I want to believe in God and live a comfy and righteous life with no existential dread but I can't fool myself into really believing it because I know it's bullshit
I want to believe in God and live a comfy and righteous life with no existential dread but I can't fool myself into...
Nigga this isn't some therapy board for autists
I mean, that's a more defensible than atheist poltards who want to larp as Christians just to be more traditional and white or whatever.
God exists and he hates us
yes because jews killed his only son
Haven't you americans a government which helps you to believe in god through fooling you into it
Just think of god as a concept like maths, it doesn't "exists" but the logics and rules applies to the real world.
He hates us because we're an ant farm to him and he's like an 8 year old with a magnifying glass burning us in the sun , we're gods toys and nothing more.
Believing god is what stupid third worlders do. Just believe in what people you love say. It makes your life happy.
Saying that god ”doesn’t exist” will land you in the hellfire user
God is for bluepilled poor people countries so the governmemt cant trick them into beliveing that their lifes arent shit, this is why Norways population is 50% atheist.
>math doesn't exist
abo intellectuals everybody
Hahaha what do you mean ”maths as a concept”? Its the way you describe the universe you dumb fucking retard its as concrete as it gets
>Believing in a god of any consequence
>Not still living in existential dread
I think you don't quite realise what gods are for, user
> because I know it's bullshit
hmm. I wonder if you actually "know".
this but unironically
Aren't religious people all paranoid that they will burn forever if they don't follow rules?? That isn't comfy at all.
get a brick and bang on your head a bit...that should do the trick
t. Protestant
>Turn atheist
>Realize it has made me a weak, lazy guy that doesn't want to do anything
>Try and pray to doors made of wood in house
>Realize I need to be drunk for that
This sucks
>inevitably die
>you're dead for an eternity
>Universe keeps going without you
>eventualy the heat death of the Universe happens
>time itself stops, everything is dead for an eternity
>but eternity is an infinite amount of time
>scientists have observed particles randomly popping in and out of existance on a quantumphysical level
>which means there's an infinite chance of this happening and kickstarting the Universe again
>also an infinite chance of your conciousness to reform itself
This is my very own theory. I call it the Atheist-Reincarnation Theory.
I don't even think heat death is true.
It sounds like bullshit from some negative Nancy to me. I'm pretty sure Nietzsche was right and the entire thing just tears itself apart and recreates itself.
Try LSD or DMT.
Either way, you'll probably reincarnate
I don't want to fuck-up the one true perspective of life.
the particles don't "pop in and out" of existence
>one true perspective of life
If you have "existential dreads", I think you are far away from it.
Google "virtual particles"
virtual particles aren't like real particles
If they weren't real they wouldn't exist
bruh a virtual electron isn't conserved.
You need to redefine god. Religious mumbo jumbo just presents it/him/her in retarded way.