Do low class Euros think speaking English is snobby?

I was in Germany a week ago, and was talking to my friends on the train.
A (college aged) kid next to me starts mocking me in German(and presumed I couldn’t understand him) saying “I speak a English. I’m so good and intelligent”. He also could barely speak English.
Is this common in Europe for the poors to resent English speakers?

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We only make fun of british english because it sounds gay. Never heard anyone say anything bad about american english

No. Poor people are not a difrent then 99% population in here.
So some speak others dont.
I only learn it to play games.

germans hate anglos, rightfully so

Germans are a resentful bunch. Most people don't get to witness it and therefore find it hard to believe but anyone who has spent any significant time around Germans will know that they are incredibly petty if anyone shows a skill that they don't have, especially if it, inadvertently or not, shows them up to be less intelligent than others in a group. If narcissists were categorised by nation, Germans would be no.1 by a large margin

Attached: germans.jpg (649x1535, 434K)

>speak english with a strong french accent
get made fun of because "lol, his accent is aweful"
>speak english with a slight french accent
get made fun of because "lol, he's trying to make it look like he knows how to speak english"
>speak english trying to suppress your accent
"what a pretentious asshole"
Such is life in the shithole that is France.

British accent is seen as quirky since the only people that obsess over it are Harry Potter and Doctor Who fans

>speak english with a slight french accent

Attached: 1537423338682.jpg (347x424, 40K)

>a French person who only speaks with terrible grammar incorrectly with a super strong accent daddying the fuck up on you
>2x if its a girl but a man also works

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>including every pair of underpants with skid marks
la criatura germánica...

i've found germans to be very rude without cause when travelling in europe

just cunty, sneering people I suppose

That's funny cus NA english sounds nasally as fuck to me, and kinda gay

Is this for real? I'm pretty sure germans aren't that different from danes or dutch people, maybe their parenting is just commie liberal shit?


You from the north? Dudes from Manchester, Newcastle, etc. sound fucking badass. But even my nasally American accent is 2x as manly as that gay RP shit

I think all of those things
I hate it when french people try to speak english

Take it from someone that's lived in nordic countries and France (stereotypically known for being rude and arrogant), the Germans surpass them by country miles when it comes to genuine impoliteness and arrogance.

It was a true culture shock when I first moved here, people have a basic lack of respect for one another. Their personal hygiene is also on par with French stereotypes.

most contacts with the brits are the tourists burning on the beach and the drunk foot fans, so not really

I prefer my weak southern accent
Not too strong so I don’t sound uneducated, but don’t have the awful nasally sound that stand am has
But yeah, Northern English is a good accent, along with several Scottish accents.
Southern English is fag tier, and Irish is ok, on par with Stand Am. Northern Midwest/Canadian is the absolute worst though.

no. French was considered snobby a few decades ago. Now it's just the language of africa

Bigger than a German's temper if true.

>loud monkey noises
Germs are all right with me, then. It almost makes up for the other stuff!

>complains about "terrible grammar"
>writes that post

But the aussie is a native speaker of english so he can't be wrong, but the french can be wrong

Whites are so violent.

This also happens in South Korea. Many Korean students from Anglosphere pretend to be not good at English because others become jeoulous.

Germans arent particularly much poorer than americans. Germany is the richest european country. If you come of as having an aura of superiority well then people may be more likely to mock you no matter where you are from...

Definitely not. Speaking english is really low class, associated with poor and uneducated foreigners. If people speak english it shows they have a poor grasp of the language, and are overly influenced by american pop culture. It's trashy, like the opposite of snobby

Except the kid couldn't even understand what I was saying and I speaking to my friend not him...

>and I speaking to my friend not him...

Is English your native language?

Anglo english is pretty hard to understand, but is superior

No it is, I just forgot to type the "was"


We make a fun of people that use way too many anglicisms when the right words already exist in Italian