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2. Is it infested with postmodernism?
>not at all

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Stop deluding yourself, we're catching up to the west with the speed of light in terms of degeneracy
Sadly not with average pay

>postmodern neo-marxism
I love to study postmodern marxism just as soon as I finish drying my dry water.


just say "muslims" desu

Muslims have nothing to do with Marxism

>postmodern neo-marxism
This makes no fucking sense, have you guys ever read a fucking book?

>sweden shows up to defend muslims
like pottery

t. post neo Marxist modernologist

This guy recommends Stephen fucking Hicks regarding postmodernism

Not really, just sticking to the facts.

No. That's how they can call people like Hillary Clinton or Angela Merkel Marxists
I don't need to watch thirty minutes of Jordan Peterson to know that postmodernism and Marxism are literally incompatible.

Marxism is a good thing


The relationship between postmodernism and Marxism is more complex than that.

Marxism is trying to understand conflict within the context of class struggles. Postmodernism is skepticism that human nature can't be defined by things like that. Also they're both western ideologies.

Postmodernism is the rejection of 'over-arching narratives' including the rejection of objective reality or and embrace of subjectivism.

Marxism is fundamentally an objectivist and materialist theory that leaves no room for subjectivism or relativism.

based and redpilled unironically

They’re western in the same way that a contra asset is still an asset account.

Everyone in this thread is retarded.

Yes postmodernism is a rejection of objective reality and *should* be antithetical to any political ideology.

The argument is that postmodernism is either flat out wrong or at least is incompatible with the human brain, and that the mental suppressions demanded by postmodernism make one more susceptible to ideology.

>Yes postmodernism is a rejection of objective reality and *should* be antithetical to any political ideology
That's still a major oversimplification.

None of these retarded LARPing wannabe tradcon manchildren have read a wikipedia page on these terms, let alone any of the related body of texts.
Jow Forumstards promotes a form of anti-intellectual discourse in which the one who repeats an argument louder is the one who is promoting truth. Their very existence is being slaves to a self destructive set of victim narrative memes.

>everything I dislike is anti-intellectual
This is what happens when you put in too much ideal and no reality into the stirring pot of life.

>not being anti-intellectual
Intellectualism us a disease. Pol Pot was right.

>reducing his PoV to a 6 word fallacy
Truly an intellectual

Marxism is built on an overarching narrative of class conflict. It by definition cannot be post modernist as it is a modernist ideology through and through.

1. US
2. Yup, it's thoroughly hyperreal and spectacled to shit. It's unreal but that is precisely the word that describes our times.

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Yes but mashallah it will change soon

What’s wrong with him?
Are you pretending to be retarded?
Based Bruce
Also based and CIA pilled

But at the same type, many people we would call postmodernists (though I don't think any would refer to itself that way) still drew from Marxism's critical apparatuses. The relationship between the two is actually pretty interesting and complex.

Well, he said Kant was "contra enlightenment" for starters

They also draw from greek skeptics far more often. Were Plato or Aristotle post-modernists?

Only the upper middle class in the urban areas

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It was a disappointment that August Walker was a bad guy :(((

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Cheers mate I was about to post some of these

No but people like Althusser and Lefebvre made significant contributions to both. Foucault even noticed the similarities between his project and that of the Frankfurt School's

Here's a new one

>Polish woman looses child in sham-marrige with nigerian man seeking residence permit


>Ewa Zuchowska has been stranded in Denmark for two years without legal residence and lives as a homeless.But she will not go home without her son, as she has lost him to her pro-forma man from Nigeria.

>The Nigerian man now has full custody of the 4-year-old Polish boy, and Ewa has not seen her son for long periods. - I'm still in Denmark, because I can not leave my son. I made a huge mistake, but it should not be my son, who will pay for it, says Ewa Zuchowska, Documentary.

>A documentary also proves that this is organized crime, another Nigerian guy in Poland finds Polish girls and matches them up with Nigerian men in Denmark seeking residency

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No neomarxism, but straight-up marxism-leninism.

Poolack BTFO

Postmodernism is not Marxism in disguise and there is no such thing as "post modern neo-marxism"

That guy throws together a whole bunch of ideas into big pile, from Marxism, Leninism, to critical theory, to post structuralism to intersectional feminism and labels all of them bad in a single motion by pretending that all these very different movements have the same origin and the same intent.

He avoids the hard work of engaging with he theory and simplifies the world to the point where it can identify a single main enemy that prevents the status from being as good as it otherwise would be, in other words, pure ideology.

Frankfurt school is not the same as Postmodernism or Critical Theory.

The Frankfurt schools consisted of dissidents uncomfortable with existing capitalist, fascist or communist systems.

Frankfurt School believed that traditional theory could not adequately explain the turbulent and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the 20th century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to the possibility of an alternative path to social development.

That deranged Canadian is leading gullible people down a dark path of idiocy.

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the new/alt right is also post-modern

Based nigger

Man Salazar left you guys paranoid

there are neo-marxists, but most of them are bitter Stalinists like Zizek or otherwise upset over DemSoc types
traditional Marxism is very Modernist, to be post-modern inevitably means rejection of Marxist orthodoxy

You wanna know the stupidest thing I've heard about this so called 'neo-marxist post-modernism', is that it has the core concept of 'the minority is oppressed by the majority like ''''''Marxism""""" but they neglect that the tiny issue of the concept of the 'proletariat being oppressed by the bourgeoisie' is the opposite, the majority being oppressed by the minority.

Also the fact that reducing Marxism to an 'oppressed-oppressor dynamic' is retarded and meaningless because that's not specific to Marxism at all and absolutely not the core of the theory.

Nazism had an 'oppressor-oppressed' dynamic, too.

It's like saying "Titanic" is a remake of "Jaws" because they both have the ocean in them.

I know but I'm saying that even when you reduce it down to the ridiculous oppressed-oppressor dynamic like they do, it doesn't even stand up to THEIR OWN CRITERIA.

Zizek is a Stalinist because he grew up under the Soviet Union. There's nothing neo- about him, he's the original.

In the minds of the intellectual dark web: Marxism = Communism = Nihilism = Postmodernism = Stalinism which is total lunacy!

As you rightly state, "to be post-modern inevitably means rejection of Marxist orthodoxy".

Have a look at Marxist critiques of Postmodernism for instance. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_postmodernism#Marxian_criticisms

Cultural Marxism or as they now call it "Postmodern neo-Marxism" is nothing but a conspiracy theory rooted in antisemitism and propagated by people who fail to understand certain changes in culture they dislike.

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I wouldn't even call it antisemitic, just fucking ignorant.

>It's like saying "Titanic" is a remake of "Jaws" because they both have the ocean in them.
Well in my opinion Titanic is a remake of Jaws in that they both use an ocean based tragedy as a framing device for the inevitability of death, through the sinking cruise ship on titanic and the hungry shark in Jaws.

It has it's roots in anti-semetism.
