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didn't even know we had starbucks here, i bet most of them are in c*penhagen

>Drinking coffee

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I don't get the point of Starbucks, it's shittier than decent coffee at a real café, but just as expensive.

What is wrong with us

Fuck, that many? That's disgusting, I thought we were better than that

In Australia Starbucks failed miserably (although still has a few stores inner city) because they were arrogant cunts who thought that they could come into the country and charge absurd prices for coffee when people already could buy good coffee at a nice café everywhere.

The ones that remain are just macbook hipster/asian hangouts that no sane person would go to.

The UK never had a café culture so maybe it just really took off there because deep down inside they like coffee but never knew it until Starfucks came in

I genuinely embarrassed by this.

>t. Ko-knepper


only 4 wtf I feel thirdworld now

starbuck opened a few days ago in Milan

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Starbucks is owned by a Jew, go figure

alle i damnark der ikke er fra K*benhavn hader den by

t. frederik mohammedsen, full-time cuckenhagen student

whats the plural of starbucks
starbuckses, starbucks', or starbuckee

That UK number can’t be right, can it?

Zero. Cause here we drink tea.

me too. I've still never been in one

The plural and singular are the same

If anything, I'm surprised it's as low as that. Every cunting street seems to have a Starfucks. The sad thing is that you can actually get a decent cup of coffee in this country, for a fraction of the cost, at any cafe run by Turkish or Italian immigrants. But people are sheep who just follow the crowd. Also, free wi-fi helps.

every medium-large size town has one. Especially around yuppy southerner areas
246 of them are in greater london

Why is the UK such an american colony ?
Quite a shame

>100 starbucks in spain
never seen one

You're in no position to judge, Pierre. You eat more McDonald's per capita, than any other country in Europe.

I know where the one is in my city, it's right next to the central train station. Never gone into it desu

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There was a Starbucks in my town, and never seen anyone in it. In six months it was gone. And the McDonalds is also gone, maybe because everyone orders food online. McDonalds looked like something from the 90's.

They're all in airports and train stations, then there's one in östermalm.
Your coffee is already shit and watered out so there's not enough market space for them in Finland.

This kills the starbucks.

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So there are none in my country? Finally something to be proud of.

why dont you make it per capita so we can see the poser hypstershits per country population

0 here :^)
This honestly I was in Europe multiple times and it's just really expensive for no reason and tastes like corn syrup.