How are ancient chinese philosophers seen in modern day china?

How are ancient chinese philosophers seen in modern day china?

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Probably as reactionary elements of feudalism; now banned and replaced by Chairman Xi's wise teachings.

I actually don't understand what he means by this

pretty sure it's a fake quote meant to make fun of hitler

It's fake

Fucking brainlet

It's about the gassings """supposedly""" from Assad in Syria you double niggers

well it fits better with hitler than assad imo because hitler made germany great even before he invaded poland and fucked it up

whereas assad was saved by russians and never did anything of note except killing his own people

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so you're just assuming?

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Yes he's just assuming, when you start a thread about China it's just gonna be MUH COMMUNISM
To answer your question it still pretty important, Chinese classics are a large chunk of your education, and history and reforms are widely talked about.
>Inb4 get called a commie 50cent


OPCW already said it was fake.

it's nice reading but it doesn't help you to make money, much like how westerners view plato or diogenes

Americans in action

>knowladge only has value if it helps you make money

welcome to the real world

Well in the 60's reading them would get you beaten by the local Red Guard, but nowadays the Party likes to pretend that their socialism has "chinese characteristics" instead of just being some convenient excuse for tyranny that requires the slaughtering of thousands of their own unarmed people and rampant censorship to enforce.

>american understanding of china

What exactly are the Chinese characteristics, do you know? I know that they call it that but I've never known what was so extra Chinese about their version.

Shut the fuck up you weak chinned Polish-Russian loving commie retard. Your parents regret having you.

Nothing, really. Xi himself just recently had a strong commemoration of Marx, a Jewish Materialist who has basically nothing to do with China. There is no such respect paid to Confucius or indeed any Chinese philosopher.

Attached: jewishchinese.jpg (1199x788, 1005K)

capitalism socialism with chinese characteristics refer to entrepreneurship and government intervention by monetary and investment

sorry but this applies for american capitalism as well, no one uses aristotle as a basis for a modern economy

>capitalism socialism with chinese characteristics refer to entrepreneurship and government intervention by monetary and investment
None of that is inherently Chinese in any way. So they mean "Socialism with capitalist characteristics"?

it is chinese since all the other communism failed
this is about chinese-ness of socialism, this is about socialism that is for china


>this is about chinese-ness of socialism

Modern china has no culture
Mainland chinks cant even read shit that was written a century ago

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No, but they do use individualist teachings by prominent Greek philosophers, and the general sense of "free governance by freemen" that the Athenians pioneered. The Party really has no such connection with anything, not even their own supposed ideology since modern China isn't really Marxist in any sense.

Taiwan is the real China

Is that because of simplified Mandarin?

it doesn't need to and it is afraid of different philosophical thoughts
the party only needs demarcations

>There is no such respect paid to Confucius
nothing wrong with that
c*Nfucianism is the most destructive philosophy/ideology/religion/idea in the world
it gets even worse when you see what c*Nfucius repelled
>Mohism is best known for the concepts of "impartial care"
>Mohists developed the sciences of fortification
>the basic goods in Mohist consequentialist thinking are... order, material wealth, and increase in population
>The Mohist canon of the Mo Jing described various aspects of many fields associated with physical science, and provided a small wealth of information on mathematics as well.
>They believed in aiding the defensive warfare of smaller Chinese states against the hostile offensive warfare of larger domineering states.
fuck c*Nfucius
i spit on your grave

Confucianism was basically Lawful Neutral, the Religion.

mainland china are savages with no culture

It's because japs and euros should have partitioned china when they had the chance

Attached: Troops_of_the_Eight_nations_alliance_1900.jpg (1600x981, 137K)

Ironically, even Marxism is something you can't get unfiltered in China. The writings of the communist founding fathers are only available in edited editions that match with whatever current party ideology is at the moment; only party elites can have access to the unexpurgated versions.

>Confucianism was basically let's stop all kind of development for eternity and create a social order that makes everyone suffer, the Religion.

So that China could be all fucked up and unstable like the middle east?

Yeah that too.

Those teachings are as follows:

1. The party and Chairman Xi are always perfect and always correct--thou shall not question their judgement or else.
2. Falun Gong is a CIA psy-op to destabilize China
3. Some Chinese sailors were possibly shipwrecked in Australia 600 years ago, ergo Australia is China's rightful clay.
4. It is wise and socially harmonious to beat dogs as hard and quickly as possible prior to throwing them alive into a soup cauldron
5. The Dalai Lama is a CIA agent
6. Some Chinese merchant may have lived in the Philippines for six months in 1732, so the Philippines is China's rightful clay.
7. The democracy protesters in 1989 were CIA agents sent to destabilize China

>Falun Gong
I didn't realize these people were still relevant. Aren't they basically just a little cult? I've forgotten what I used to know about them.

daily reminder taiwan is real china not xi communism shithole

They were a Buddhist sect or something and because they got too popular, the party panicked and decided to smash them as brutally as possible.

China generally shapes everything of 'their' past to the desired directions of the present. So, at best, they have some shallow fanfiction of ancient Chinese philosophers, and Western Buddhism tier aphorisms.

China isnt muslim

Based, Assad took the teachings to his heart and let his opponents power up one last time. Assad is like an IRL Vegeta :)

>China generally shapes everything of 'their' past to the desired directions of the present.
every country does that