Your cunt

>your cunt
>thoughts on Eminem and his beef

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MGK > Eminem

Honestly preferred MGK's diss track

MGK might commit suicide.

Seems to me your brain is too small to actually comprehend the deepness of Em's bars.

Kamikaze was meh
He could just retire but his ego too big


this says it all

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>these lines are 'meh'
>These rappers are like Hunger Games
>One minute, they're mockin' Jay
>Next minute, they get their style from Migos or they copy Drake

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MGK diss was better musically, the lyrics were trash

Eminem had good bars

side note : rap devil is the only MGK song that isn't pure garbage

>Rap beef
Almost as fake and cringey as jewtube drama, how old is Eminem now? Like lmao this is just sad.

>side note : rap devil is the only MGK song that isn't pure garbage
because he didn't write it on his own

45. The beef started when MGK tweeted his daughter was hot at the time when she was 16 and himself 22.
Wouldn't you beat the shit out of a random guy calling your daughter hot while she's underage?

the only good mgk song was carried by waka flocka

16 is legal in most states

numbers confirm

Who gives a shit, you don't seriously think he was the only one being inappropriate to Haley do you? I bet you also think this is motivated by anything but money.

It may be, but it's on the edge and inappropriate to say that as a 22 year old dude. Especially considering how protective Eminem is about his daughter. He dissed people for less shit, what did MGK expect?

Eminem started the beef when MGK sneak dissed him on a album of tech n9ne. Eminem also dissed his associate Diddy where MGK is signed.

This is not about money, not for Eminem anyway. Starting a beef between Bad Boy records / Interscope joint venture is only going to hurt the business on both sides.

MGK is a non-entity

mgk is a mutt from ohio but deserves a medal for calling out feminem on his bullshit. That kike controlled wigger hasn't been relevant since mid 2010 when recovery was released, and alot of people hated that album, so he was technically already irrelevant by that time.

Em's response was so weak too and everyone's saying he buried mgk.

this, rap "culture" just needs to fucking die already, what is this 1992?

>Em's response was so weak too and everyone's saying he buried mgk.
He wasn't pissed off in this song like he did when he dissed Ja / Benzino / Everlast but he did have good lines.

>my biggest flops are your greatest hits

How is this any better than hahaha your beards weird?

You sound like a poltard triggered over Eminem dissing Trump

>millionaires having corporate studio orchestrated "beefs"
Pretty fucking pathetic, to be honest. Though to be fair the fans are really the pathetic ones in this case as the musicians/rappers/whatever are merely following popular trends for self promotion and increasing sales. Fake to the point of plastic but the fanbase legitimately buys into the stage play. That's just sad.

feminem is a washed up wigger

It's not even that bad, I found "But how you gonna name yourself after a damn gun
And have a man-bun?" worse.

But he made it up with other lines like
"But this idiot's boss pops pills and tells him he's got skills
But, Kells, the day you put out a hit's the day Diddy admits
That he put the hit out that got Pac killed, ah!"

>Wouldn't you beat the shit out of a random guy calling your daughter hot while she's underage?
What the fuck is wrong with you?


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Coffee pot, spaghetti. Hope that drumpf is ready. For that impeach, cuz he is hate speech. I'm aging and gen x. Hillary clinton wuz sposed to be nex. Racism is bad, so are maga caps. Google approves of my raps. Cheeto man be gone. Israel paid me for this song. t. Eminem.

I get that jewelry is a status symbol but surely wearing all that metal is more irritating than anything else.

MGK did well Eminem could've done better.
MGK lost on account of being brutalized.



> "Had to give you a career to destroy it"

Boring fake hollyjew propaganda to increase sales. Like I should care about unimportant retarded celebrities not liking each other even if the drama was real.

Love his first three albums - MMLP and TES are probably two of the best rap albums of all time - but I lost interest in him after that. Revival was a piece of garbage, and while Kamikaze was pretty good overall, it's probably looks better in comparison to just how shit Revival was. If he released Kamikaze in the mid-to-late 2000's it would be considered pretty weak.

As for the 'beef' between him and MGK, it's pretty dumb. The reason for it starting is weak as fuck; a 22 year old saying a 16 year old is hot? Uh.... okay then, that's not exactly too shocking. 16 is legal in most countries. It's not like Ja Rule when he said Hailie would grow up to be a coke-head slut like Eminem's wife and his mother. That beef was great because it's obvious how fucking angry Eminem really was. Killshot was very weak, both lyrically and musically. If it was part of Kamikaze I'd rank it as the worst track (yes, even worse than Nice Guy).

Eminem is cringe MGK is based

Hailie is hot and rap beefs stopped being relevant around 2000


Reminder that Eminem was creeping on an underage hillary duff in "ass like that"

fucking america-
oh, you don't even have that excuse

MGK > Eminem

People love eminem so they are biased towards him. Especially suburban whites.

MGK was also cringe though

rap devil was fire, kill shot was dire

those are babby tier compared to the ones reggaeton and rap artists here do.

I read that years back he was performing live or at some event, and a 15 or 16 year old girl told him she wanted him to fuck her, and he told her he wanted to as well, but that he wasn't going to.

Current Eminem is a fucking hypocrite. Spent years saying the most crude, vulgar and sexually graphic things about women, and then as soon as someone says something very mild about his daughter he loses it.