Anyone else sitting real comfy in Dero...

Anyone else sitting real comfy in Dero? Atlantis launching any day now and when it does this project will gain mass attention.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know if it'll gain mass attention, the devs aren't the kind to shill

a working, groundbreaking SC platform will shill itself, my friend.

I'm not buying it because of this pajeet level shilling and anonymous devs along with the miners/devs hoarding all the coins since there was no ico but good luck faggot

They said that they are not gonna hype the product until its actually done and released. Which to me is an extremely good sign.. If they deliver what they say they will (and Im sure they are going to) the project will pretty much shill itself IMO.


no one talks about how one of the pools got hacked

that's a massive percentage of the 2m circulating


Lol u mad they are not money hungry dipshits taking advantage of the ICO craze to get millions from pajeet biz investors? You are probably better off investing in ICOs like Centra and Confido my friend..

There was a premine of 2 million coins (which at the time was worth nothing..) and its locked for a long time.

I guess people would rather have a new project ask ridiculous 20 million dollars in an ICO for vaporware, rather than a locked premine that will only be worth anything if they actually deliver.

fake news

> i'm not touching coin because muh le feelings
lol stay poor

guys, I found the redditor !

I've always though of the 2 million locked coins to be a good thing. What better incentive to work on a project than upwards of 8 million dollars

Despite how amazing Dero's price rise looks right now, remember: This is all peanuts in the long-term. If you haven't already accumulated some Dero, it still isn't too late. This thing is expected to hit $20 easily within the next month, and then one FOMO for the smart contracts gets in, it's a literal moonshot.

Attached: 1524734541143.png (730x409, 624K)

>tfw I only have 450 dero
Am i going to make it?

If they deliver, I think you will!

It will be monero but with smart contracts. Think about it, Verge has nothing and is above 1 billlion in market cap.. If Dero somehow hits 1 billion your 450 Dero will be worth around 200k, so not too bad..

Note that depends on what Dero's current supply will be. If Dero reaches a 1 billion dollar marketcap by EoY, Dero's supply will be at around 4 million, which means each Dero will be about $250, meaning 450 Dero will be worth $112,500. It's important to be optimistic, but realistic.

I'm holding till atleast 10 billion senpai screenshot this bitch

i've good a nice amount of screenshot archives now
nice memes in 1-2 years baby

Imagine you accumulated a ton of DERO for weeks around the 21-24k pricepoint
that's me
yes, I'm retiring early

Been holding since 4k satoshi, will hold until 100$.

Its true we've got a shit tons of fork it was due to Monero code fork the c++ client around February.

Since we migrate to the first CryptoNote Implementation in GoLang around March, I've never see any fork anymore.

Devs are hyper competent they fixed exploit thant even Monero Devs still don't know.

I'm feel very sad for those are staying in Monero right now.

I accumulated around the 5k pricepoint. There are some that accumulated around the 2k-3k pricepoint as well, but if you looked at the price of BTC and ETH at the time, the rises and falls made it so if you accumulated anywhere between 2k-6k, you made the best possible deal.

Honestly, even seeing Dero closing in on $5, it still doesn't feel real, and yet, it HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET.

>tfw only bought 2k at 4k
Wish I had more desu

>an exploit even Monero devs don't know
lmao just lmao

Attached: shitcoins_vs_dero.png (1220x479, 716K)

We seriously need more Dero memes.

I tried doing edits where Dero was locking away other cryptos, but it never caught on.

Attached: deroenigma.png (250x250, 35K)

Post em

we need more Sergey /sideproject/ memes
triggers LINKies real smooth

Dero isn't very memeable tho

It's extremely memeable. People just aren't creative enough.

Attached: 1.png (250x250, 9K)

I didn't make too many of them. I just made some for the annoying things I was seeing on Jow Forums at the time.

Attached: derobanyan.png (250x250, 43K)

photoshop Sergey with DERO ...
I can't do it I'm on linux and I can't stand GIMP lol

You're the one who made me look into Dero when it was a few cents when you made these lock away threads, thanks a lot

Attached: dddd.png (320x320, 3K)

Attached: dd.png (320x320, 77K)

OK... now put it in sergey's hands lol

Attached: ddd.png (320x320, 52K)

There are so many possibilities with this logo. I don't think we've even scratched the surface.

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Attached: dero_warrior.png (960x657, 500K)

Attached: dddddd.png (320x320, 189K)

Attached: sideproject.jpg (635x847, 315K)

Now at 62k sats, was at just 25k sats two days ago.

Serious FOMO kicking in now.

It just looks incredibly shady. No team, no clear direction. Work is clearly being done but it could easily be a get rich quick scheme by a couple developers.

When are you guys selling?
200$ here

Attached: dero_parents.png (622x494, 234K)

Attached: dero_dero_dero.png (588x419, 349K)

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Attached: ddddddd.png (320x320, 148K)

i'm gonna have a private garden with ceramic tiles like this
when I make it, user

got 2000 , we are gonna make it user

You basically made it, just hold tight

Attached: madeit.png (680x350, 103K)

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I need to accumulate more, please tell me we'll see a dip lower than this in a month

Just market buy like a man

Afaik this is the second time they rewrite their code. It will be open source and ppl will review it after atlantis. So you can see then. Although atla

Why the fuck is this shit pumping? I thought it would be some creepy scam.

t. absolute shittard who didn't DYOR

Well, you have to admit that the icon looks kinda creepy.

>caring about the icon, not the project

Well, the shilling attempts appeared to be shady, too. Anyway, after having checked out the homepage I'd say I would throw a hundred bucks as suicide insurance at this if I would have the money.

Attached: not-4chan-worthy.png (776x287, 16K)

Attached: ddddddddd.png (320x320, 112K)

This shit is a fucking PnD scheme.

Stop trying to desperately FUD, user. You lost the train, just admit and and conform yourself.

I unironically didn't buy because of the repeated spam threads. Good luck to those who bought though.

if you haven't noticed, yet, Jow Forums is mostly spam/shilling
you have to DYOR, fuckhead
have fun staying poor

Attached: dddddddddddd.png (320x320, 132K)

Nah, I'll throw fifty bucks at this piece of dogshit, leave it on the exchange and see where it goes.

I did DMOR. The anonymous team put me off, too much risk of an exit scam.

I would wait for a 45k dip

>fifty bucks
>10 DERO

Too late. I'm really sorry.

Because a known team with a fancy page is a garantee of no scam. Look at Electroneum, for example. A success.

This. If you look at TRTL, as an example, you can at least listen to Cocksteady's voice.

Attached: TRTL Vodka.png (1698x1896, 2.53M)

Man, this is going to be an absolutely brutal dump. Fucking bitconnect level. Gargantuan premine plus greedy secretive miners = dumpsville.
Do not get caught under it.

Well at least their page looks fancy.

secretive miners... wow... is that all you can come up with ?
gargantuan premine.... still way lower than ETH
I think you're stuck under my balls right now

No friend, I don't buy pageet coins so I am not under anyone's balls. Thanks for the offer though. And yes, secretive miners. If you haven't noticed, all your fellow miners are waiting for a chance to dump.
Hope you make it out :)

I am teabagging you in your sleep dude
that's why you have no idea

actually miners are holding more than any coin I've seen
stay cucked

Yes I will surely wait for the 45k "dip". What an excellent opportunity to buy your bags.

Where's that shitcoing going to be in a year anyway?

idiot, I bought my bags way below 45k
think 22k
the coin is seeing a major release in the coming days
and new exchange listings
staying poor is a choice when you know about DERO

Problem are the asics that got so many coins in the last months, since 95% of all cryptonote coins went asic resitant

Got 642 from 27k sats. Just put in pic related. Just smoked a joint gonna watch some naruto episodes and hope the order goes through

Attached: www.BlNANCE.COM.png (1004x328, 73K)

OK but the emission curve stays the same
still X coins being emitted wether ASICs miner or not
we're not seeing huge dumps à la TurtleCoin, because this coin is in another world

you will be in for a surprise

Attached: ddddddddddddd.png (320x320, 131K)

Attached: dddddddddddddd.png (320x320, 301K)

> 4 month of GPU mining produce around 1.7 mm
most of them hodl that gem

> 1 month of ASIC mining produce near 600k
most of them selling them every day.

> brutal dump

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Sold 1k of my stack at 50k sat and feel dumb already. This is one of 'those' coins boys. Get ready to be rich.

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