In Germany, once you reach the age of 25, you will be unable to start an apprenticeship and you will be too old to go back to Uni because everyone is many years younger than you. You basically become a hopeless NEET who can only wageslave at a factory job for the rest of his life working 8/10/12 hour shifts everyday. I am 32 and this has happened to me. Your thoughts?
In Germany, once you reach the age of 25...
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Can’t you just start your own company? Take out a loan for a small bussiness?
>Your thoughts?
Do crabs think fish can fly?
You should have come studying here
>because everyone is many years younger than you.
How does that make any sense?
I'm going to uni, and about half the class is straight out of high-school, 40% are somewhere in their 20s and 10% 30s-40s.
It's not bad lads.
>tfw you're past uni benefits age and employers now have to pay pension payments to the state, effectively making you twice as expensive to hire as the young kids
Its pathetic and makes you depressed that these people will graduate and have jobs at your age while you are still in uni
Shoot your boss and an EU federalist, prolet.
There's a guy in my course who spent a 1 at a ''peoples school'', got current grades and started studying, and he's in his 40s. He gets benefits and student loans just like the rest of us.
Lucky you, here you don't get any of the student benefits once you're older than 26.
It's less pathetic than doing something you dont want to do for the rest of your life.
It's more pathetic to be a NEET
> too old to go back to Uni because everyone is many years younger than you.
You are still entitled to a government grant (750€/month). [Bafög]
You are still entitled to a subsidized government bank loan (600€/month). [Kfw Kredit]
You are still entitled to a direct government loan (300€/month/after the 3. semester). [Bildungskredit des Bundes]
You should've gone back to uni, OP.
Btw you are still entitled to all these benefits even with 32 years. So you still have the chance.
I started Uni at 25 after starting my own business
Being entitled doesn't mean you're going to get these benefits.
The secret to life is to just study hard
It literally does.
based Sven
How long is the university in Germany?
in years.
you can finish all your courses in 2 semesters and write your thesis if you like
You can also study for 10 years
QUestions like these which imply there was a fixed schedule trigger my autism.
The norm is 3 years Bachelor, 2 years Master
3 years bachelor + 2 years master usually.
>You can also study for 10 years
These days most bachelor degrees these days have caps at 9 or 10 semesters.
Some do, not sure if most. Anyway, there are still programmes without any limits.
In other words you're finding excuses to stay a NEET. kys
>Some do, not sure if most.
This is what exposes you as a boomer. I don't even know a single university that still lets you study 20 semesters.
Most normal people won't judge you if you are trying to better yourself. Even if you're older.
God damn. I wish I was a kraut sometimes.
Surrender? Loggin off?
>you will be too old to go back to Uni because everyone is many years younger than you
how is this even an excuse faggot? I mean if the state doesnt want to pay for your school because youre too old I guess thats an excuse but I doubt they do
Note that all of these grants and loans are meant to cover your living expenses since there is no tuition. The government grant only has to be paid back in half if you finish your studies in time and this depends on your future wage as well.
The interest of the subsidized loan can be frozen for 10 years if you choose an interest rate that is just a bit higher (3,7% vs. 5% right now). The direct government loan can be partly be taken as a payout (max. 3600€) to cover a semester abroad for example.
Here is like this:
>Pros: you can study for free being a foreigner, nobody will give a shit about your age (there's 50yos studying) and you'll get your dick sucked for being german
>Cons: Argentina
I've met a scottish girl who came here in a exchange program in my uni and she was 34yo, still on a bachelor
Dafuq is going on in Germany?
OP, you should realize the age of other people in your classes won't matter if you're not going to socialize with them anyway
>you can study for free being a foreigner
Interesting. Proofs, please?
i didn't know they didn't teach 30+ people in the german unis...
Is true man,the losers of my country travel for study free LOL
you can study for free or nearly for free being a foreigner in germany and france too i believe, the living will cost a pretty penny though
In France you can even apply for citizenship after 2 years if you finish your degree there.
What proof do you want? It's literally like this. Just apply to any public university, check the requirements at their websites. AFAIK only post graduate studies are paid
But it's forcefully in spanish
shame, they speak french
>it's forcefully in spanish
That was close.
Бpaтишк, я тeбя cpaзy пpeдyпpeжy, c poccийcкий шкoльным aттecтaтoм тeбя нe вoзьмyт, тeбe eгo пoдтвepждaть пpидeтcя, a этo гeмoppoй.
Ecли ты хoдил в шapaгy - тo этo дpyгoe дeлo.
>But it's forcefully in spanish
This. You better know Spanish before hand.
I want to study in Germany,i don't want to learn French... :(
>In France you can even apply for citizenship after 2 years if you finish your degree there.
No wonder it is full of sand niggers, and classic niggers.
English language programs
So, if for personal complications you were forcefully imposibilited to study in your early 20s, you're considered useless?
You're that passport guy
so what? haha
Those girls are not cute. They look like slutty lizards.
hi femanon, post feet
crabs don't think, they're stupid as shit
If you haven't made it by 16 you will never break into society