Does anyone else find America creepy? I'm talking about the veteran worship, the flag worship, the pledge of allegiance...

Does anyone else find America creepy? I'm talking about the veteran worship, the flag worship, the pledge of allegiance, thank you for your service, etc. It's like the Soviet Union but the population actually rabidly believes in this shit

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they could just practice it over a fucking table? pretty sure the kid on the floor is gay.

American patriotism isn't a love for the government, it's a love for American ideals. We tear the government a new one whenever we have a chance

That's young Funny Valentine. He's testing out D4C

americans have nothing to be proud of relative to more developed first-world nations so they’ve developed this bizarre brand of patriotic state worship

Most Americans don't live in shitholes like Idaho

None of the weird shit happens anywhere that matters

I'm sure there are a lot of strange and mentally deficient people living in the Outback

none of that is nearly as big an issue as people seem to think


it's essentially brainwashing from the first moment they open their eyes

That's what makes us strong.

Hey bud Idaho isn't a shithole, it's a really nice place.

So creepy we can't get everyone to stop coming.

I'm not talking about the nature, I'm talking about the people

It's easy to have nice nature. All you have to do is not do anything

>It's like the Soviet Union but the population actually rabidly believes in this shit
The difference being that the Soviet Union was created by a group of Jewish Marxists who expressly wanted to erase national identity while the American revolutionaries sought to create their own country under organically developed Enlightenment values.

Are you seriously saying people from cities are better than your average American in a flyover?

We're still waiting for you to do something. We've been waiting for a long time.

>I'm not talking about the nature, I'm talking about the people
But all of those people are nicer and better-behaved than Jamal Lopez from the big city

to do what exactly?


The people are really nice too, it's just a different way of life that you aren't used to. The difference being that people in the boonies don't put up with shit

>HURR topple your government because I said so

The founding principles of the USSR (ie before anyone applied them) are just as noble as the US constitution, but the difference is that at no time did the Soviet population really believe in those values on an ideological basis once everything started going to shit due to widespread cynicism and apathy. Despite everything wrong with America (healthcare, drone striking brown people, university fees, inequality/poverty, gerrymandered elections etc) its population still rabidly believes that the America of today even slightly resembles the utopia the constitution is meant to reflect

If you saw through the layers you would see why this is a positive thing. Patriotism brings unity, and unity brings stability. Only wh*te people in America do this that population is decreasing and so will its stability. More white people = more flag worshippers = more unity = more stability.

This mentality is only held by like 1/3 of the population

Another third operates in the diametric opposite direction and loves nothing more than to whine about America and agree with faggy Australians on internet forums

Another third are just apathetic nihilistic consumers, barely even sentient

The latter two thirds form a stronger coalition and are steadily importing tribes of sullen mystery meat to outvote the first third, which will probably shrink to nothing more than a fringe religion by 2099

Well the constitution cannot be walked around in the US, it's literally above the jurisdiction of any person on earth. Our checks and balances system endorses that

>omg does anyone else think patriotism is CREEPY? #openborders #refugeeswlecome

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>veteran worship
>thank you for your service
Literally no one actually cares about veterans because if they did we wouldn't have a homeless veteran problem.


>The founding principles of the USSR (ie before anyone applied them) are just as noble as the US constitution

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America is the only reason Israel still exists while the Soviets actively tried to destroy it for 50 years by funding and supplying the ar*ps


>Be me in my 3rd world country
>Used to have 10-15 close friends I hung with daily, a few hundred people from my town I could hang out whenever I wanted

>Moved to USA
>Everyone is extremely anti-social, narcissistic, sensitive, eternally offended at everything, never admit they're wrong, and generally just a bunch of self-righteous pricks whose lack of self-esteem and facade of crumbling self confidence can be seen from a mile away
>People have no seriousness, everything is a joke. Nobody has ever had their livelihoods threatened here, pretty much everyone lives in a shitty little bubble and never try to see the world out of it. Everything starts and end with movie references, retarded jokes that are not funny or creative at all in reality and are just butthurt retorts that you only laugh at because you want it to prove your political point or whatever. And the best part is, despite all this "humor" and whatever, nobody is friendly at all.
>I'm not asking anyone to be nice or great to me, people can't differentiate between what's real and what's a joke anymore since the line is so blurred now in every aspect of life here. They just don't have any authenticity left as people, it's the most glaring example of the word "sheeple".
>they seem so childish about everything, from politics to food.
>0 friends

Can't wait to fucking move back out of this shithole of a country.

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>he thinks thanking soldiers for killing random goatfuckers in the middle east is patriotism
never change, laughing stock of the world, never change

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Are you sure they aren't just covering a body at the latest school shooting?

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t. Resident of Melbourne

nice strawman

Sounds like a you problem

white and europilled post

How come as soon as you lost the argument you dropped into ad hominem?

see I can do it too

Boy, with those sweeping generalizations, I wonder why you have 0 friends.

>i don't know any other fallacies other than strawman
hello basic bitch

As for US flag code 176(b)

>The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

So no, having a kid under it doesn't stop the disrespect if it falls.

this. this is why amerifats make me mad

>kids being kids


I unironically wish people loved this country as much as Americans do theirs. The only people that do tend to be expats showing off how quirky and foreign they are.

So, tell us which shithole you originate from.

>be american
>get papercut
>that'll be $100,000 plus tip

That's weird, I guess America is unique in how much the people love the country. We worship it almost like a religion.

What is there about New Zealand to be patriotic about? Genuine question.



I am sad now

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just move to a small town faggot

this desu

I think that because the US has such a large military and maintains an empire the elite feel they need to invest in propagandizing the population to keep them complicit in this. Of course nowadays most are apathetic anyways. We only appear so patriotic because those people that are are pretty obnoxious about it and get noticed.

>just move to a flyover shithole lmao

why even live in the united states if it isn't in california, texas, or new york

Neither Australia or NZ have the history of the US. There's very little to take pride in in either of these countries. There were never any revolutions, very few things have been invented here, global influence is minimal at best, and there's no solidifying "ideology" with which to identify. If you honestly want to be proud of NZ, I'd love to know why other than "I was born here"

The same reason why somebody would want to move to the English countryside or a swiss village, or any other rural area with high income. It's comfy

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Because there's genuinely nice places to live elsewhere here?

Veteran worship has to be one of the cringiest and most baffling aspects of americana. Almost everyone in the American armed forces is, without exception, a crayon eater.

these colors don't run libcuck commie faggot nigger

This is, unironically, the truest description of America I've ever seen on this website.

>t. Spanish guy who moved here

>implying that's a good thing

It's kind of ignorant. You could've moved to any country and felt the same. Just because you didn't immediately connect with people in a foreign country doesn't mean that the people living in it don't have any family or friends

>it's a bad thing that the country's ideals can't be changed without an approval from 2/3 of congress and 4/5 of the states

> There were never any revolutions, very few things have been invented here, global influence is minimal at best

Except even those (depending on how you view things) aren't anything to be proud of, since ~99% of patriotic Americans had nothing whatsoever to do with revolutions, inventions or the ideology/influence.

>If you honestly want to be proud of NZ, I'd love to know why other than "I was born here"

Why aren't you proud of Australia?

Thats what you get when you live in a big city.

If people are your problem, than you're the problem.

Please take as many wetbacks with you as you can carry.

cringe bootlicking sycophant

>There's very little to take pride in in either of these countries

how about functioning stable democratic societies? aka better than 90% of the rest of the world just with that alone, nevermind exemplary standards of living
>There were never any revolutions

how could that be construed as anything other than a good thing lmao, dude just create widespread civil instability for no reason so we can spice up our history a bit

>very few things have been invented here

By what metric? We're doing better than most countries

>global influence is minimal at best

Again, by what metric? There are 190 countries and at least maybe 130 of those are more irrelevant than we are

>solidifying ideology

fuck off chang/rasheed

>t Eurobeaner living in a big city

>Why aren't you proud of Australia?

Because I don't know anything to be proud of. That's not to say that I'm the opposite of proud, but pride is idiotic and only leads to conflict.

Too bad you can never reach consensus on your current political setup to do that. The idea of constitutions is that they're hard to change, but y'all treat yours as some kind of holy scripture, undisputable.

We've changed amendments in the past, quite a few times actually

>how about functioning stable democratic societies? aka better than 90% of the rest of the world just with that alone, nevermind exemplary standards of living

So should I be proud of all of western Europe as well? You know why Banjo Patterson called this the "lucky country"? Because the country is so rich in natural resources and for no other reason. Australia is just fortunate for being a former British colony (i.e. built on plunder) and natural wealth.

oh look another Chang shill thread

unironically based

rent free gweilo

based as fuck

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Imho, their patriotism was established on the fact that it's a large multicultural nation with little sense of ethnic identity. That patriotism is what is/was holding the country together. Anything else like the need to always have an enemy and the military industrial complex derives from that. You can see nowadays where it's starting to fade how divided the country becomes.

>propagandizing patriotism
its literally the exist opposite

The country isn't divided on race, it's divided on values. Traditionalism vs Progressivism

all conservatards should be shot

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I hate America. Death to America, the root of all evil and cesspool of satan. Everything that could go sociologically wrong has gone wrong there, the people are all conceited retarded emotional loud children with little if any sense of introspection, they are all, in short, NPCs.

Stupid comment. We've had tons of bipolar situations in our past, so why is this one so dangerous and different? Well Americans are very good at compromise, and there has only been one time in our past where an issue of this magnitude couldn't be resolved through compromise, and that was slavery. Honestly I don't see guns carrying around the same weight as slavery due to the economic implications that slavery had, so I think that a civil war won't happen. People will be angry but that's about it.

what did i say that was wrong?

amazing post

>pretty sure the kid on the floor is gay
got some up-boxers views on the right kid

I didn't mean it that way entirely, I didn't write it properly. On top of being multicultural it's also comprised of people with different ideals. However I feel that whenever there was a cultural clash in the past that american identity wasn't really threatened. It was just that people had a different idea of what america stood for.
I feel that now there are genuinely "unamerican" people in the political climate.
Then again I don't live there and I don't experience it first hand.

It's always been like that, anti federalists and federalists consider each other unamerican.

It's all true. damn.

based and truthpilled

I don't have friends anyway, trade places with me, I could do with higher living standards.

Based, and right.