Remember when I asked you why you wouldn't invest in this man?


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chink subhuman scammer

/biz is full of group think brainlets.

The second you start ignoring the mass consensus here the sooner you make money.

How heavy are your bags full of shitcoins?


let me guess... LINK faggot? or REQ idiot?

Probably both + NANO

For the ones saying it's a scam. Yes it is. Just know that scams pump the hardest and it's easiest to profit off them. Ride the mainnet wave and gtfo. As easy as that. buy the hype and don't care about the fundamentals

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>mfw biz wants centralized Internet owned by kikebook, jewgle and amazon
>mfw biz wants to stay poor and cucked

cann't do, I only trade on fundamentals, also Christian fag, I will not support a scam even if i go broke.

when is mainnet and what do you think it will go up to

Oh? How is it a scam?

lol if srsly thinking that TRX is a scam... hint: it's not


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member when tron was a lending coin backed by alibiaba lol i do. now what is it?

It's internet 4.0 bicycle tokens imagine being this new. Bet you weren't even here for the fap dungeon

Maybe not directly a scam but Justin has scammy practices. Overhype a coin without any substance. Their github is full of kiddy coding and no actual product. It's better than verge but not much better. He basically got the price up cuz of the insane shilling back in january. There's a lot of bagholders in tron from that time as well.

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Why isn't he wearing a belt?

Biz is the worst place for advice

I literally do the opposite of what biz says and make money. I avoided req and link for example

Biz hates tron but this shit will partner with Ali Baba within the year

oh ya late last year it was a bike rental token, lol, cant wait to see what tron is hyped as when the kid hits puberty at age 26

>Their github is full of kiddy coding
Do you expect to be taken seriously when you drop phrases like this?


dude they werer partnered with microsoft whne the boy installed windows 10, partnered with bmw when his cousin got a 328 lease and soon thye will partner with amazon when the american marketing girl buys a dress online

damn this is the new etherium

heard burger king is next, they feed their employees

The only reason TRX is so popular is thanks to Justin's connection to that Alibaba guy.
Idiots think that alibaba partnership is imminent and that's why it pumps. Also huge supply and very low satoshi price, so ITS CHEAP GUYZ!1.

not with these hips, darling

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We moon men now boys

looks like a dyke