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>Picking up after people
>Not beating them so they'll actually learn

>succdem is patriotism

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as if patriotism (lol) is a virtue

>I guess it gets lost in translation

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Both these tipes of "patriotism" are imposed by gov't. The true patriot says: fuck these parasites! I dont want my child to die in Siria, but I don't wanna pay overpriced taxes so that Putin pr Medvedev built another mansion as well!


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yanks utterly and entirely btfo how will they ever recover

You are a proxy poster or a foreigner. You literally live in a country where the nationalist party (as in national liberation and anti-colonialism) is economically very leftist.

>Both these tipes of "patriotism" are imposed by gov't.
goverment which is voted in by the people who want those things to be imposed.