Scientists finally solved one of the great mysteries of universe

What is dark matter and where it is?
Where is a large part of the mass of the universe?

It has been finally explained and there was no dark matter, and if dark matter exist, there is much less than we thought.

Atoms of the universe should be concentrated in stars, planets, black holes.

But these make only 60% of known amount of matter and 40% was seemingly missing.

Now the scientists say that quasars have emitted out a stream of atoms all over the space.

The atoms are there in the space, it isn't vacuum but a matter where atoms exist far away from each other.

Attached: quasar matter stream.jpg (1920x1200, 1.29M)

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Any reliable source?
I don't like Finnish websites

WHO GIVES A SHIT? THERES A FUCKING HURRICANE BLASTING THROUGH MY COUNTRY! HELS US! is leftist propaganda website, prolly has hidden agenda on this too to raise taxes

So, it's all matter right? It's pretty obvious when you think about it.

>tfw we can unlock the invisible secrets of the universe billions of km away but we can't stop poverty

Attached: 1531780850882.jpg (660x495, 53K)

You mean natural disasters right?

Physics fag here, any high schooler knows "dark matter" is around 25% of the universes matter.

I can hear the symphony of a thousand ropes snapping in every university.

we humans have reached mars yet you third worlders are still fighting hurricanes. crazy world , this

Bullshit. Why is the universe expansion still accelerating if this has "solved" dark matter?

nature magazine, but it is very technical articcel

this is how you find it with google

Nature - Missing matter found in the cosmic web

I hate space-related news. They make me feel in pre-history. I will never enjoy travel between solar systems.

>The atoms are there in the space, it isn't vacuum but a matter where atoms exist far away from each other.

What a shocking reveal!!!


If you want a really neat reveal, some scandi physicists, Danish or Swedish I forget, managed to teleport information roughly 3 meters in a controlled environment a few years back via manipulation of entanglement. A neat equation that basically means, the higher your mass is the less likely you are to teleport to another point. In the quantum world this happens all the time, in our world it's it would be an understatement to say it's statistically illrelavent.

Seems as though the Chinese piggybacked off that research in a big way.

Attached: IMG_2650.jpg (640x647, 32K)

Who cares.

I guess nobody is interested that somebody literally teleported something into space. We can teleport things now.

Attached: IMG_2618.jpg (772x767, 106K)

Wowee can i teleport one sandwich atom to mars?? so useful! science yeah!!

let me explain this for normie fags
>our theories of gravity totally fail to accurately describe galaxy rotation
>therefore, to explain why galaxies rotate the way they do there must be some arbitrary distribution of mass surrounding the galaxies
>this mass is an unknown variable, it's literally just something thrown into the equations to make them match observation
>they call this "dark matter", some of the crazier theories said that 99% of the universe must be this "dark matter"
>they were thinking it's quantum particles or some shit, but nobody really knows
>now they're speculating it's just random atoms floating around dispersed, even though this wouldn't make enough mass

They doing every possible thing they can besides changing their theory of gravity.


Scientists are some of the most emphatically religious people on the planet, they don't dare question their theories of gravity, even though this is the obvious error

This is a bummer

The thing is, the current theory of gravity (General Relativity) is very good at producing accurate predictions in most macroscopic scales and no one has come up with an alternative yet (to try and realize how hard it is to do so, you could attempt to come up with one this evening as your homework). In my opinion as a phys undergrad, GR is "correct" but incomplete. We need a quantum theory of gravity for the best possible approximation of reality.

heh, how about you explain THIS....
*teleports behind you*

Is it why ops a complete faggot?

We humans have developed toilets yet you're still street shitters

But they question it, that's the whole point.

The current theory of relativity works in all scales technically, if you take the "dark matter" into account it is also quite accurate and considering you are using lots of technology that uses derivatives of that theory and they're all working.
You've got to prove it's bad if it works so well at predicting things correctly and want to introduce a change because until now it's better and works in more places than anything else anyone has ever suggested and even if it's not 100% accurate or there are things not taken into account its better at predicting than randomly guessing so shut up and use what there is that works.