggest you go back to school.

and the only reason it wasnt my first is because id have to be an illegal immigrant there, hidding at my family place

>America was actually my second choice
You do not want to live here as a blue collar worker.

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>very prestigious family
are you a magnate or what

nah just highly educated people that have influence in croatian politics as well

why not

No but it's fucking impossible trying to find anywhere to live in the major cities

then why dropped out

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It isn't illegal to be Catholic anymore. Where are you going to work?

We don't have the safety net majority of europeans have. You most likely will end up breaking your back for shitty pay surrounded by drug addicts, niggers, and crazy fucks with mental issues (that can easily get guns).

I suggest you swallow your pride (or get a shitty job over there while living rent free with your parents) and try to back to school. I bet they would be more disappointed if you just ran away instead of trying to fix your shit.

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I like to think its because of depression, but its also a huge bit of laziness. I just burned out.

in Utrecht

There is a big Croatian community in Ohio. We were already in a contact with them, they would take care of me and I would work with other Croatian immigrants, so I wouldnt have safety problems

but yeah, I would still be an illegal immigrant with tourist visa, hidding from police even thought I didnt (nor I would) do anything, always watching over my shoulders. which I dont want

They are racist against slav construction workers, don't expect to make many dutch friends

>prestigous family
>drops out from uni despite all the support your family has offered to you without doubt

Why do you insist on bringing pain and shame to your parents? Don't you even respect them enough to at least study hard enough to somehow make it through uni with bad grades?

I'm just not smart enough, okay
I dont belong in that family

Unless you are studying Theoretical Physics or something you can most likely pass with shit grades by just rote memorizing everything. You don't need exceptional intelligence for that, but you must not be lazy.

>but its also a huge bit of laziness.
And you plan to work in construction? Oh well at least it will give you some perspective and might help you learn what you want to do with your life.

weed man

welcome, OP!
as long as you help us remove kebab, you'll be fine.

Yeah, I heard I would mostly be working with Polish and Ukrainian workers. Thats pretty cool

I was a pharmacy student. I dont even like pharmacy nor medicine. I felt more and more depressed with every new subject I had to take

Id say im far lazier with studying and brain working than with manual working. We will see. I can always come back to Croatia and start studying all over again at the age of 25 lmao

One day hopefully


>pampered fuck with no experience in manual labour wants to travel halfway across Europe to become a construction worker in a place where he doesn't know anyone and doesn't know the local language either

You can do whatever you want man but I'll guarantee you'll end up with suicidal thoughts after a few weeks. You simply have no idea what you're in for.

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Expect the worst housing market in the world multiplied by 5 since you’re an immigrant and this easy target

Go back to school.

I just want to run away from this shithole country and my family

Go for an Erasmus semester in Spain and spend your time getting drunk and fucking british slags to clear your mind and get away from everything.

rent is expensive
better stay away from bad areas

ayy I was already on erasmus! Best time of my life.. you know whats up!


Even the bad parts of our attractive cities are inaffordable if you’re not some teen mom or refugee that gets a social house. The Amsterdam government already issued a warning to all people in the Bijlmer which is the dystopian 80% non-white highrise district that if they ever were to think about moving somewhere else temporarily they cannot come back there because of waiting lists and private sector rents out of control.
There’s people paying massive amounts of money so they can live in commieblocks with drug dealers and aspiring rappers

>aspiring rappers

What is a normal rent for a 50m2 appartment in an okay tier part of Amsterdam these days?

Look forward to being pals with Seba and Sasha then

The people of Utrecht do not represent all Dutch people. Don't be discouraged by their arrogance.

I wouldn’t know. I pay €730 for a 35m2 studio but I get €320 rent assistance. So the total is €410. However this is not in Amsterdam.
My guess is that if you want a private appartment you can easily pay €1200 for 50m2. Hence most people share in Amsterdam

I hate Utrecht and it’s people. They’re so lame and generic, just a cheap Amsterdam knock-off yet so arrogant and smug.

If he's gonna be a construction worker he will live in a house with 10 other guys, getting drunk every day, not worrying about the rent

>people that have influence in croatian politics as well
Jebo ti pas mater

we are indeed very racist against Eastern Europeans

>the Netherlands
that could be anywhere

>catholics are a race

Go back to morocco, filhty turkoid

>Are Dutch people racist against whites and catholics?

Visit our little country if you move to NL