If you could usurp the US government's power...

If you could usurp the US government's power, what form of government (other than the current one) would you replace it with? Fascist dictatorship? Islamic caliphate? Communism?

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democratic republic, death to the oiligarchs

This form of government you have is quite good, desu. Very strong presidential power connected with two-party system which radically improves decision system in comparison with standard democracy. I wish we had something like this in Poland. Here parliament contains too many small irrelevant parties which are being bribed by big parties to vote "proper way", and our president is just a figurehead without any real power. Real power belongs to first minister.

No, they have a peoples democratic republic, big difference

>Real power belongs to first minister.

And this power can't be even compared to power of US president, btw. It is much smaller in all fields.

Replace the oligarchy with Swiss style democracy.

Not so, the US constitution is in many ways self-contradicting, for instance it is structured in such a way that people who play Jew tricks often win, violating the establishment clause of the First Amendment

I don't know but there would be a mass purge ideally. Maybe just a good old fashioned junta. Huge numbers of people would need to die. All of the political and economic elite. Then the poopskins.

minarchy. the state should only exist to defend the territory from violent foreign powers.

Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

Use the power of the US military to spread the revolution.

I would replace it with a German dictatorship so #ww3 is nearly fair

>democratic republic
>Swiss style democracy
Indeed, the current government is none of these things, but would be a step forward for the American people, not backwards?

communism for the lulz

Unfortunately, they do not know how to even shoot a gun so this is not possible. Fortunately however Americans are easy to brainwash

dismantle it into small country


It doesn't matter. My only goal would be to start a country wide incel genocide

a trumpocracy

Sieg heil


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mein fuhrer

Military junta

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