Your honest opinion about Poland

Your honest opinion about Poland

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I bet it's nice. Weird language though.

I unironically think it’s borderline third world and racist af.

reply to my thread please and ill answer

Low, verminous people.
Should have let Stalin kill them all desu.

I don’t really know much about Poland so I cannot give an informed answer. I would like to visit someday though

bretty noice from what someone I knew said about it. However, I have never been so I can't say personally.

Also, Danzig is German soil.

Should be annexed by Russia, and poles should be blocked from leaving the country


Extremely nationalistic and racist despite effectively being the niggers of Europe

>Danzig is German soil.
It was founded as a polish city and has been polish for the majority of its existence.

Kinda wanna travel there someday, not sure if it's full of skinhead like Russia which kinda makes me concerned as a Korean

old beautiful towns surrounded by seas of commieblocks, do you need that I repeat it every day?

meh. I wouldn't want to live there. Jow Forums has made pols here way too cocky.

As a kid, I always kind of thought it's like a ''cheaper'' version of Germany, or something.

>Your honest opinion about Poland
I don't think about Poland at all

That would be Czechia

I only know Polish truck drivers who give me cigarettes to get in front of the line for unloading. Based Polish.

Probably a pretty nice place, most of the Polish people I've met are pretty cool

Ja volim Polska!

I like Poland. I knew a polish girl who was visiting Brazil for some months. It was ok

Trashy people, horrible food, and this: Dunning-Kruger the country

where do you intend to vote for Poland, and why?

Hate commies, hate Nazis.

Seem alright to me.

Nigga šta?

Why does the country which was terrorized the most by the Nazis now have more Nazis than Germany? (Applies to much of Eastern Europe, sadly.)