Just beat the shit out of my sister because she was going out with a boy to maintain the honor of my family

Just beat the shit out of my sister because she was going out with a boy to maintain the honor of my family

Beat the shit out of the boy as well

This is what westernes will never understand

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I remember back in undergrad I fucked a girl and slept over at her place, when I woke up her father was in the kitchen literally making us breakfast, that's how cucked these wh*toids are

I thank allah I don't have any female siblings.

How badly did you beat yourself?

>beating her
>not killing her

Westernized cuckboi, even Italians have more honor killings than G*rmany

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He made you breakfast? Ew, Jesus Christ

Nice mate we're all proud of you, Keep a closer eye on your sister now and do your best to keep her safe from thots and their influence.

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>her father was in the kitchen literally making us breakfast
Boomers were a mistake

Just told Mohammed's sister that White people are trust worthy and that she can trust me with dropping her off at school daily. Little does he know I'm a Chad and I just double dipped into the humus in the fridge.

This is really disgusting and sad thing is its probably quite common, thank god I wasn't born in the west with a sister and cuck parents.

I was shocked, she told me her parents were gone for the weekend so when I woke up and head downstairs, this 50 something with a beer gut was preparing omelettes and bacon (of course I kindly refused the food and head out). Texted her later and it turns out he canceled his plans and got home an hour or so after we were fucking so he definitely heard us.

This is from a respectable family too, he's a civil engineer working for the government in a management position. Whites are fucking cucked. If such a thing happened to my family, my father would likely have murdered my hypothetical female sibling, our mother for raising a whore, and himself for fathering one.

They did not have sex, I caught them on a date. If they would have had sex I unironically would have killed them both.


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>They did not have sex, I caught them on a date. If they would have had sex I unironically would have killed them both.
based, where are you from? From what I see here in canada it's only us afghans who take honor somewhat seriously, only hardcore sunni arabs can somewhat compare

We only kill if they had sex before marriage, beatings otherwise.

Turkey and my family is extremely righteous and religious

good, it should be that way

my father would probably beat the shit out of me or kill me if he found out about all the shit I did kek

Lads i'm scared, my sister is 19 and she goes uni, she is halfway westernised too.

Legit question, Have you told your father about this yet or did you settle it between you and her.

Don't you see something fucked up about a family dynamic which revolves around "Don't do certain things or I will kill you"?

t. Untermensch

lol it just takes one look to get her mate, sorry

I used to flirt with a hijabi in front of her sister

Once her sister threatened to kill me

I just leaned in and asked her to repeat it. She just went soft and freaked out

If it was a guy i would have just pummeled him half to death.

The sister disappeared tho and came from wearing 3x more clothes and acted like a zombie.

Luckily we wont tolerate islam much longer

if you want a good indicator as to whether or not your sister is a whore, look at the people she is friends with, if not that check her phone for tinder

nothing wrong with it, there is a certain modicum of respect to be had for ones parents and their wishes for their children

Same here, though I never drank alcohol or did drugs, I was smoking for a bit but I quit because my father caught me and beat the shit out of me for doing it

Unironically beatings, they work wonders on young siblings in western countries.

But you can have respect without the threat of death.

That sounds really bad mate, women are also somewhat good at hiding that shit if they do decide to undertake it, the fact that you don't trust her enough and got worried is a bad sign, Hope i'm wrong though.
>Don't be a failure of a human being cumdump thot or ill kill you
Sounds good to me.

If I told my Dad her life would be over. I just gave her a good beating and stripped her of her priviliges. I trusted her to not do shit like this and she shat on my trust, so I took her phone and I won't allow her to go anywhere but school


I have never seen a non-thot german girl, all of them were thirsty whores. Only beatings can cure them.

its even easier to get girls straight from turkey or any other 3rd world shithole, dunno why you guys sperg about shit like honor when your ancestral homeland is even easier for us to get girls in

Based and pbuh (pilled be upon him)

I cant tell if this thread is ironic or not.

How the fuck can you get away with that without reports? Like once they're 18/21

It wasn't a german honorless subhuman

cringe larp billy

reason I moved out for university is just so I could drink/smoke weed/fuck girls, if I told my dad now he would probably be very disappointed but he doesn't need to find out desu - my father literally broke my phone once back in highschool because I got an 80 on a calc test instead of 90+ so I can't imagine how he would react at this shit

it's a different culture man, you whites will never ever understand it, perhaps 100 years ago whites would not only understand it but also adhere to such culture but nowadays it's different

>whites are cucked
What are you doing running around having premarital sex? You're nothing but a manwhore

If your sister reports you she is not half-westernized but fully western. I'm sorry brother but she is a lost cause.

yeah no shit because he would fuck your manlet ass up real good

cuck detected

It's fine for males to fuck females, he's a stud if he does so, for a female to fuck a male it means she's a whore.

Literally all the girls I've been in a relationship with or had as fwb's I consider to be sluts/whores on a fundamental level.

Sounds like you're a nasty degenerate. I'll enjoy my wife that is the only girl I've been with.

Nice, GOT tier

I beat so many german faggots I lost count. All of them fear me and wouldn't dare to backtalk me you honorless kraut

>Jow Forums becomes dogshit as soon as 'people' become proud of being nonwhite
what a funny and strange coincidence

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*bang* That'll shut him up!

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Not a larp. Hatred for islam spreads like wildfire everyday and apart from some inner city shit like in big cities where islam is growing (and all they do is generate mass hatred for their kind in countries that muslims should be weary of) Islam is actually collapsing across the globe. Die hard muslims are losing territory to moderate kurds, secular elements, and in east Asia they are flat out getting erased. Right wing parties are rising accross the West and are slowly outnumbering the left.

Islam is running out of time.

I can respect that. I consider myself a degenerate to some degree.

opposite of what I see, I see people with good careers/degrees converting to islam quite often

ah yes, the European Union

nah they just ignore you while they fuck your sister lmao

Chr*stianity is literally dead as there are like ZERO people who abide by the bibles and others laws. Most of them just do it for the money they get once they are 18 and never set foot in a church ever again.

>converting to islam quite often
Not south of you where many 100's of millions of Christians(just Mexico and the US)are itching to eradicate your minimal presence from this hemisphere

Its just a phase. If they are halfway smart they will realize what a steaming heap of shit islam is and theyll continue looking for something with meaning. The mentally ill ones stay in and continue to taint the image of islam.

It's funny that the religion that teaches people non violence and love is the one that people are getting bored of

what makes somebody a "real" muslim?

who cares, I agree islam is retarded and that god isn't real, I like sharia though in that it keeps whores in check, western society is degrading fast because of female hypergamy

Yes, which is very concerning. Nationalism has usurped the role of Christianity as a state religion. The new nationalists are fanatical in the same way muslims are, and they will not give ground to each other peacefully.

Then get rich, silently convert to deism, red pill a girl, and live a true patrician life with all the normies beneath you

Shariah actually generates whores in a way. The thirstiest most perviest girls are the repressed ones. Thats why muslims have to resort to physical violence as a last resort all the time even kill their own fucking family.

To believe in Allah
To believe that Mohammed (pbuh) was the last prophet
To pray to Allah and only Allah
To give money to the poor and needy
To be kind but also harsh when times require it
To fast during the holy ramadan


hey at least they most likely just did anal

no thanks, I'll live life as a muslim and will get an arranged marriage with an 8+/10 submissive virgin from back home

And secretely dreaming of sucking His cock to cumming(penis be upon Him)

Then i hope you have daughters who are whores and trigger you. Cunt

sons or abortions my friend

Kill yourself date palm nigger

Angry serbian hands typed this

why are there so many serbian posters under bosnian flags

god I want to fuck her so bad

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based as fuck

Believe it or not I'm Bosniak and I would rather be genocided by a Turk rape baby of Orthodox faith than to reach my hand to a brown disgusting kike-nosed manlet semi-nigger, how do you feel about this, Muslim brother?

You're the one in Germany. So who's the one without honor?

I would break your fucking jaw motherfucker

I can just imagine you sitting there absolutely seething inside your ruhrpott commieblock

When I dated this Muslim girl (Syrian/Turkish) her sister was a huge whore who's mom found out she fucked multiple dudes, and this was when she was 15

All the Mom did was beat her, no kill

There aren't, he's just coping with the fact that not even Muslims want to identify with him, end yourself sandnigger you're no less an enemy than Serbs

Stop Larping serbshit

You are welcome to try faggot I could literally crush you


B...based and redpilled?

fuck off nigger what you need is a hard beating

>I could literally crush you

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