
Late night anime

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Lolicons are welcome tho

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Would very much like a qt bf to cuddle and watch anime with

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Not gay
Just had sex with a man
Except he’s 18 so more like a boy

Why not get a gf?

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Carbs are cancer. I hope you know this, /cum/.

Very homosexual evening. All because of the janny too if you think about it

I can't suck a gfs dick now can I?

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being sober is fucking suffering

i wish i could afford to be on something all of the time financially or otherwise

You kinda can

Where do you fall in the rhythms of history?

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hello qt

women are disgusting

I don't remember a lot of stuff from my childhood or teenage years

>women are disgusting
>tfw no qt white gf to watch anime and play league with

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>t. literally never been with a woman

makes you think

i can't stop posting threads on Jow Forums and it's pointless because i won't take any action anyways

That might be true, but it'd imagine it's alot better than fucking and dating a guy

wrong they're gross, boring and loud, boys are cute, quite and have actual hobbies and penises

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im hungry


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>wrong they're gross, boring and loud
And so are men you dumb fag!
>boys are cute, quite and have actual hobbies and penises
Girls do too

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cute poster

girls aren't lolis user, lolis are cute and pure, 3d girls are not like that

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Didn’t technically break up with my girlfriend so I kind of cheated on her with a man

>lolis with hips but are still flat and smol
i love this

is there a name for it?

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Thanks, you too

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go get a brooklyn style za

>red sox beat the yankees in new york to clinch the AL east over them
>jets lose to the worst team in football history to a backup QB

a great night

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uhh aktually that's hebephila

>Liking 2D girls makes you a pedo
Don't understand this meme

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The Browns won a game?

tell that to the judge

Me 2bh

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their black QB went down and baker mayfield came in and won them the game as jets first round QB kept throwing interceptions

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Are you a cute Swedish girl?

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those homemade swedish meatballs were the fucking shit

ok /cum/ good night

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Why do people do bad things to eachother? some people in this world are pure evil. Ive lost all hope in humanity. Theres no such thing. How can someone do something so terrible to a person, a family and a community? People scare me, guys.

Night bruh


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What’s it like being a gril

Pretty neat. You get to dress up in all kinds of cute clothes. If you haven't tried frills you're missing out

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girls dont browse the internet

How long is your girl penis

Whatever you say, bud

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You’re a big girl

why are psychedelics so hard to obtain
fucking hell
I'm so jealous of you fucking faggots that buy it off easily online on your windows machines

I want a femboy bf with a big dick desu

I will make homosexuality illegal.


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god I wish that were me

Night lads

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night faggot


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are you rich


Used to have a FWB who I lived with and spent a lot of time with
She was like my girlfriend except we had separate rooms and no commitment

post bed


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>not shaving your pits

mfw when urbanites can't walk outside naked on a cold winter morning and take a steamy piss on a tree

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are you really a woman?

That’s just way to much work. I just embrace it



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>That’s just way to much work. I just embrace it
Gross, shaving pits and pubes is essential

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This girl gets it

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It’s not though. Never had anyone complain

blacks and traps that's where it's at

Why don't we make a hole that leads to earth's core and throw all guns in it?

Why don't we just nuke germany?

I fingered my butthole while in the shower today.
It felt weird but in a good way.

If they have the most guns sure. I trust you.

did a black guy take your gf away?


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Because you never had anyone bada bing bada bam

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Good girl :3

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how can you do this without lube

You can.

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i can't
i just tried and now it hurts

Is it bad to do drugs on a week day as a college student?

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>I tried

I try every time i shower but even sticking one finger in hurts me
I dont know how you fags do it

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bitch niggas

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i guess, but my finger is a lot less gay than this

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It's easier if you're in a relaxed position, like bent over on a bed. Start by just massaging the opening, then slowly ease your finger deeper and deeper inside. You don't have to move the finger too fiercely, just let it sit there for a while and let your butt get accustomed to it. Then take it from there
It's obviously easier if you have some lube though

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It's really easy you go slow, start by massaging in a circle and then as slowly as you can apply pressure until the tip is in then repeat til you get more in

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Big homo...

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