*sip* ah yes, caucasus sure is beautiful

*sip* ah yes, caucasus sure is beautiful

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Are Georgians the ubermensch?

Attached: Stalin_and_Beria.jpg (657x385, 65K)

fixed your pic, bro

Attached: biji biji kurdistan.jpg (400x218, 36K)

no, both are hopefully burning in hell

>not enough taken from turkey

not based..

Why does Azerbaijan have a noticeably higher income per capita than Armenia and Georgia, and how come even then it was still incapable of winning the war?

they have the most oil in the caucasus, also russia supplies armenia with weapons. That makes sense because russia also has military bases there.

>Why does Azerbaijan have a noticeably higher income per capita than Armenia and Georgia
>and how come even then it was still incapable of winning the war?
Thats that happens when your """people""" are clinically retarded

Russian armies are standing solely on near Turkish border, no Russian division fought in Karabakh war on Armenia’s side dipweed, in fact Soviet armies fought on the other side.
>also russia supplies armenia with weapons
just fuck off

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imagine the amount of shitskins

ehmmm sweety, i never said russia fought for you goys

Are people from Ganja referred to as 'mon'?

yeah just add g at the end


irrelevant, you have claimed of Russia’s support to us, whereas in reality Kreml is basically the jew of this conflict, cucking both Armenia and Azerbaijan.

''There are 3,000 Russian soldiers officially reported to be stationed at the 102nd Military Base located in Gyumri. In early 2005, the 102nd Military Base had 74 tanks, 17 infantry fighting vehicles, 148 armored personnel carriers, 84 artillery pieces, 18 MiG-29 fighters and several batteries of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles.''

''n 2013, the chief commander of 102nd military base Andrey Ruzinsky said in an interview that "If Azerbaijan decides to restore jurisdiction over Nagorno-Karabakh by force the [Russian] military base may join in the armed conflict in accordance with the Russian Federation’s obligations within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization ''

>he thinks those savage fuckers are protecting us from anything
people view the 102th military base as an unofficial symbol of Armenia being occupied.
>[Russian] military base may join in the armed conflict in accordance with the Russian Federation’s obligations within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization '
Let’s see if you can find the important part words in this massage.

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who knows dude, if you guys all sticked with transcaucasus the red army would've had a harder time getting in. but oh no you guys had to invade georgia in 1918 .

>posting churka delusions

fucking hell i'm not even Turk but this is embarrassing.

but your flag is xao chang

The meme from the beginning

>t. Genzvale
you are hopeless

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Azeris were hilariously incompetent in the War, now Russia protects them.

>spreads butt cheeks for russia and lets them have a military base

ah yes, very hopeless of me it's not like they have caused more harm than well-being

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>incapable at war
newly organized republic, added with the general middle eastern problem of corruption in both army and politics resulting in highly dubious and talentless soldiers to become high ranking generals.
Also their weaponry is quite outdated and lacking

also the general mountain and hill terrains of the lower caucasus does not help with offensives, added with the diplomatic tensions of azerbeycan being close allies with turkey who is a nato member, and armenia basically being occupied by the russian army at places