Do you love the European Union?

Do you love the European Union?

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Not until it federalizes

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No but I’m not a virgin who’s blood starts boiling as soon as the words Europe and Union are dropped

based and epic

I'm a virgin tho

I have a hate-love relationship with it.

It is more like something national governments use to fund the policies that win them elections and also to pin their own errors onto, than something national governments do for each other and for the Union itself. I think it is a general force for good, but it has so much wasted potential.


Not in current state.

>having romantic feelings towards an institution

Can't agree on Moravia, a lil bit more of Slovakia region should be added and then it would be perfect


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No, but at least now I don't want to leave it athough.

No, of course not. The EU was founded to cover the massive debts of France and Italy by Germany and the BeNeLux.

I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Union for which it stands, several nations, divisible, with liberty and justice for none.

yes please let us in k ty

For me personally, it has only given me advantages.
Better traveling, get preferential treatment abroad, no tolls, cheaper shipment of packages, don't have to pay fees for cash withdrawals abroad etc. etc.
People get mad over stuff that barely affects them.

Can't say I love it but definitely I do support it.

its better that no Union

No. But I definitely love the money they are giving us.

This when it is run by people like Kurz, Farage and Salvini.

Should I?

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The EEC was a good idea. The EU, no.

Of course

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It is an abomination, a soulless blob that has swallowed and is slowly digesting Europe, turning what was good into shit.

Literally every pro-EU 'person' is a weirdo soulless LARPing freak


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weirdo soulless LARPing EU-loving freak with inferior memes

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Fuck the "eu"¡

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Eu is a German-Italian cancer.

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No, it is a weak ally against Russia when it is controlled by Germany. And we're not going to get anything done against China (intellectual property theft, industrial espionage, etc. which Germany is particularly vulnerable to) until you retards actually start taking Russia seriously.

looks like France is your knob johnson in that picture

I prefer it to the alternative of lengthy ground wars that we have to get involved in.

Yes , i see it as a first step to a unified world.

Like west eu
Dislike east
Simple as

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Well, we helped you a lot. Without the heroic Swiss Army, the fucking Germans wld have won WWII.

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>don't worry Germany, we'll keep all your loot safe until you win the war!


Not our fault Germans would rather do business with Kremlin.

I know, so I'll refine my statement: Eastern Europeans are finally wising up to how stupid Western Europeans are toward the Germo-Russian axis.

It's up to you guys to actually oppose them. We're not going to go guns blazing to kill Juncker or anyone, this has to be resolved democratically. I have full faith in the Visegrad to rebalance Western European idiocy.

>don't worry Germany,


*blocks your path*

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is there a more NPC opinion that being pro EU?

I heard, you started WWII. Is that true, Lolek?

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>buying nonsense "it stops wars" propaganda lie

ECSC clearly stopped France and Germany from killing each other. Whether you need the European Community and European Union layered on top of that, sure.
The plan (influenced by Americans in the 1940s and 1950s, no less) obviously worked.

You didn't have to get involved in shit.

Not in the slightest

Hate it. Germans too.
Everyone got mad at Germany when they tried to rule Europe by force. Now they're doing it via politics and everyone's cheering them on.

>I have full faith in the Visegrad to rebalance Western European idiocy.
It's not going to happen. Visegrad is much weaker than France alone.

It didn't. And of course you put some moronic American spin to it.


>how stupid Western Europeans are toward the Germo-Russian axis.
Europe borders the largest energy supplier on the planet what makes you believe some form of cooperation isn’t going to happen? Expecting Europe to cut ties with Russia completely is like asking the USA to cut ties with Canada, the Dakota’s and Texas.

Do you have actual concrete reasons to be against the EU, or just emotionally motivated nationalist dickwaving?
Cause the latter seems to be the only thing anti EU people are peddling.
