Be English speaker in Florida, United States

>be English speaker in Florida, United States
>can't get served because people speak Spanish there

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>tfw in 20 years wh*te americans will all be extinct and los estados unidos will finally be populated by their rightful owners

Nigger woman start the confrontation.
Based spic

Why is it so hard for spics to learn English? I see Africans and Asians speak it far better, despite the fact that Spanish and English are almost virtually identically for like 2/3rds of vocabulary

Press 2 for English bitch

Speak Mexican you taco hating terrorist.

They live in cities where all the people speak spanish,obviusly they like the ilegals what they are don't learn because don't matter.

Illegals can't pass citizenship tests because they can't speak English, so they just go in anyways because fuck borders and shit :(((


>taco bell
Why would they? Cubans get granted American citizenship the moment they step a foot in America, just for existing.

I wonder what language the name Florida comes from

Based I'm so proud.


Just out of the respect to your new country you should learn the language and try to paid back your moral debt with harf work

Que basado y que sadilla.

Spain was pretty much empty when it was sold to the US, hence why the only hispanics there are Cubans

Literally in the top 5 worst states, next to California and Arizona.


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>Spain was pretty much empty when it was sold to the US
Ironically accurate

They don’t have the self-awareness to do something respectful.

>being respectful to american wh*toids
Why would you show respect to a people who French kiss their dogs?


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They are ilegals,no think much about this i guess

Because they accept you to their home?

But you are just memeing


As opposed to you dogfuckers


>White: 0% white
>Brown: 100% white
>Americans in charge of maps

Cubans are invited here you dipshit

>Cubans get granted American citizenship


The modern immigrant treats America like an endless bank account. They come in to take some money, then they send it back to wherever they're from.

Talking about Mexicans

They aren’t illegals, they’re cubans. We literally tell them if they float here on a raft they can have free citizenship so we can virtue signal against the Cuban government. Unfortunately Florida is a swing state so these eternally butthurt faggots have a death grip over our policy towards Cuba

If latinos took over America would actually have culture so I don't really care.

The thread is about a Cuban

Post I was responding to was talking about all Hispanics
Stop talking to me

america is more of a gangster casino than a nation. look at your president's history.

Based and redpilled

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if america is las vegas then canada is reno


if latinos took over america you'd be next

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>Miami Latinos
Lol no, these are the types of faggots who move to Miami and complain about how much they hate their home country as well as anyone not from their home country. The white-upper class types who pretend to engage with their own culture on social media to prove how “Latino” they are, despite talking, acting, and thinking like Americans 90% of the time. The types who came up with retarded terms such as “latinx”. The ones who will only ever participate in their own culture as a means to “stick it to white people”. The ones who attempt to impose the American racial hierarchy into their home countries. The ones who despite being rich, will try their absolute hardest to appear as “low class” as possible in their clothing, while driving expensive cars and living in expensive suburbs. The ones who despise the actual poor, thinking of them as lessers. And the ones who carry a secret hatred for their own culture. They wish their home countries were more similar to America. They didn’t move because they had to, the upper class leads a good life in the third world. They left out of hatred for the nation they lived in.

>Gusana tasting capitalism

How do we protect the brown race from Wh*tes?

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this is what you get for speaking english in taco bell, gringo

if you go to taco bell you should speak the savage jungle language of the primitive races whose 'food' you are about to eat and shit out over the course of just 6 hours, so I have no problem with this

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>the rootless cosmopolitan
Buddy, look at this family. The only way you could tell if they were republican or democrat, would be based on whether they have a trump or hillary bumper sticker on their monstrously designed SUV.

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I hope all the engl*sh speakers are replaced

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>implying that Thailand shouldn't be a part of India
The rest is perfect tho


>German Empire

lmao never

>The modern immigrant treats America like an endless bank account.
Immigrants, in particular illegal immigrants, are the largest part of the workforce of places like Wallmart. You know, that extremely rich company which receives huge amounts of tax money while its workers live off food stamps.
The only people who treat your country like an endless bank account are the corporations.

Dumb Jow Forumstard.

Viste restaurante 2 para inglés

those people on food stamps make more money than anyone at home

Most of them do speak English, they just pretend not to because it lets them get away with things.
t. worked with Puerto Ricans for many years

based maine

she was fired yaknow

wtf is that square in south dakota that is 0% white?

Is that where el super dios mutt lives?

Probably a reservation

Native Americans

Pine Ridge, It's the poorest place in the US

t. South Dakota

Florida is rightful latino clay
Fuck gringos

America is rightfully mehico clay

>be French
>go in restaurant
>can't get served because he doesn't speak Arabic or Berber

Learn Spanish. It's a white language.



>ITT virgin NEET shitskins throw a temper tantrum about big bad whitey

Doesn't matter. In the market, I'll skyrocket. I'm the minority now; I stand out among the crowd with pale skin, green eyes, and wavy hair. Why choose straight or curly hair coupled with the same old, boring tanned skin when you could have something you've never seen before? Something taboo? Hand over your women, CHI's.

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Most of them do. The ones that don't never leave their neighborhoods.

To them it's not a new country. They believe their taking back land which was stolen from them.

>Everybody asuming that latino was a mexicano
Holy shit, it feels so goddamn good to be this relevante

It's only Mexicans that pull this type of thing. It's part of their reconquista fantasies.

This literally happens in any country that has migrants in it. Stop whining and make them pay for it indirectly

There are more people talking about Cuba ITT tho.

How the fuck did they even employ someone who only speaks Spanish?

It's the manager's fault for hiring them.

Why is it so hard for anglos to learn Spanish? I see Africans and Asians speak it far better, despite the fact that Spanish and English are almost virtually identically for like 2/3rds of vocabulary

Have you ever been to Miami? I've spent days without hearing English.

Spanish fluency is a sign of being low class in our countries.

we can't do that when half the country supports them

What’s funny is that Hialeah is a total shithole. The people who don’t get out are fucking retards who live off government money and defraud Medicare. Fuck that place.

T. Broward user

same for poles lol

I'm sure monolingual Cleetus is more high class than hardworking Jose who learned a second language.

Why would a host country learn the migrant's language? Do you speak Romanian or Arabic?

>5. Australian American

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Brits come live here (Spain) and can't learn it for shit



That's because they're shit immigrants.

>can't read for shit

They're on the same tier. There's many ways to be perceived as low class here. Languages for high class people are French, German, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Korean, or Japanese. Maybe Arabic if you work in the military.