Which do people drink more of where you live: beer, wine, or vodka? Which do you drink the most?
Which do people drink more of where you live: beer, wine, or vodka? Which do you drink the most?
Wrong map whoops
Beer usually, but most of my friends hate it and only drink wine because they're fags
Btw, wtf is that map?
Wine or Beer. Don't know.
btw, what is this shitty map?
I've never seen vodka in real life.
wine is for patricians
beer is for plebs
Real men drink Whiskey.
It's the least accurate thing I've seen in my life Jesus christ
In my family we drink semen like other Jow Forums users but in my country the people drinks beer.
>le regional languages
I (almost) never left my good ol' 100% Francophone region but I think this map is pretty much totally irrelevant.
(unless you want to know what are some languages/dialects...even if they're not important)
Here it’s:
College students: beer, wine or vodka
Working class: beer
Rich people: wine
Pretentious people: whisky
Beer because everything else costs much more per amount of alcohol.
ok don draper
That map is wrong too.
why, wine of course.
Used to be wine country, but i think it's now eqaul. Maybe beer 50%, wine 30% and 20% sprits.
Vodka is subhuman tier
I drink wine more than beer but I drink whiskey more than anything else
>everything else costs much more per amount of alcohol
Is it? Cheap wine gets you more alcohol for your coin here.
>*Proceeds drinking 38% female "vodka-light" aka Schnapps*
Spain is a beer country.
beer or cider usually
I think beer is drank more here.
Definitely beer, but I prefer rum.
beer, followed by vodka
Drink, drank, drunk.
beer for sure
Old people: wine
Young people: beer
Kids: anything as long as it's cheap
You cant drink vodka regulary like beer, unless you are not alcoholic, ofc everyone prefer beer
I only drink vodka.