هاها سندمر أمريكا قريباً بما يكفي لجرائمها ضد الإنسانية. الموت لوكلاء الحكومة الأمريكية والجنود والجواسيس. الإمام المهدي سينقذ العالم إخواني وأخواتي بإذن الله
Brayden Ward
Ryan Perez
Gabriel Brooks
Stop using google translate. We all know you're some LARPing cumskin
Julian Cook
ها أحنا أصلاً ليه مبنتكبس بالعربي؟
أزاي يبقا أسم الجنرال مينا و كله بالأنجليزي؟؟
Dominic Miller
Gavin Gonzalez
As someone from Kabardino-Balkaria, I would want to know how does the Circassian diaspora live in the Middle East
Gavin Jackson
I think they live normally. Perhaps they speak Circassian too IDK never met one. You will only find them in the Fertile Crescent and Lower Egypt since that's where they were historically involved, especially in Egypt and Syria.
Nathaniel Parker
>genrikh will never sit on your face
Sebastian Hernandez
Stop feeding him loser
Samuel Bell
I imagine genrikh as a stick with no meat and a very flat ass desu.