Fabric Token daily

It's going to X5 so God damn soon.

New central exchange soon.

So many shitcoins at the moment with no potential, if you've been justd on one of them move your funds into Fabric ASAP.

Attached: PWbTcxMp_400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)

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ICO ETH price?

its at ICO price now, 1,5M cap
working product and all

Seems to be on the rise now aswell.

So many shitcoins claming to be the next 'gem' that have absolutely no substance or working product at all. Fabric actually has a working product, active GitHub, VERY low circulating supply, tiny market cap & it's not even on CMC yet. Go figure.

Got my buy order triggered last night. 50k FT will i make it bros?
I mean 1.5 mil mcap even going to 4 mil theres big gains to be made. if this hits OKEX or HUOBI then we are going for a legit moon mission

What is this token used for?

Do you have price prediction?

From the site - fabrictoken.io

Fabric Token
The payment utility within the FT ecosystem.
One of the fundamental parts of the FT ecosystem will be the Fabric Token itself. It will be used as a utility to pay for products and services within the platform.

For example, if someone wants to generate token and fundraiser smart contracts for their project, they will have to, in the end, pay a small fee in Fabric Tokens in order to get access to their code.

Additionally, the Fabric Token is going to be used as a digital asset which will be exchanged between third-party developers and users on the Fabric Store.

Fabric Store
A decentralized marketplace for smart contract components.
The Fabric Store will allow third-party developers to earn tokens and build their reputation by complementing TokenGen and DApp Workbench with their custom-built software components. Strictly digital in nature, it will provide a lucrative opportunity for talented programmers, while helping the FT ecosystem expand and provide even more possibilities for businesses and individuals.

The marketplace will embrace the decentralized and immutable nature of the blockchain by storing its data on it, guaranteeing fair product reviews that cannot be tampered with, and protecting sellers from chargeback fraud, a common issue in traditional online stores.

Check the white paper out as well - solid read.

Price prediction? Considering all the above mentioned factors it could go ridiculously high but short term at least X3 from here.


>Considering all the above mentioned factors it could go ridiculously high
They would need some marketing, I didn't read a lot about them.

1 eth = 8000 FT
0.000125 eth

This actually looks like not vaporware. Placed a buy order

Micro cap
Exchange EOM
Product release EOM
Buy or cry cucks

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LOL under ico price shitcoin >enjoy your bags.

It doesn't need to go that high to have great returns 20 mil market cap is peanuts and a moon mission if you buy now user


Hopefully they can actually market themselves coming up, since they've written about how to do so for ICOs.

Attached: FabricBlog20May.png (964x286, 37K)

I unironically went all in on FT a couple hours after it started trading on idex. It seems like a legit coin.

Attached: money-pepe.jpg (269x377, 39K)

I wouldn't go all in but after reading the site and the articles, it seems good.

proof of exchange

and no, just because pajeets say so on telegram doesn't mean it's true

To me this looks like a competitor to Unibright. Cons: They don't have any clients
Pros: I would guess it's much more likely to go from 1.5M to 9M than from 15M to 90M, nevermind the real respective potential of either token
Disclaimer: I have a modest stake in UBT

strap in

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whats the marketcap , an circulating supply?!??!

4.9 million USD

24 Million circulating supply

i havent looked at this shit but didnt the ico bring in 1 mil?

About 4 million actually

where do i buy this shitcoin

If you want to get in at the ground floor IDEX now

If you want to buy at a higher price it'll be more widely available in June.

legit coin compared to all the garbage

God in around 9200 gwei last night. Pretty comfy, low marketcap aside this is a good project with reasonable token economics and a working product after all.

I'm going to stop shiling this now, my friend just told me he's not done accumulating & the price keeps rising ...

Sorry pal.

no concern about private sale dump?

How much to make it tho

Usually I'm bit hesitant about private sales but In this case just over 1000 Eth was raised publicly a lot of which was obviously dumped as soon as trading began.

To add to this it's such a minor amount (roughly 6% of the circulating supply)

All the teams tokens are locked until February 2019 as well, they're going to want it to succeed.

Depends what making it is to you? Anything over $100 on this should give you great returns short term.

I'm and Quant and i did the math.
23,593,614 circulating supply
Price at .000121 ETH. Eth at 714
Total Marketcap is 2,037,346.

Dump fags arleady dump. BUY NOW OR GET KEK.

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