>CEO Sunny retweets buy signal
>Price remains below buy signal for months
Why should holders trust this shilling CEO?
Defend this shill (you can't)
Other urls found in this thread:
peechain is babby's first crypto, anyone still holding this trash should kys.
Over 80% of volume is from Lbank. Is Lbank legit?
>business growth of 20 billion USD as “VeChain GDP” running on VeChainThor Blockchain.
What's VeChain GDP and why is it in quotes? Is this used for token valuation? Can you be any more ambiguous in your whitepaper?
Is Oxford University still a partner?
bumping your own thread multiple times hahahah
Why is VeChain #1 and Bitcoin #21 in volume on Lbank?
who the fuck knows and or cares
volume doesn't directly correlate to price
Still waiting for someone to defend this (you can't).
well why are you waiting then you retard
Defend what lol? A fucking tweet?
I'm a retard and could be wrong. I don't think I'm wrong but will be open-minded and wait.
scam coin, if you buy or hold this you will lose everything
>A fucking tweet?
You're saying this tweet from the CEO is meaningless?
probably wash trading
top kek
also saging as OP keeps bumping this waste of a thread
I’m saying your opinions on a tweet are meaningless.
What does saging mean?
Your opinion on my opinion is meaningless.