Why do the New World´s darkies call themselves BLACK if they have nothing to do with real africans in their appearance?

Why do the New World´s darkies call themselves BLACK if they have nothing to do with real africans in their appearance?
Would be the same thing saying that an arab is white.

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because being Black and White is a social construct

Yeah it really annoys me how brown-skinned people in America with mixed European and African genes are called "black".

>Yeah it really annoys me how brown-skinned people in America with mixed European and African genes are called "black".

And Marcelo is very african when you compare with the average dark brazilian, who looks Neymar or Ronaldo Nazario

>because being Black and White is a social construct


t. Bolsominion 20% indio

>Would be the same thing saying that an arab is white.

Attached: 5 (2).jpg (938x472, 64K)

Not all blacks are pitch black.

Attached: E13C2372-50C4-44D2-B16D-DE3ADC123F7D.jpg (720x548, 160K)

They are so spoiled and useless that africans from civilized places would deport them.

those look like american blacks with traditional african garb on

>Would be the same thing saying that an arab is white.

they have clearly a lot of African blood
Arabians have very few European blood the few

It is written "Caucasoid" on the census, not "white" so fix your map

those are khoisan, obviously not your typical subsaharan african

>lightskin Africans don't exist
Most of my family are lightskinned

Because they are pre dominantly of african ancestry

Khoisan are very defferent from general ss africans

Not in Brazil

One drop rule senpai.

They do it? Mestiços here in Porto are not called niggers.

Have you been in africa? I have multiple times and most of the look like petróleo.

Why do you care anyways? They have darker skin than the rest of the population, then they can call themselves black. I swear the racial autism in this board is ridiculous

White siberia?

Isn't somalians particularly dark?


I wish Marcelo would stop appropriating my culture