Is 2018 and still don't have an Aussie gf

Is 2018 and still don't have an Aussie gf

Attached: Screenshot_20180917-212118.png (960x540, 707K)

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she looks abo


Abo princesses...

Attached: cute abo girl.jpg (507x338, 54K)

Implying that's a bad thing

Attached: 3-4-600x337.jpg (600x337, 32K)

Probably a slag, no thanks.

Post your favorite Aussie

Fuckin legend

Attached: hughesy.jpg (496x678, 38K)

What's the source of this video?

Google isn't bringing up anything.

How did he became a legend?

He makes jokes.


Going to watch it later. I don't think there's a lot of Australian media in Mexico.

What is stopping you?

That's not Akmal

Attached: akmal.jpg (1280x721, 135K)

Who is this man?

He's a comedian, but I don't know if you would appreciate his sense of humour

What kind of comedy we are talking about?

>Korea should be more multi-cutural

Americans stop.

Reminds me of a friend from high school who used to say similar kind of jokes

No she does not? wtf.

She looks fine