why are chinese tourist such fucking spergs?
why are chinese tourist such fucking spergs?
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Lmao chinks btfo
love how chink diasporas have managed to ignore this news lol
It's a shame subhumans come to our peaceful land and interrupt our harmonious envirmonet. That day will come when we will start to shoot people like this on site and send them back to their countries via Postnord butcher, decimate and disemboweled.
Chinks can fuck off, they don't respect nature when they visit and they think their newly found wealth changes the fact that they are manlet insectoids with no souls
:( This makes me sad. My friend's brother is autistic, and he does this exact same thing. He rolls on the floor and screams if he feels a negative emotion. It's hard on his family. You think it's funny, but he makes his family's life shitty everyday
I know autistic people too and while I have great sympathy for them, I have no sympathy for subhuman chinks who think the world is their theme park.
I think these two chinks are autistic. Maybe their parents thought it was time for them to travel the world, be independent, and of course they fuck it up and screech autisticly
>always in hueg group, like they're bringing whole neighbourhood
>littering everywhere
>don't queue
>don't speak English at all
>unfriendly to other tourists or locals
fuck Chinese tourists
>Lets humiliate paying customers from the biggest tourist market in the world.
Dumb Swedes.