These are the southrons, say something nice

these are the southrons, say something nice

Attached: southrons map.png (1925x1742, 105K)


your map had a few minor inaccuracies, so i fixed it for you.

Attached: image.png (1925x1742, 146K)


I wish I was in the land of cotton
the old times there are not forgotten

Attached: late roman empire wojak.png (657x824, 34K)

good, fucks those germs bro

No, this is southern Europe

Attached: 1537110022741.png (1925x1742, 121K)

Colour us you nigger.


slovenia, croatia, hungary, romania are proper europe, serbia and montenegro probably, too

How do you know?

Mexico is honorary Med country

Irrelevant to the question

>in the same basket with slavniggers
I'd rather have turkey


Just a hunch
No, thanks

Not Germany's fault you produce nothing of value

>German engineering meme

Attached: 49104162.png (562x414, 130K)

more like die autos


Why are arabs so desperate to be in same club as south euros?

what do you mean?

No such thing as southern Euros, only northern Arabs

Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians are genetically arabs

It's club Med obviously

Everyone else got caught doing the same.

sure sure abdul,sure

Attached: 1dna_12_utos_9-0v_pca-12.png (1600x1440, 515K)

Greeks created modern civilization, the rest are arab rape babies.

It's called inferiority complex. Non europeans
or mongrels usually envy us.

my ancestors
I am Greek.


The following people are not Southern European, "Med" or meridional in any form:

-French (except maybe Corsicans. Maybe)
-South Slavs (all branches/tribes/clans included)
-Albanians (regardless of their religion)
-Romanians (don't let their language cloud your judgement)
-Turks (for fuck's sake, these people stem from the Altaic region)

Everyone else doesn't larp as the most virtuous and industrious country in the world.

hey asshole
i have the roman nose bump and the greek feet AND i cooked somethign with olive oil that had some spanish writing on it
i dont care what you say

That's basically what every American does here

I don't know what criteria people use to include Slovenia in southern Europe, whether it's geographical or cultural, but it's false either way

Attached: 1531954529274.png (987x1024, 948K)

Absolutely based.

Are you trolling?

>he thinks turks are actually atlaic and not just larping greeks
do turks look asian to you?

I guess you were forgotten

Attached: Évora_1dportugal_reconquist2.png (469x556, 64K)

seriously, french, specially from occitania or centralfrance are as south europeans as you and me. I can´t define south europeans or eastern europeans or norther europeans or central within those lines.

Germanics are far worse

Can I be a part of it ?

Bosnia isn't south europe sorry


Attached: 1444586507457.png (1216x1221, 830K)

t. Achmed

Corsicans are pretty much central Italians, with their language being an offshoot of medieval Tuscan

Attached: Italyy.jpg (1200x672, 79K)

Germans are the largest ethnic group in america

Different culture.

Unlike us, they prefer to involve their personal feelings with their jobs and work ethics...

If you use butter more than olive oil, then you are not southern European. Therefore, south slav nations are not southern European.

>work ethics