How do you pronounce Bonaparte in your language?

How do you pronounce Bonaparte in your language?


Attached: napoleon-1er.jpg (625x952, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:ón_Bonaparte

why would you pronounce it with aye


Because anglos are niggers

are you guys retarded



reminder that napoleon is only 1/8 french rest is italian

BONo part



more like bon-a-party am i right


I pronounce it Bonaparte. Bo-na-par-te.
Why would put this retarded angl*phonic diphthong at the end of any.non anglo word? It's the same with menu ("menyu") or anime ("animey"). Stop it, just leave that poor E be.

Just Napoleon.


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Cheese-eating surrender monkey

what is this even in reference to?

Bona parteh, unless you are a pretentious fag. Then you pronounce it more like the frogs do.

Ask the italians, amrite french fags?


its bon-a-part

France's refusal to enter the Iraq war. French fries became freedom fries.

you know he wasn't french, right?
I mean, "Napoleone di Buonaparte", can you seriously not tell he was italian?

No one really cares about his ancestry except Italians, especially from an historical standpoint. Even the Italian Wikipedia refers to him as a French general and statesman.

Pretty sure he was referencing the fact that he was a leader of France my dude

>Like many Corsicans, Napoleon spoke and read Corsican (as his mother tongue) and Italian (as the official language of Corsica).[14][27][28] He began learning French in school at around age 10.[29] Although he became fluent in French, he spoke with a distinctive Corsican accent and never learned how to spell French correctly.
alright lad

i pronounce it as je me rends lol


Well the article is referencing the fact that he is Corsican, Corsica being a part of France to this day

Doesnt matter though, he didnt lead Corsica or Italy you know ?

>leading a foreign army means your cultural upbringing and your genetic makeup change
alright lad

an Italian Condottiero perchance?

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>Napoleone di Buonaparte
Mamma mia!

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That's not the point though. Can you seriously not see why he's associated with France and not Italy?

Thats not what I meant, but people who bring up Napoopan's ancestry do it 9/10 times to either shit on France or to claim achievements like the >we meme.

yes, that doesn't make him french, he was italian.
you can try to dispute this all you want, you would simply be wrong.

He never disputed it though, he pointed out that your answer didnt really have anything to do with the previous post.

Not the point. You acted offended when associated Napoleon to France when he said nothing about his lineage being French, probably because you're very insecure about your own Italian heritage. Just let me remind you that:
>you are not white
>you are not italian
>your nona, even if 1/1028 italian, doesn't make you italian
>you are not european
>you are latino
>you are argentinian
>you will not learn how to speak italian
>you will be treated like shit in Italy
>you will be treated like shit in all of europe
>you will never be italian nor european

I (correctly) pointed out Napoleon wasn't french, but italian.
all of a suden flustered frogs started giving me (You)s.
that's literally what happened.

what he said would apply to a frenchman, which Napoleon wasn't.
you can't change history m8.
I'm not a shitalian btw.

What he said would apply to a general that lead French troops, muttoid. You're the one that brought up Napoleon's ancestry.

>burger makes an offhand joke about napoleon and the standard French jokes
>feels the need to immediatly remind everyone that he actually is from Corsica when almost everyone on this board already knows

>What he said would apply to a general that lead French troops
yes, a french one, not an italian one.

yeah but you're the angry one pointlessly greentexting about all the things everyone on this board knows

The point is that regardless of his ancestry, Napoleon isn't considered an Italian general/statesman because of his nationality and the fact that his life work had little to do with Italy. Case in point, no one is angry here. We're just pointing out that you overreacted to the American's joke.

I don't think you know what "overreact" means, I just pointed out his statement didn't apply to Napoleon since he wasn't french but italian, and asked if he couldn't distinguish italian names.
do you legitimately think that's overreacting? you might have mental issues m8

shut the fuck up faggot

You overreacted because you clearly knew what he meant by associating Napoleon with France, yet you still felt the need to point out that he was Corsican. And "Napoleone di Buonaparte" isn't his most well-known name, he's commonly known by the French version he adopted early in life. I don't see why you expect people to know he was called Napoleone di Buonaparte for the first 6 months of his life.

yeah, go see somebody m8

>he's commonly known by the French version he adopted early in life
in france maybe

Yeah, and the rest of the world too.

You're starting to sound like a broken record.
I meant in countries that matter.

not really

yet you keep giving me (You)s
just go to a psychiatrist, it can't hurt.

Here's his Wikipedia page in your own language:ón_Bonaparte

yes, it's the castilian version, do you see the accent on the second "o" rather than on the "e" from the french version? "Napoleón"

thanks for literally proving my point.


Not even trying to be subtle anymore I see

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trying? that's the castilian version of his name.
are you being retarded on purpose?