Why do Latin Americans make fun of Slavs when they themselves are even worse off ?

Why do Latin Americans make fun of Slavs when they themselves are even worse off ?

"Slav women are whores"
>Implying Latin Americans aren't marrying Westerners just to get green card
"All Slavs want to leave their country"
>There's a reason why Trump wants to build a wall at the Southern border
"Slav nations have high inequality"
>lol then Latin Americans are all equally well-off ?
"There are breadlines in Slavic shitholes"
>T. Venezuela
Etc ...

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Why do you imbeciles always make baseless claims in a question format?

Just go to any Slav-related threads and you'll see Mexicans and Brazilians bragging about fucking Russian , Polish etc immigrant girls .

I remember when I got my first nudes from a Brazilian girl

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It's because we want to fuck the white women but Slavic bitches are the only ones who spread their legs for us. If i could i would fuck German or Scandinavian girls.

never seen it on Jow Forums,lol

Nigger eastern europe is as irrelevant for our day to day lives as we are tothem. I basically know nothing about that area, why would i make claims about breadlines and ther women on a regular basis?

only brazilians do that. fuck off.

If we go by the stereotype that Slav girls only want money or green card the why would they fuck a Brazilian ?
So they could enjoy the 100$ a Braziliian makes per month ??
So they could move to favela and enjoy the luxuries there ??

It's because Brazilian soap operas are broadcast in Russia and most Russian girls grow up dreaming of romantic Brazilian prince.
It's not my fault, but it's the first time in history our soap operas were useful for something.

P.s. real Brazilian guys are nothing like those in our soap operas, so we just pump and dump the Russian bitches, lol.

>It's because Brazilian soap operas are broadcast in Russia and most Russian girls grow up dreaming of romantic Brazilian prince.
How the hell did that happen?

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You just proved my point right .
Worry about fixing your shithole first and then you'll have the right to bad talk richer nations .
Portuguese rapebabies

>Chile > every other shitty south american, center american country.

>Implying Brazilians can afford to film soap operas

Nice job mister brazilian, i'd like to do that, very proud of you

Not even i know, lol. But it worked, hahaha.

Brazil actually made visa-free deal with Russia just so we could get there and bang Russian girls and bring Russian wives here to Brazil, our minister even joked "now we bring the Russas (specific female term) to us" at the time.

But I haven't said shit man

I like slavs and not all Latin Americans are from Mexico

If your Minister did indeed say that then no wonder Brazil is shithole . Immature cunts .

Does Vietnam has visa-free with Russia too? You guys were allies no? If Vietnam movies are broadcast in Russia there is a chance Russian girls might want to fuck you too.

No Russians would want to go to Vietnam . Just like no Russians would want to go to Shitzil

My country and Russia has ties too, they even provided leftist shit with guns in our civil war.

>Brazil actually made visa-free deal with Russia just so we could get there and bang Russian girls and bring Russian wives here to Brazil
Pretty based

That's nice

Why not? A Russian girl told me that Russia is so bad that she would even live in Africa if she could. They love beaches, if you live near a beach, you can get a Russian bitch, it even rhymes.

I actually know a few guys married to Russian girls, not even i know why they come here to be honest with you, Brazil is pretty shit too. Must be that soap opera propaganda magic.

I know a couple political activist who have romantic views of brazil and southern america and have gone there a couple times and want to live there. Is that a noticeable trend? Are there many 1st world hippies coming to you?

The average mexican doesn't know what a slav is

Proof ? That Russian girls are desperate to marry malnurished Brazilians ?
Proof for anything you said ? For all I know you may have never even been within 5 meters of a girl and probably just jumped on the Russia-bashing train for the lolz .

(You) isn't man from Brazilian soap opera, you are ugly poor uneducated nigger /mutt, in soap operas actors are rich european Brazilians, nobody will give you sex, stop fantasizing

Hmmm, yes, i've met some liberal American blondes who were all like "BRAZIL I LOVE BRAZIL MULTICULTURAL SO COOL" and took selfies with brown guys.
There was even this crazy liberal Dutch girl who was giving English classes to homeless guys (not sure if they just homeless or favelados), like they would all sit on the sidewalk and make a circle and she would teach them right on the sidewalk, imagine a bunch of scary black guys surrounding a blonde qt. It's so weird for us, because when we see that type of guy, we literally cross the street or move as far away as possible.

On youtube there are also like 4 foreigners who worship Brazil in a very romantic way, one is a Russian (what a surprise).

>Why do Latin Americans make fun of Slavs

I dont know about those latinos, but we can, there are not latinos here, thank god!

No one wants to go to Brazil . You either get raped , robbed , pick pocketed or killed
That's why Brazil receives only receives 7 mil tourists per year . Even Cambodia receives more

Face it Mutt , your country is a corrupt , barely-relevant shithole .
Your GDP per capita is lower than Russia . Even though Russia is being sanctioned by half the world .
The only things you have are beaches , bitches and a big-cocky mouth .

Well, i can only post pictures...

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It's not my fault dude.

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Yes because all slightly brown men must be a Brazilian and all blonde white girls are Russians .
A Slav could post a picture with a white man and brown woman and pretend it's a Slav-Brazilian couple .

It just keeps going on and on and on...

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I know the first guy personally.

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This is the most autistic thread I've seen in a long time.

And here we have Dmitri with his Amazonian gf

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russian women are whores, though

Why are Vietnamese so based?

Instead of posting pics without sources . How 'bout you post articles or statistics supporting your claim ?

I love autism posters. Just go on Jow Forums a thread and start desperately bashing a cunt which has nothing to do with you with whatever data you can gather. Very cool hobby.

>Implying Latin Americans aren't marrying Westerners just to get green card
We are westerners.

you're not

It is pointless discussing with OP, he is asian, I have never met an asian who doesnt have his head stuck up in his ass. They are dumber about the world than americans.

Don't listen him, it's nigger trying to make fun and discreditade russian girls
Really ignorant monkey. You even didn't see russians ever, picks that you posted can be russian+russian couples, there are a lot of people with dark hair and eyes here, much more than blond people

Yes, I am and I have better things to do than to talk with a black guy who's probably a muslim. Bye.

And French women aren't ? you fuck anything that invades your land

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This girl isn't even russian, she's native Russia'nation like Udmurt or Mari
Hahaha idiot

But one of those guys is my friend, dumbass. And i'm sure he is Brazilian, the other two are from Rio and São Paulo.

Stop coping and deal with it.

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Says kissless virgin

When you can't provide me any sources or statistics and have to resort to pointing out my race , then you will know you truly lost the argument .

i know that it's in your interest to keep believing that russian women are traditional and pure since you're a gook who wants a white gf but they're not. they're whores who fuck anything even third worlders like you to get out of their frozen hellhole.

these guys are cuter and can do better

they are like us

Post now foreigners, enclude russians and Brazilian girls faggot

>they're whores who fuck anything even third worlders like you to get out of their frozen hellhole.
Ironic considering you're French

Marriage statistics. 800.000 Russian women married Brazilian guys in the last decade.

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In Brazil? LOL, no. Getting a Brazilian girls that looks like that is literally impossible for goofy guys like those, only Chads can get our German-Brazilian girls.

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I don't speak Portuguese , are you mental ?

first one deosn't look cute and the second one i suspect the angle does him good and isn't as cute as he looks, but maybe you are right. Also looks isn't everyhting, sometimes you have to settle with a not as cute wife so your country can shitpost on Jow Forums

Why do Brazilians worship Whites?

they're not
deal with it sudaca immigrant

Damn this guy and his son look straight up Nafri.

>implying Somali niggers wouldn't die for the chance or marrying some low class white thot

For Brazil standards those guys got their dream girls actually. You guys have no idea how much we worship white girls here, it's Asian masculinity tier.

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I find whites disgusting I would go for mutts

looks italian

You don't? Last i heard African men love Russian women as much as we do.

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Those girls look ok to good for our standards too honestly.

>i know that it's in your interest to keep believing that russian women are traditional and pure since you're a gook who wants a white gf but they're not
>yes because when we want confront misinformation , it's actually because we want white gf
This is why you have no friends Katipa

So you admit that white blood makes everything better?

Because eastern Europe is a depressing hole without identity.
Who the fuck knows anything about Slovakia or even what a "Latvia" is?

kek even a Mexican managed to get a Russian waifu

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pathetic gook saving for a russian mail wife lol

>that is good looking in italy
lol italians really are arabs

He does look like he could be italian, but if he were southern italian i would use him for terroni=nafri memes

i don't care

Maybe some Africans but not all
No I like Horn of Africa look aka Somali, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Djiboutian. Mutts are the closest thing to that desu

even if that were the case (which it isn't)
how the fuck does that equal to hating slavs?

I prefer latin or med qts for what it's worth. But many peopel do like russkies.

Even one of our Amazonia natives got himself a Russian wife. She is not attractive but is Russian nonetheless.

I mean, these guys literally got tricked and subjugated by Portuguese conquerors and 500 years later he gets himself a Russian wife, lol. Only Russia can achieve such things.

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I'd rather live in irrelevant places like Slovakia and Latvia where I'll be to live comfortably than Mexico which is known worldwide for cartels , stagnation (1% GDP growth is really something huh) and slave labor .


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In what case does degrading something doesn't atleast equal to disliking it ?


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Yeah, i mean by Brazilian standards they're Goddesses, really. We have a German-Brazilian minority that looks similar but they're rare and almost impossible to get, they're really stuck up and value themselves really highly, meanwhile Russian girl is very easy and submissive.

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Brazilians are so self hating that would rather prefer ugly blond russian girls that beautiful dark russians like pic? Haha all photos are ugly blonds who never was popular in Russia but Brazilian monkeys will take them

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We dont hate slavs.

What the fuck are you talking about? Is the napalm and orange agent left by the us what is making you say this sutipid things?

Theres only one brazilian who likes to talk shit about russians women since world cup

The "world" isn't your Jow Forums echo-chamber, friend.

WTF post good looking girls if you weant to make a point. not those things.

It's just that buttblasted Brazilian diaspora khokhol sperging over Russians.

But Dmitry, we go to Russia specifically for the blonde women. Brazil is filled with Med women.

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And here is Boris the Plumber with his half Brazilian daughter . 300 years of Mongol conquest and he still managed to get himself a Brazilian woman . Classic !

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Why are you defending Russia, Vietnam? You're aware Russia fucked you with communism right? You guys could be rich right now and surrounded by blonde Russian girls giving you massages (and much more).

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Stop posting pictures without source, post data to back your claims you fag.

Yesterday they accused us of hating SE Asians and now it's slavs.
What's next? MENA's? Abos?

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they are good looking tho